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About kanikki

  • Birthday 03/13/1972


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    Miami Beach
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. As I said before... S= Such A = A L = Loser E = Engulfed In E = Excessive N = Negativity Unfortunately, club owners aren't the only ones who could likely seek a means of compensation for the slander this kid spreads. I only hope that being sooooo "RIGHT" (half the time) is worth the karma alone that he has brought on himself. And for what? A little mini popularity contest on a message board? Jeez. What a life. I hope it's worth it to you, my friend. I hope it's worth it. And I thought you were "retiring"? Maybe you should take some of your own advice and... KNOW WHEN TO WALK AWAY, KNOW WHEN TO RUN!
  2. S.A.L.E.E.N. = S= Such A = A L = Loser E = Engulfed In E = Excessive N = Negativity "I have no pity for anyone who dies a miserable f*ck" Remember that, Saleen? Long memories, friend. Keep up the good work! Hey, anyone got a photo? I haven't been able to catch this player out so I can offer a "proper" introduction... How WE do it.
  3. kanikki

    Club Space.......

    First of all, I might live in Dade County now, but I wasn't raised in Dade County, so save your "guido mind tricks" for those actually dumb enough to fall for them. As for loving you? I could recite enough nasty things you have said to make you even hate yourself. One, in particular, that you still haven't apologized for. Pure hatred. As for those who DON'T hate you, well, they just ignore you, trust me. And if you think you "CONTROL THEIR MINDS", ha! You're just not worth their TIME. If you think you're winning some silly popularity contest over here, think again. 10,000 posts? How many of them made a positive difference in the world? And if you died tomorrow, how much goodness have you left behind -- in print? Maybe you should go back and read some of those 10,000 statements. Seems like you have plenty of time on your HANDS. Why don't you think about the consequences of your words? Some people have long memories... like me. And karma is a bitch. Good luck to you, my man. S= Such A = A L = Loser E = Engulfed In E = Excessive N = Negativity What a claim to fame! Hey, I got an idea. Why don't you try going one week without posting anything negative on Club Planet! Or, better yet, turn your computer off and do something positive. Now there's an idea. I bet you have the computer next to your bed with a loud bell to wake you if someone posts something. There's a big world out there, outside of the world wide web! Might even be some roses for you to stop and smell along the way...
  4. kanikki

    Club Space.......

    Thanks, Shroomy. I can't wait to meet this nice young fella. I've done my research and heard ALL about him... Don't worry, Saleen. You will know it when you meet this gringa. If you ever leave your f*cking computer long enough to get a life and quit hiding behind your hateful words. I pray for miserable assholes like you all the time... You must be SO proud of yourself for spreading so much goodness in the world. What a winner you are! So, how DOES it feel to rest your head each night with so much positivity flowing through your veins? If I thought you were worth helping, I'd give you some tips on how to "enjoy" life instead of trying to fight your way through it while hiding behind your stupid keyboard. Life Is GOOD. Why don't you give it a try? Some people just don't "get it"...
  5. I mentioned above that I have worked in the clubs for over three years. During that time I was under the impression that the bouncers were educated on what to do in the event of emergencies such as a GHB overdose. I found out the hard way that very few have that knowledge... While in the office of the club one morning, this strange girl came stumbling in and sat on the couch. She appeared disoriented and I didn't know who she was and was pretty sure she didn't work there. I wondered how she got past security and asked her what she was doing there. She just kept saying some guy's name over and over, as she barely held her head up. I went downstairs and got security and they immediately recognized her as another security staff's sister. We called him on the radio and when he came in and saw her, he was horrified because she wasn't even drinking! She was able to mumble that she thought someone put something in her drink, but she was only drinking water all night long -- out of a bottle. They told her to keep chugging the water, and she did. It was then that I realized the water she had was warm and it hit me -- THE WATER WAS G.H.B.! She accidentally picked up the wrong bottle of water from the table and it had GHB in it. She was passing out and starting to shake, but none of the security staff knew what to do. As they tried everything to get her to wake up, I reached behind her and pinched her on the back of her arm. She immediately opened her eyes and let out a yelp! The security staff were amazed and wondered how I knew to do that... It's the only way we were able to keep her awake. To this day, that security guy still thanks me for what I did that day, nearly a year ago. If she had continued to drink that bottle of water they were forcing down her, there's no telling what would have happened. Unfortunately, we can't stop everyone from doing GHB. But we CAN help to educate and save the lives of others and those who are willing to try. If we save but only one person...
  6. Thanks, xxsim0naxx for your addition to this post! Although in a perfect world no one would ever "G out", we all need to be educated on what to do in the reality of our world, which is far from perfect... Before Julius passed, I knew very little about GHB. I have never done G but ironically, a week BEFORE Jules died, I did ask a friend to let me taste a little on my tongue so I would know what it tasted like in the event that someone put it in my drink. Of course it didn't do anything to me, but I'm a realist and wanted to be as educated as possible as girls are given G all the time without their knowledge. I have worked promoting clubs for over 3 years now and have seen my share of just about everything. After Jules died, I tried to educate myself as much as possible on what to do in the event that someone G'd out in front of me. Everything that was written above is EXACTLY true. And everyone should know those things. I have used several of the methods mentioned above myself and have quite possibly saved several lives. Only 13 days after Jules died, I was at a party and everyone knew that I didn't want to be around anyone who was doing GHB. A guy that knew this was doing his best to hide it from me, but when he put his bottle of G in his pocket with the top loose, it it leaked down his pants and was difficult to continue hiding it. We initially laughed at the fact that he "got caught" and I was pleased that he lost his entire bottle of G! Little did we know at the time, that bottle of G that ran down his legs was seeping into his skin. Within minutes he was going into convulsions and was barely conscious. As he continued to fade in and out of consciousness, every person at the party -- except for one other person -- insisted that we put him to bed and let him "sleep it off". We had just lost Jules 13 days prior. We would have more than likely lost him as well had we put him to bed as everyone suggested. I fought for hours to keep him awake, pinching him on every part of his body, holding him up -- even slapping his face, whatever it took. Bags of ice were required to keep his body temperature below 100, despite the fact that he was barely dressed in a freezing cold room. It was one of the worst experiences I've ever endured. Folks, it's stories like these that are going to help to save others. Out of nearly 30 people, there were only 2 people in that room that knew not to put him to bed. Please, if you see someone G'ing out, don't let them sleep it off... They may have been lucky in the past, just as Jules was, but there's a good chance that they may never wake up again. Thanks for your contribution. If we save but even one person...
  7. Folks... if you didn't read any other post, please take the time to read what Julius' mother has offered. Nothing else that has been written can compare to the words of a mother's loss. And for those of you still using GHB, please think of your families the next time you think about filling that cap. Thanks, mermaids, for taking the time to speak on behalf of all of the mothers who have suffered a loss, and for those whom we hope will never have to experience your pain. I love you!
  8. Thanks to everyone who has KEPT THIS THREAD ON POINT and particularly to those who have shared their stories. This is a time to remember those each of us have lost and to educate others so that they will never have to experience this for themselves. I made a vow to Jules one year ago and that was to ensure I would do what I could to prevent this from ever happening again, if I could help it. Through education and awareness, we can all make a difference! Take care of one another... we welcome any stories that might help MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Thanks to everyone for their POSITIVE contributions.
  9. A memorial service was held tonight in West Palm Beach in honor of Julius. We sent roses out to sea with messages from some of you who couldn't be there. Prayers were said for those who have lost their lives to GHB... Thanks to everyone who has supported keeping Jules' memory alive and his "hope of helping others" by "opening their eyes and heart", as he stated in his own words. If but only one life is saved...
  10. Folks, the purpose of this thread was simple... I wanted to remind everyone that one year ago today, September 9th, we lost a dear friend. The cause of his death, despite the quantity, mixture or other factors is not as important as remembering that we lost a precious soul because his partying took him to an unsafe level. It's that simple. Jules' mom, Suki, read the messages that were written here this morning while on the phone with me and it touched her heart to know that so many people cared and took the time to read about the loss of her son. Suki is currently working on a documentary about the dangers of GHB, which she hopes will be released before too many more lives are lost, like the life of her only son, Jules. Suki plans to post her thoughts here later, after today's memorial service, and I hope that you will also make the time to check back to hear from the mother who lost her son to this dangerous drug. She is actively working to reach out to those who have had similar experiences in hopes of making a difference in the world in which we live. Unfortunately, she had to lose her only son, but he will live on each day in memory as we try to reach out to others in a positive way, and hopefully save lives, even if it's only one... Let's not forget the purpose of what we're trying to accomplish here... J = Just U = Understand L = Limitations E = Equal S = Safety We Can't GHB ... We Can't "Get Him Back" Savor the beauty of life and believe that each moment in time is a new beginning...
  11. Thanks, Shroomy! I appreciate your reaching out for the cause, and what you wrote about the alcohol is very important. I have many girlfriends who have had G poured into their drinks without their knowledge, which has sent several to the hospital, not knowing what was happening to them. Ladies, be careful where you put your drink down... and be sure you don't pick one up that isn't your or drink a bottle of water that isn't yours! I saw a guy flopping like a fish one day and although I didn't know him, I stayed with him until he was okay. Turns out he chugged a bottle of water that he picked up from the table. It wasn't water. We Can't G.H.B. -- We Can't GET HIM BACK...
  12. No, it isn't me, and I can't recall her name off the top of my head (I'm really bad with names)... but I'll ask and see. These photos were all given to his mother from his friends the day of the funeral, so they came from various sources. Thanks, laliux, for taking the time to read this in honor of his memory. It means a lot to us...
  13. The day we returned all of Jules' belongings to his mother was one of the saddest days of my life. As she sat sobbing while we brought everything inside, there were a few items we wanted to bring to her attention. When I handed her his journals, together, we opened the book to a page dated 12/13/00 and read the following that she has given me permission to share: "Lead me, fair angel, away from the sin and into the light. I want to shine with a humble glow that does not blind others, but opens their eyes (heart) and helps them as it does me. I want to shine like morning mist reflecting off the rising sun. I want to flow with the light, like the music which runs through my blood, through my blood, I swear, I feel it's every beat, it's cries. I wish I were a poet, then I could express my world to you." Little did he realize, he was indeed a poet. This is the first page we opened the book to that day, and the fact that two years prior to his death, his wish to help others is what drives me to enlighten each of you who have taken the time to read this. If it reaches but only one person...
  14. I agree with you on that, Saleen. Hence the slogan, that's why "We Can't GHB". Unfortunately, some people are going to do what they want, no matter what. For those who aren't willing to give up, I ask to simply know your limitations... every little bit helps. And unfortunately with GHB, you never know when that cap might be your last. And to continue with keeping JULES memory alive, I will attempt to add some photos for those of you who may remember his face. It's been a year, but the years will never fade the memories...
  15. Thanks. If this message reaches but just one person, it'll be worth it for others not to have to experience such a loss. Party smart, guys!
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