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Posts posted by willyk

  1. igloo i do agree with you anti semitism is a growing feelin in europe recently a greek poet who was receiving a price and fought in world war 2 call israel the center of most of the worlds evils but anti niggerisnm has ben a growing feeling in america for a long time can i too as a persson of color get vanity fair to start writting articles the first time a black is killed by the police will that be 2 much 2 ask? i guess so. now self defensive actions that israel is undertaking is apealing to only the governement of israel many israeli's are now starting to very loudly disagree with their governements foreing policy. as for the palsetinian acts of terrorism they can be compaared to the ones of the french resistance during ww2 but wait no they cant they radical muslims they become attacks against the free world an iinvasion of westernised cultred i bet that hitler would agree with you

  2. whoa now igloo i thought the likes of your kind was on their way out then 9/11 happened now not saying it was right after 9/11 the american society turned itself into the victims ignoring the rest of the world like a bully who had gotten beat for the first time and wanted revenge not only that having the audacity to ask why us? get fuckin serious all that anti american talk is bullshit you use to cover up the fact that their may be another point of view out there which may be right but it doesnt go with your shoot them up bang bang ethics now america's way of life has its up but it has its many down the world is not jealous of some "american way of life" no most of them are just tired of being pushed around by american imperialism which has no other intent than to convert the world the cult of mc donalds and capitalism. now im not anti american dont get me wrong but for a country which talks so much about accepting others dismissing others religious beliefs because they are not the same as ours is pretty selfish but then again these are just my thoughts now shut your flag wavin ass up unless your gonna say something with an ounce of intelligence;)

  3. :eek: hey man paris nightlife is the shit. okay some of it is overpriced and some of it the music is just straight wack. but , but paris offers something that not too many cities ive been to offer its just a fun aura the bars are cool after ten places like the trocadero,le marais etc just sem to animate themselves i mean if you want good nightlife paris has plenty of it to offer you might wanna get your pocket ready though
  4. yo assuming its all an image is not always good cuz even ja's little fake ass is liable to shoot as nigga that shit is too easy all that gangsta talk is just an ego thing but dont assume shit. shyne? styles? beanie? m.o.p? they all talk that gangsta shit u wanna go tell them they aint about shit?

    thought so

  5. eminen better than nas and jayz big l not on the list canibus not even given a ok mention???? yup you know this was made by people who started to listen to rap back in 1999 and only the stuff they heard on their radio :blank: its okay tough i guess at least i means that hip hop is affecting a lot of people

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