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Posts posted by adrenalinerush

  1. quote:


    Originally posted by mala

    The first statement is: girls require time and money. That would be girls=time + money, not girls=time x money. And if time=money, then girls=time + time, or girls=time. So, the only thing this really proves is that it takes time to understand girls.




    Originally posted by spragga25

    I don't get it


    they just reversed the girls are evil statement and said because time=money then instead of needing money you need time to understand girls. clever

  2. Ok, retard. First, learn how to spell have and internship. Second, I did do an internship with Smith Barney. However, I did it in 2001 when I got my degree and they had a hiring freeze (gee I wonder why) and half my office got laid off. 3rd, I need the health insurance so I took the offer.

    Originally posted by pattbateman

    ok retard first you haeva finance degree right. you should of not partied so hard and got a inturnship in college (during summer)then you have your foot in door at a good place. the school would of found you one they found me one. now your fucked at a dead end shit job.

    that sucks

  3. ok, I work for an insurance company and it's my first real job as the "trainee". What I do is Auto, general liability claims for fortune 500 companies, I did workers comp for about 6 months till they had staffing issues and moved me over to do auto and etc.

    Here's the thing I have been going around the company talking to the VP's about their departments after my old supervisor suggested it. I really what to get into underwriting. I talked the 2 VP's in underwriting and during which I mentioned that I was interested in underwriting and they give path advice (CPCU, taken an underwriting postion, degree in insurance) and during the course of our discussion they both mentioned that there was a underwriting asst position opening at beginning of the year. Was that a hint? I should express interest?

    I do not want to step on anyones toes. One of them ask if claims was aware of interest in underwriting? Workers' comp is but I do not know about auto since no asked. but the fact is that claims is a dead end job and a waste of a finance degree.

  4. I was out and about and for some reason I thought of all of things that I miss about not being with someone.

    I miss those long good byes, playing in the snow, water fights, pilliow fights, drinkig hot choclate by the fire, the way her hair smells, long walks, going to a party and seeing across the room and turn a smile, going to the aquarium (etc), knowing what the other is thinking, those play times, the surprize on x mas of each, the ability just to get lost in some one, baking together. saying I love you without really saying it.

    Yea I miss it all and then some

  5. As we all know the holiday party season is begun. so here my problem I have 2 parties that I need to attend (office, and comission party). They are both on the same night but at different times.the office party is more casual (jeans are ok) but the comission is more semi formal and I will not have time to change in between. is it possible to still look sharp for both?

    Wardrobe sugg needed/ wanted please.

  6. for the love of god do not go to a chiropractor. they all are frauds, they are not even mds. If your back hurts that bad go see you fp(fmaily doctor) and he'll either a tell you that you sprained/strained it or referr you to an othro. either way your better off not seeing a chiro, they can do more damage than good and CHARGE 35-50 for a heat/ice pack.

    in the mean time rest, walk around (lying around can make it worse), use a heating pad/ flex all 454

  7. I never really gave online dating sites much thought but recently (like the last week or 2) late at night when I am bored I find myself at them for no real reason. So my question is what are your thoughts on them? would you? what ones?

  8. I use to be in the USAF and got approached all the time. I never really got it. Maybe it's the uniform, may be it's the idea of a hero, maybe it's the the safety issue, maybe it 's the fact I'd take bullet for the country, may b/c it's sense of confidence and duty/honor, may be it's danger element. Maybe it's all of the above.

    But by the same token I've have just as many women tell to go to hell w/o saying a word, never got that either.

    But what ever your belief remeber this people sleep peacefully because rough men stand ready to do violence on your behalf.

    Yes, I am thinking about going back.

  9. Ahh, she's one of my 2nd cousins. She was at a few family get togethers. I did not see her on punked but she is not "bitchy". Actually most likely one of nicest person that I know.

  10. Some where along the lines I came across a report (done by none of the companies, may be consumer reports?) that after their research determined that there is no real noticeable difference between 3 or 4 blades.

    Anyway, word is that gilette is coming with a 4 blade but quartto was on the market 1st and thus like the mach 3 ( which was first with a 3 blade)will be favored b/c of the idea 4 is better than 3.

    personally, i really do not think there will a marked differnce between 3 and four blades. I mean really how many blades can you crame into that space?

  11. Originally posted by iamme

    you dropped the ball, but everyone does it....soooooooo........just make sure you dont fuck it up if you ever see her again


    yea, I know I dropped the ball . :blown: For some reason it just did not compute till I left. like I said when I got to my car it was like well that was dumb, why did you leave after she stopped you?

    but like you said everyone does/has at some point.

    note to self do not it again

  12. Ok, I am not attracted to anyone in my family.

    but here's my question. Some people consider sleeping w/ in laws incest (ie someone's husband sleeping w/ the sister or mom of the wife) and sleeping w/step parents/brother.sister. (ie greg getting w/ jan). But is it really? since I always thought that incest was blood with blood not by law/marriage?

  13. I was at this club on sat and I had a little buzz going. i am just relaxing and what not then it hits me. you know that feeling "I gotta go home now. Not in 10 mins but right now." ? I swear when I get that feeling the president could not stop me. Nice to met you but I gotta go mr president.

    So I walking out and these 2 girls,that I have never seen before, stop me and ask if I leaving and do I recognize her. Yea, I am leaving, do not recognize her

    This one girl asks "ohh, do you take $#$ train and get out on at $%% stop every day?" I do so I tell that I do. Says she seen me. it kinda of weirded me out but kinda flattered I guess. Exchange names (which I remeber)and she says maybe she'll see me on the train. And away I go, get to my ride and am thinking damn she was fine and I should go back in. It turns out I had to anyway since I had my friends phone in my pocket.

    It's bugging me cause I do not rember what she looks like but remeber her name and her friends. I know her friend wears glasses. I even found myself looking on the platform to see if I remember her. Chances of me running into her and knowing it? my guess slim to none. :blown:

    I have met more girls when I running out the door than any other time. .

  14. Originally posted by nybeauty

    i completely agree w/ u...i feel the same way but when i say i get what i want it doesnt mean that he was easy :)

    So you have been rejected, at least, intinally. but rejected none the less.

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