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Posts posted by misssquid

  1. Originally posted by iamsamurai

    Ok most of you know what I look like and I plan on dying my hair blue tones, I want it to look like Ice. So the overall color will be a lighter blue than the secondary color which will be a few streaks here and there or on the tips to give it that ice look. Here are the color choices.

    The First two are Turqouise and Bad Boy Blue, if I go with those the dominat color would be turquoise and then a few streaks of Bad boy and on the tips.

    The 3rd color is Shock blue, Susai recommended this one, so i'd have to make the base color bad boy and then streaks of shock and on the tips.

    Opinions would be very helpful since I will be bleaching my fuckin head white and risking my damn job probably for the sake of just having fun with myself.



    If you wanna see what I look like hit up www.RAVECLiCK.com click on staff and you'll see me then just hit up the pictures section and i'm in a few pics. While your at it the msg brd is cool there too, check it.;)

    YO!!! i tOld you what to do,,,,,,

    now u gotta go and ask all of cp!!!!! wow i'm hurt!


  2. Originally posted by bumpdaddy

    what happens when people floors are dirty and you get get their shit all over your feet.....then agin i never sit on the floor and avoid walking barefoot to begin with.....I'll give you a perfect example of a situation where i think its rude..... someone invites a bunch of people over for dinner...and asks them to take off their shoes at the door... how do you all feel about that?

    yea thats diff if ur haveN company BUT i'm talking about everyday ppl... ,,,, Cmon u knw waht i mean NO? :half: heheheh:D

  3. YES!!! I DO make my friends take off there shoes ...... that s the reason WHY glowgrlnyc

    started this thread ( imma kill U ):tongue: LMAO OK i do this b/c i LIKE MY HOUSE CLEAN,,,,, not just that but , ok pic this,,,,,, YOU walk in the streets that, dogs shit on, dogs piss on, ppl puke on, spit on, spill coffee,(any drink) garbage thats soggie or i dunno, but i've seen it where the garbage men pick up the trash cans and its all leaking and shit.. and smells grose.... well ALL that and more ,, OK and WE walk all day on this "shit" and then we come home and walk in our houses,,, dont U guys like to walk barefoot??? or lay down on the FLOOR to watch tv, or play ps2, or havent you ever fallN asleep on the floor???....and now that "shit" is on ur face,,,, know what i mean??? anyone ? U knw what, 4get it! ,,, i need to go to sleep


  4. Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

    like once @ my friends house we were both all ready to leave standing right by the door we both had our coats on, and I had boots on (mind you these boots are NOT easy to put on and take off) when I realized I forgot my keys in her kitchen...well....I was like "NO FREAKIN WAY!!!!, I cant take my boots off....so I took ONE BOOT off and hoppped on the one foot wearing the sock into the kitchen....

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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