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Posts posted by mantle7isking

  1. Valet and Bellman do have a few hook ups. But for everything you need, concierge or host is the way to go. What a coincidence, I happen to be both. ;)

    Ahh, thats what i said. Thanks Bill, im not even in vegas and you already won some money for me. LOL

  2. I was having a discussion with one of my friends and he tells me that the best people to know in vegas are the parking valets.

    He tells me that they can get you anywhere or anything you want.

    I told him he's full of sh-t.

    Any truth to this?

  3. Music publishers and songwriters have begun demanding double royalty payments for copy protected music CDs, that contain the audio tracks in two formats -- in crippled pseudo Audio-CD format and in compressed digital format. The reasoning behind the demands is quite simple -- siince two copies of the song are being sold, the royalty payments should also be made for two copies.

    "From a legal standpoint, the position of the music publishers is that these discs contain two separate (copies of each song)," said Cary Ramos, an attorney representing the National Music Publishers' Association (NMPA). "The fact that they are the same recording doesn't mean that we should treat it as one."

    NMPA is making a valid point, since even by RIAA's standards, an Audio CD and a digital MP3/WMA file are two separate products, even if the consumer owns the Audio CD in question. RIAA argued and pursued this point years ago in, for instance, the My.MP3.com case.

    New digital distribution channels could mean greater revenue shares for recording artists, but they will have to make their case early, and make it strong.

  4. Originally posted by whataboutme

    Yeah...But the reason it was wrong was they were dropping subpoenas before they institued the lawsuit. Actually here is what the court said: "1998 copyright law does not give copyright holders the ability to subpoena customer names from Internet providers without filing a formal lawsuit." And the answer to your question is yes...

    Bugout...I hope you know I was just kidding last week...Do you have a job for when youre done or are u clerking???

    Its all about DUE PROCESS for EACH actor/customer, but i still think people should drop some coin on some music,its only fair
  5. Originally posted by whataboutme

    The ruling isn't that important because the music providers can just sue you by naming your screen name, then serve then subpoena on verizon and then amend the complaint to have your real name listed...

    That would be good in theory, but if your using kazaa lite you actually are logged in as kazzalite user and have no actual screen name and remain Anonymous.
  6. The Recording Industry Association of America, a trade group, has sought to force Verizon Communications and other Internet service providers to reveal the names of customers it suspects may be copying music without permission.

    The recording industry says the widespread copying of music over the Internet is partially to blame for falling CD sales.

    Verizon has argued that existing copyright law does not give the recording industry such authority and that its customers' privacy was being violated.

    A lower court earlier this year upheld the recording industry's tactics, which have served as the basis for hundreds of lawsuits filed against individual Internet users.

    But in a strongly worded ruling, the appeals court sided with Verizon, saying a 1998 copyright law does not give copyright holders the ability to subpoena customer names from Internet providers without filing a formal lawsuit.

    "In sum, we agree with Verizon that (the law) does not by its terms authorize the subpoenas issued here," Chief Judge Douglas Ginsburg wrote.

    Neither Verizon nor the RIAA was immediately available for comment.

    Story Copyright © 2003 Reuters Limited.

  7. Originally posted by Teknojunkee

    Depends on your comp..I have an AUDIGY 2 sound card...run tables to mixer and then mixer to sound card.


    You also need a stereo Y cable to go from your mixer into your IN port on your sound card.Also make sure the y cable goes from RCA jacks to 1/8 so that it fits into your sound card
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