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Posts posted by denotafola

  1. nice going fools. this is why YOU don't get laid and other men do.

    oh well.

    anorexic chick f you read this, post some more. you got more balls then anyone on this stupid forum and your a beautiful lady.

    the 'mullet' and 80's hairdo remarks and the 'let's pick on people' mentality of some people on here is enough to scare anyone away. also if you'd like to get into the biz... i can put you in contact with eddie and you 2 would be great together.

    contact me i'm out of here. this board is full of haters.


    daemon2002@netzero.net <deno tafola> Tafola Images


  2. Originally posted by anorexicchick

    Actually in 8th grade I remeber a guy like ou812... he was a body builder with a bully mentality. Sad. Anyway looking at this cool board and I found this post. I'd like to say this Eddie guy looks nothing like Freddie. Freddie was cool so fuck you all. He does look alot like Keanu (who is sexy as hell by the way). Eddie is very sexy. And the so called women posting on here are actually just 'gay' men. Like we don't know that. OU812 is the reason most women want NOTHING to do with body building jock bullies... he's exihibited the same mentality that turned us ladies off in high school... as far as porn... this Eddie guy has it. Facts are facts people and he's a sexy man and must be very confident in his masculinity to do adult films in the first place. Sorry to inform you idots it takes a lot of HEART to be brave enough to show the world what you've got. I applaud him. Oh, Mr. 0U812 your picture looks terrible... bad lighting, etc. You are scary.

    Get a life losers. Muscles do NOT make the man... it's takes a big HEART to do that. Have a nice day and a Happy New Year.:)


    hey siceone this is the anorexic girlie dumbass...

    read the threadand see she's a babe and she knows sexy male

    talent when she sees it...

  3. 200k a year. anyone calls that loser money is a moron. managers i know for sure make way more then that and i AM AN ADULT PORN STAR Manager... i'm pulling in an EASY 600 to 800k a year maybe even into the million dollar mark. if that is being a loser... I WANT TO BE A BIG FAT RICH LOSER then.

    porn is a multi billion dollar a year industry. hello.

    i'm going to change my name to;

    RICHard LOSEr Porn Star Manager... lol.

    stupid is as stupid does...


    by the way is that your girlfriend??? attached...

  4. so you're a muscle head with a small package... so sad. and you pick on my talent. also sad. that 'loser' makes a good time out of what he does... doing nothing but what's in that picture... his dick is more famous then YOU'LL EVER BE! that is the best revenge asshole. now be nice and go lay down and by the way all those blow job pictures on your hard drive... yeah, you know quite a few of them are the 'stunt' dick pictured above... what a country.

    nice way to make a living,huh?

    if she looks like your mom... maybe it is your mom. lol. your mom likes it so dad must be pretty lame, huh? doesn't say much for you either. so call him daddy already.

    enough with the funnies you guys slay me.

    put this thread to rest already.


  5. first things first is a BIG thank you for noticing my boy. i'm pretty proud of him. his talent might be the 9" but so what? by the way you uninformed druids... i am the manager of this 'loser' and he makes almost a couple hundred thousand a year for having sex with ladies on film. so as far as talent goes... that's talent. period.

    you guys need to get a clue. this is being blown way out of proportion but all it actually does is build his ego... he's actually a nice guy and a good businessman. too bad you lemmings don't get that. you wish you were half as whatever he is. i only manage him so why don't you all lighten up? after all what's the big deal? it was just a simple ad notice and now all this drama over nothing. we all like porn so whatever. as far as mister muscle head goes... sir if you were anything you'd be making that kind of money and we all KNOW being in adult films is one of THEE best jobs in the world. so cheer the guy on and stop the hate. please.:rolleyes:

  6. it's so sad to hear or see another man act like a little girl getting all jealous over another man... just like the little drama queens in high school. maybe you need to get rid of that beer gut covering your keyboard so you can actually see that little tiny thing you call a penis... and get yourself a hairclub for men membership...

    by the way the man looks nothing like Freddie Mercury.

    you sound a little homophobic pal...

    female actresses in the porn biz work for 3 times the money males get. they work (suck and fuck) with whomever the producers pay them to work with that's what 'porn' is all about.


  7. i'd be willing to lick this bitch as long as i could without even getting anything in return. she is so fine. she can cum on my mouth anytime... any guy who talks shit about this chick is a pure fag. she's smoking hot. killer body and awesome face.

    enough said-

    eddie dzial

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