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Everything posted by starscream

  1. btw you really look for this shit on the internet?god knows what else...
  2. again look whos talking that has to have 2 nicknames on here like some multi personality person talking about Nomembername like its not you.How old are you Michael? 12? 15 max?
  3. ok Michael just turn it all around like usual whatever dude,ive been dealing with your anti gay bullshit for going on 3 freakin years.alot of these people dont know the half of it soo stop acting like the victim.As far as sympathy never asked for it never will but u wanna fuck with my sexuality or my health issues your gonna go down plain and simple.don't play with this gay cuz i don't tolerate your nasty ignorant childish remarks.you wanna act like an asshole than your gonna be treated as such.My life is a joke and will soon becomeing to an end?????are u serious with that>Your a nasty person Michael.like i said you have nothing on me soo you use my disease and my sexual orientation to get at me...YOUR A BIG PUSSY!!!!
  4. what?please troll go back under your bridge,wait for some goats maybe u can finally get laid.
  5. right like noone trolls on here either yeah lol.
  6. no moron you started the post u caused the drama u know those people dont like you,you just wanted to get a rise outta them.2nd brainiac what you posted had nothing to do with the NYC forum it is exactly where it belongs.next time i see any anti gay remarks or remarks concerning my health i wont be soo nice to just send it to monbth for a warning.ill go directly to Dave and i know if he hears about this bullshit again from you ,you will be gone for good.end of story.i suggest u stfu about me being gay and my health issues if you wanna remain here.
  7. sorry i call it like i see it i dont feed into the bullshit i simple throw the trash in the dumpster where it belongs.and yeah lets see besides you the other people in this thread thought it was childish also.do u feel the need to write 3 paragrahs of bullshit over nothing? it was a dumb thread i don't care who they were talking about.
  8. for me it's all about the xanax.everytime i took vicodin igot sick to my stomach.
  9. oh yeah Michael like you've never got involved in a thread that had nothing to do with you yeah okieeeeeeeee.Your a joke ,your tired,and most of all your fake.I would be soo impressed if you could say something a little more impressive than the aids card again or how im on your little pecker card again.LAME.
  10. the latest Hitchcock flyer.
  11. maybe a drink or 2?he's always buying people drink's lol.
  12. ummm Junior Vasquez...yes the old man can still get his groove on every once in awhile lol
  13. i thought avalon was seized?when did it reopen?
  14. i vote for a few and none of them are monbth.He is prob the most mature kind sincere does his job right.....and hes not IGNORANT>BIG PROPS TO MONBTH!!
  15. ahhhh soo thats who nomembername is now...good to know....good looking Gabe.
  16. What a CATCH by CHAVEZ!!!!still tied 1-1....LETS GO METSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. LOL.I feel ya Arg.Would Love to be there!!Let's Go Mets!!!!!!
  18. lets see whats more retarded reporting posts that are hateful or announceing to the room that the person reported it (STYMIE)?Look i dont give a shit lola your just as bad with fueling the fire dont try to act all high and mighty.this thread was fine till that azzwipe ghoost had to go and say something stupid and messed up.if you didnt notice the whole other thread in the bump board is gone gee i wonder why.It doesnt bother you guys cuz you don't have it plain and simple and that makes you ignorant and non understanding. so lola you can eat shit go back to your florida room
  19. getting them deleted.and how many is all these posts huh?im not gonna let any of you think it's ok to say those things if you say them you think them.end of story, im soo tired tired tired im fed up im fed up!
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