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Everything posted by trigger55

  1. yeah that was a bad call, even if it wasn't a foul on sheed we still should have had some time on the clock. That last 3 pointer though, it shouldn't have even happened... what were they thinking not fouling shaq?? If you're not going for the foul, then atleast put Tay on Kobe, Rip can't guard him. However, the main turning point would have had to be the play right before when Ben got called for a foul on Shaq, which made it 86-89 instead of 85-89... too bad Ben hadn't even touched him.
  2. I can't believe we just lost game 2... all we needed to do was foul shaq on the inbound and we'd be up 2-0... aaahhh stupid defense.
  3. At high end stores they make more than 10 bucks an hour, and receive commission a lot of the time, if I worked at such a store I would definitely keep a positive attitude. The other day at Bally I was looking at a few things and my friend got in a coughing fit, so he went outside. I didn't even notice he was still outside coughing meanwhile the Bally sales people went out of their way and got him water and tissues. As a thank you my friend ended up buying a wallet from them, courtesy goes a long way. MissRoxy is also right though, customers can be idiots and disrespectful... having a run in with one bad customer can piss you off enough to be a bitch the rest of the day.
  4. Dajew, You're the idiot that needs to chill out... I wouldn't be surprised if you start hyperventilating while typing out all your posts, 24/7 PMS. Calm down, have some fun for a change. I don't care about Barkley, I thought he was a great player, and even enjoy his halftime commentating on TNT sometimes, but he's still a dumbass. Payton and Malone couldn't get rings on their own teams, they've always choked, they've never been able to cut it during the finals. Now they're just tagging along with Shaq and Kobe for a ring, that's classless... they could have just gone out with respect as hall of famers. They're old, they're done, they should just retire. If T-Mac dropped his $90million contract with Orlando for a $1million contract to win a ring with the Lakers, would you still have the same respect for him? On the other hand Paytons proved to be useless to the Lakers throughout the playoffs except for a couple of games, and Karl "Elbows" Malone is the same redneck scumbag on the court that he's always been. Neither are at championship calibre to get a ring anymore, let alone deserve one after their 'mediocre' performance this season, they sold themselves. You don't have to agree with me, I could care less, but maybe you'll see things in a different light for a change.
  5. That happened to me at Gucci... I walked in with casual clothes, was waiting to try on shoes and no one came for a while, even though they were all standing around doing nothing. So I got pissed off and complained a bit until someone finally helped me out, of course that was when they figured out I was serious about buying. Even then the guy was being a dick, so after trying on like 5-6 different pairs, I just said "thanks for your time, think I'll order these online now." At a place like that you'd think you'd get exceptional service, unfortunately for that idiot he lost a decent commission.
  6. I don't like the French but that's just dumb propaganda.. according to everywhere else the French welcomed America.
  7. GO DETROIT! Malone and Payton are classless fuck ups that had to join a team like the Lakers to finally get a ring, I really hope Detroit denies them so they can retire without one.
  8. definitely, saw one a few weeks ago and my jaw dropped..
  9. speaking of dumb statements, thats a pretty incoherent reply, aside from the first sentence you make no sense. Just FYI, plenty of these groups make up their minds based on being liberal or conservative, I don't know where you've been but its become even more apparent since the war. Politicians are stubborn and based on their background, you can almost always predict what their stance will be on many issues.
  10. somewhat paraphrased from what I saw on HBO a couple of nights ago: "Democrats are idiots, republicans are idiots, liberals are idiots, conservatives are idiots; anyone who's made up their mind about an issue before thinking about it is an idiot. I'm conservative about crime, but I'm liberal when it comes to prostitution."
  11. The fact that they're against the war doesn't really bother me at all, its just their policies in general that I hate..
  12. ...or just 4 out of 20 of them. France always hated everyone, and everyone always hated France, this isn't anything new... they've been the most politically stubborn and annoying country for a while now, nothing anyone can do about it.
  13. gotta love this: Poor Reggie Its Memo's birthday today, hopefully Larry Brown will give him some more minutes, the guy's got skill.
  14. definitely didn't expect the finals to be with those two teams.. should be a good game nonetheless.
  15. So you have to be a rich ivy league boy with a name like Spencer living off of daddy's money to pop your collar? As far as I know, anyone who's a reject with no fashion sense is qualified to pop their collar.
  16. shove that crowbar up your jewish ass... turkey and greece's problems were tenfold and they got through it. Angrymobs? Thats it? haha.. They were barely even that. Terrorism in Cyprus during the 60's and 70's puts al-qaida to shame. Israel and Palestine have NO excuses for their BS, none of the shit they do is justified, but atleast Israel is a somewhat proper country and has a working government, you'd think they'd take the higher road over a torn up Palestine... Israel has respect for human life? What a fuckin joke. This shit won't ever end, both sides are equally dumb.
  17. I fell asleep during bowling for columbine so I doubt I'll waste time on this one..
  18. clubbernyc, what a dumb way to justify yourself... in this case I guess Iraqi's should leave Iraq and just hand it over to the US? If anything the jews should leave the US, they control this fuckin country now and we've become nothing but their bitch... damn shame. If you're going to argue about how Iraq is a completely different situation, then take into account Cyprus. Turkey overran it with ease 30 years ago, but today its not theirs due to political and ethical reasons, and both sides currently live in peace. I agree with your other point, the first step towards peace would definitely be to dismantle every single terrorist organization, including Sharon's party and Israel's military, the two biggest violators of human rights... they're the definition of terrorism, not only do they commit it, but they provoke it. A palestinian idiot blowing up a bus full of innocent Israeli's is a tragedy... israel bulldozing houses and killing innocent palestinians on an occasional basis is a much bigger fuckin tragedy. I still don't see how they get away with it.
  19. actually Israel is the source of all these problems.
  20. mcdonalds is more of a health risk than the morning after pill..
  21. yeah but they're a young team.. the more experience they get in the playoffs, the better off they are in the future. Even if it means getting swept
  22. its not about justification, its about putting the blame on both sides rather than just pointing the finger towards one or the other.
  23. Exactly.. that was a horrible tragedy, but so is the fact that she took a palestinian families house away from them. I would be angry if I got kicked out of my home and had no where to go, I'd be angrier if me and everyone else was kicked out of the whole fuckin neighborhood, and who knows how angry I would be if my countries borders were being redrawn illegally and unethically, in addition to having a gigantic wall be built so I could never see it or set foot on the land that was once mine ever again. The situation there is too messed up, none of us know what they go through... I can't even begin to imagine the level of hatred they have for one another.
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