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Everything posted by trigger55

  1. Also keep in mind guys that there's a big difference between knowing and seeing these things. The arabs and us already knew these prisoners weren't exactly in the best situation, its not like they're going to be living luxuriously. No one should be surprised if a terrorist is tortured for more information, it happens often. The problem is, SEEING all these pictures... now everyone has a real mental image of whats going on, and this of course angers people. If they're going to torture a terrorist for more information, don't fuckin take pictures of it and smile on camera, just get your information, relay it to your captain, and then shut the fuck up about it. Stay away from innocent women while you're at it too. I'm glad that these idiots are going to jail, but unfortunately the damage has been done and now they've threatened the lives of every single one of their fellow soldiers, hopefully they'll be thinking about that while rotting in their jail cell. I hope people take note on how just a few soldiers stupid actions can change the course of the world.
  2. Thats fuckin crazy, I wouldn't mind killing myself on that... it actually looks pretty nice imo, besides the tailpipe, it just looks off.
  3. it only means things can get better, and they will Even with a slump we're still first, I don't see a reason why we should be upset...
  4. The best time is right after you work out. If you're taking it twice a day, take it when you wake up, and right after working out. I'm not on creatine anymore but through previous cycles I got the best results with it that way.
  5. if we keep up this trash talk every time the sox or yankee's lose a game, its going to be one very fuckin long season
  6. manolo@avalon is probably the biggest show that night.. its his last one in boston so I'm sure he'll go all out.
  7. who cares about Texas... we sweeped you, thats all that matters On a serious note though, we did get raped by Texas.. our hitters just weren't there at all, and they played great.
  8. Nope thats not what I'm saying.. what I'm saying is because of these few assholes and rapists, and the exaggeration of the media.. we have been portrayed to be as low as them. The world just hates us even more now. As far as the our soldiers that are raping any Iraqi women, I'll criticize them till the day I die... I have too many friends out there that hate it, things just got worse for them.
  9. what you guys don't get is, we're supposed to be responsible and we're supposed to be better than that. Raping women is wrong no matter what. Sure most of those assholes deserved the beatings they got, but some of this shit makes me sick. Look at this crap: http://www.albasrah.net/images/iraqi-pow/iraqi-pow I don't care for the terrorists that killed our soldiers, but if you think that rape is justified in anyway, you've got problems. Now we're no better than them.
  10. nope sorry... rivalry just means competition..
  11. not more than 45mins.. usually around 30-40 minutes. I don't do cardio at the gym, so there's really no reason I should spend that much time working out 1-2 muscle groups..
  12. ^exactly tanning makes more shadows around your muscles, so you look more toned.. as far as nails, well if you're a guy going to get your nails done, its time to come out of the closet.
  13. most people already knew since last year that Pedro wouldn't be with the sox for 2005.
  14. True, but on the other hand I've seen a bunch of t-shirts (not related to the Absolut company) using the Absolut logo, even have one myself. Rock/Metal bands do this especially, of course they probably don't even care though heh.
  15. your 'Aboslute Thiesnuts' t-shirt should be ABSOLUT, no E in the Absolut brand
  16. ...and Jeter still hasn't gotten a hit haha
  17. melo is anything but classy... he was bitching and moaning all throughout march/april when games weren't going his way.. he wouldn't even get up off the bench when he was supposed to get back in the game.. then there's all the trash talk against Detroit for taking Darko over him, it was funny to see the Pistons put him in his place.
  18. um the YZF-R1 is way too powerful for your first bike.. you'll probably die within a week on that thing, its one of the harder bikes to control. Get an R6.
  19. yeah i'm wearing my one and only orange t-shirt right now heh..
  20. unfortunately thats true.. I can't stand the preppy look...
  21. Britney.. Jessica's as dumb as you can get before officially being 'retarded', takes away from the attractiveness imo.
  22. I go at around the same, 8:00-8:30pm... I also had trouble going at first, but eventually forced myself to go no matter how tired I was, after going for a couple of weeks I just got into the habit, seeing good results is really what keeps me going. If you can, try finding someone to go with, and keep each other motivated.
  23. yeah there's 2 reasons why -your body grows symmetrically -legs produce some sort of natural hormone that helps bulk up your upper body.. or something like that, elitenautica will know if this is true or not. OU812 is right, running will make your legs smaller unless you're doing some heavy sprints.. As much as I train my legs, they just don't grow that much because of how much I run during soccer, but in my case I need the stamina versus the strength.
  24. bulking up your legs will help your upper body bulk up...
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