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Everything posted by trigger55

  1. they don't need to preach it.. they just do it instead you're so prejudiced in everything you post its almost not even worth arguing. Having lived in both the middle east and the US, I can easily say that Arabs are a lot more peaceful, and their communities are much much safer than most here. Its just that people like you sitting around with no worries or problems in life like to argue about what works in theory, when you have no fuckin clue about whats really going on in the world and how it really works.. reality is a bitch, maybe one day you'll experience some.
  2. its not always about speed... sometimes its all about style and class If I wanted speed I'd rape you all with my R1, no car will give you the rush that you get from a bike anyway. Even if I had the cash I would never take an Elise or whatever over a Ferrari just because "its faster"... a 575 maranello is just somethin else.
  3. that opening song was horrible man.. it was like a kindergarten sing-a-long song
  4. well atleast its 8-5 now
  5. yea he's good... but whenever I hear his name now I keep thinking about the south park episode where cartman enters the special olympics, and at the end they start going off on people who use steroids while showing Bonds haha..
  6. Pacers-Celtics---Pacers Nets-Knicks------Nets Pistons-Bucks--Pistons Heat-Hornets--Heat T'wolves-Nuggets--TWolves Lakers-Rockets----Lakers Spurs-Grizzlies----Spurs Kings-Mav's--------Mavs Finals will most likely be Spurs vs. Pistons or Pacers
  7. true.. the same thing happened to me. I started off on dirtbikes when I was pretty young and then upgraded to a 600 kawasaki.. sold it 3-4 months later because I outgrew it pretty quickly. For someone with no experience though I would definitely not go above 600cc as your first bike, especially now that 600's are pretty fuckin powerful.. starting out young like we did is a huge advantage, you just learn faster and when you're young and stupid you make every possible mistake to learn from by the time you get on a 1000+ bike.
  8. just as long as the whole glam scene doesn't come back
  9. yeah it was a tough call between Lebron and Carmelo. I guess Lebron got it since he managed to pull through all the hype and actually do better than was expected... and he's 18. Carmelo might have gotten it if he wasn't such a crybaby the last few weeks before the playoffs, I'm sure that hurt his votes.
  10. You won't get bored with a 600 in a month.. it'll last you a few years atleast, I've seen R6's smoke R1's and gixxers, you don't want to be one of those guys with all the power but can't ride for shit. Starting off with a 1000 is dumb... start off with a 2nd hand bike, you're going to fall no matter what if you're a beginner, its not worth paying up the ass for a new bike and then constantly fixing it every week. People who start off on less powerful bikes tend to be better riders in the long run.
  11. yeah and the worst part is that they blew it against the montreal canadiens..
  12. how many sets and reps do you guys do per workout?
  13. you have an SL55 apparently but can't afford a camera with flash.
  14. BSC.. sort of expensive but its convenient and never packed.
  15. These guys have a lot of stuff: http://www.raffaello-network.com/
  16. dudes in sandals at all=blah (unless you're on the beach).. i hate having to fuckin see guys feet.
  17. yeah there's a certain burnout start that you can do.. its supposedly a 'secret' mode but its all over the net now. I think after you do it 15 times your warranty is basically over.
  18. always better to be overdressed than underdressed... atleast you can make up an excuse that way.
  19. I had one years ago when I was young and stupid.. it got punched out during a fight and now I have a scar on my brow In any case, I'm glad I don't have one anymore.. if you like 'em then get one, piercings aren't really a big deal unless you have 20 on your face chained together.
  20. you know thats what I thought too when I saw the ads, but I saw those shirts in person and they look pretty bad, with the exception of one or two.
  21. definitely go back soon, thats a really high BP rate.
  22. sorry to hear that you should pretty much cut as much salt out of your diet as you can, and do your best to avoid stress.. I don't think there's much you can do to cure it. I have a cousin who's 20 who also suffers from the same thing, she'll even have light heart attacks sometimes.. even though they're harmless, its always scary. Unfortunately high blood pressure runs in my family so while I'm fine now, there's a big chance I'll end up getting it when I'm in my 40's. As far as I know the meds don't seem to big that big of a deal, my dad only takes around 1-2 pills a day, so its nothing serious like a diabetics meds.. You really should talk to your doctor about what you should eat to stay as healthy as you can, and stick to it, cuz over time who knows you might overcome it.
  23. actually I never thought of soccer jersey's as a trend.. I've never met anyone that wore a soccer jersey that wasn't a fan of the sport in one way or another, especially here in the US where its still considered a wussy sport heh. Also, soccer's so big its hard to limit yourself to one team and a few favorite players.
  24. as opposed to all the Brits on Arsenal haha.. more like the french national team. Actually, I like both teams but I've been a Chelsea fan for quite a while now, its been a good year
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