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Everything posted by trigger55

  1. its the way it fits... I play soccer and have a bunch of jerseys, they're either too long, too wide, arms are too big etc. The Italy jersey has a nice fit, and I just dig the color. Its the only one I wear casually, well that and the Chelsea jersey.
  2. run on softer surfaces; grass, clay track, etc.
  3. I was at the Galatasaray vs. Leeds game at UEFA '99/'00, that shit was brutal, Brittish kids ran like pussies
  4. Indiana and Detroit (now with 'Sheed) can pretty much compete with the west, well, somewhat.. the west still has the edge obviously, I don't think either team can beat the Kings, Spurs, Mavs, and Lakers in the playoffs.. but you never know, they're looking really good.
  5. it was copy and pasted from e-mail... lighten up.
  6. A man from Boston moved to New York. As he wandered the streets he stopped at an antique shop and decided to go in. On looking around he noticed a very strange looking bronze cat which had a tag on it saying, "Bronze Cat $30.00, Story $150.00". The man was very curious and asked the salesman to explain. "Well" said the man, "its just like it says, $30 for the cat and $150 for its story". "I'll just take the cat," said the man. "Very well, but you will be back," said the salesman. The man left the shop with the cat in his pocket. As he walked down the street he heard a strange mewing sound. On turning around he noticed there were a couple of cats following him. The further he walked the more cats seemed to follow him. As he got to the Brooklyn Bridge he turned to see thousands of cats behind him. "Screw this!" he said to himself and threw the bronze cat into the river. All the cats jumped into the river too and were drowned. The man returned to the shop where he bought the cat. "I knew you would be back. $150.00 for the story," said the salesman. "Forget the story," said the man. "Have you got a bronze Yankee fan?"
  7. 6 2/3 innings of pedro is more than enough. Also, who cares about .500 against the yankees, they're only one team, and a very good one at that, can't expect him to just blow them out.
  8. umm.. sounds more like you're on the bandwagon. Using cd sales and crowd numbers is a stupid way to prove which music is 'good'. You're musical analysis was also pointless... House grooves A LOT more than trance, it has stronger bass lines and a funky beat unlike the generic trance beat: bass..hi-hat..bass..hi-hat.. House is rhythm and beat oriented, which is why it has to stay solid throughout, where as Trance is based on melody. Anyway I like both trance and house, but you're dissing house for the wrong reasons. Chicago house is where its at, and also RHV's sets and cd's are always great, tho I haven't seen or heard from him in a while. House music doesn't suck
  9. yeah i edited my post a bit I know what you mean and he should definitely reassure you.. but some people are saying that they always tell their sig other, which imo is a bad idea cuz it just ruins the effect of it over time.
  10. he probably knows the more he tells you the more wussy and unattractive he'll become. If you hear it all the time its nothing special anyway... its like the guys who constantly buy girls gifts and then become a complete pushover in the relationship. Doing something not so often makes it more special and unpredictable. I'd tell my gf a few times a week max, sometimes just a few times a month. Just re-read that he never tells you, in that case he's wrong in his thinking.. he definitely needs to get with the program.
  11. Saks has the nicest ones I've seen so far.. just make sure you have more than 3 bucks to put in it
  12. haha, your threads always rule njdionysus
  13. trigger55

    quick reply

    it should be at the bottom imo.
  14. exactly my point by saying 'be careful'.. not many people know about their pre-existing conditions.
  15. learn to love the pain.. it means your workout is working.. just remember to take in a lot of protein to build the muscle. If it hurts too much lighten the load until you feel more 'comfortable' pain if you know what I mean. Also make sure its muscle pain and not joint pain.
  16. remember that there's a reason why its banned Be careful with that stuff..
  17. yeah well Detroit bought the stanley cup, this type of stuff happens in sports.. besides, NY still won't win haha. What are they at now, $190million?
  18. I agree.. that shit is hilarious
  19. I bet George doesn't give a shit about letting them play where they WANT to play.. he's paying them up the ass and they'll all play where ever they're best at.
  20. instead of arguing indefinitely over the internet.. we should just wait and see what the hell happens once the season starts..
  21. that would be awesome if an arab guy got the Red Sox.. with the Yankee/Sox rivalry already, the whole Jew/Arab thing would really take it to the next level haha.
  22. mussina can be considered great.. the others are ok. They're not capable of winning the world series at this point. edit.. I think Contreras is damn good too.. but overall the line up isn't strong at all..
  23. awesome.. by the end of this month NY's payroll will be $80billion and they'll still have no pitchers.
  24. Yankee's are almost as fuckin dumb as the Lakers.. if you're going to buy a championship, do it right.. the Red Wings did it perfectly, but the yankee's and lakers are failing miserably at it
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