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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by trigger55

  1. 1st - hram 2nd- inflated 3rd- bignoize good job on the win.. thought inflated had this league for sure, guess you never know. need to start a better league next year, with more people keeping up on their teams
  2. yeah he's right.. if anything do your work out in this order: Monday: Chest, Back, Shoulders, Traps Tuesday: Cardio, Abs Wednesday: Biceps, Triceps, Forearms Thursday: rest Friday: Quads, Hamstrings, Calves
  3. also, when it comes to cardio, it's not about distance and how long you run.. it's about intensity. Instead of a light jog for an hour, a fast paced jog for 30mins will be much more effective. You seem to be on the right track, just make sure you stay away from fatty foods and stick with your program.
  4. probably.. I think you have to be atleast 13 by law to post on a message board.
  5. I would say London nightlife is quite a bit better than NYC.
  6. lmao.. read the topics in this board from the bottom up.. Goes from Bored in Miami and Ministry of Sound to.. Freebasing
  7. how did he improve?? he's worse than last year.. MVP - Steve Nash ROY(rookie of the year) - Gordon COY(Coach of the year) - McMillan 6th man - Damon Jones Most improved - hmm lots come to mind.. gordon, tayshaun prince, damon jones Nba Championship - Spurs
  8. i use it.. works great and tastes good too. I definitely recommend it to hard gainers.
  9. nah.. it's only bad for your kidney if you don't drink enough water while using it; you'll get kidney stones from dryness.
  10. actually i just got it in mp3 off a friend.. i can send it to you if you want. edit: i'm heading out now.. but i can hook you up tomorrow or email it later
  11. some radio dj's have gotten the full thing i've heard, which means it'll probably leak soon
  12. comes out in june.. new single is up on their site though
  13. creatine is good stuff man, it works pretty well for me, not so well for others.. no need to compare it to burger king though lol.. I've started loading up with it again just recently.
  14. it wasn't directed towards you, I should have worded it better
  15. way to take things out of context.. -no one said it was bad. -Fact is, creatine does not work on everyone -the point is, when you are not cycling creatine you will lose some sort of mass whether its some muscle and/or water. This thread was about gaining weight, not about getting ripped. Also, as a beginner he should start off naturally. Suggesting creatine to someone who just started bulking up is stupid as he may not need it at all.
  16. it's temporary in that when you're off creatine, you lose the water weight.. so you'll look a bit smaller.
  17. please stop giving health advice.. Burger King is the worst and most unhealthy way to gain weight. If you want to gain weight, you have to start weight lifting and eating properly. Get 1g of protein for every pound you weigh. So if you're 150lbs, try to get 150grams worth of Protein each day from your meals and/or protein shakes. I'm a hard gainer and I find that milk, rice, bread, steak, and pasta work best if you're trying to bulk up (well for me atleast). You want high calories, high protein, high carbs, and always low fat.
  18. don't use a treadmill.. unless it's your only choice Go out and run on a track or the soccer field.. you'll build more muscle that way than on a treadmill. Do suicides and intervals. Intervals are pretty much you said; you run at a fast pace for a bit, then walk... you can decide on the intervals depending on how fit/unfit you are. 3 minutes at a fast pace and 1 minute fast walk may be too much at first though. For Track and Field I used to run a lap at a fast pace, then walk for half a lap, then run a fast lap again, on and off. Run a mile or two nonstop as well.. long distance running will always help build stamina.
  19. used to always mix coke, weed, and alcohol...
  20. http://www.wizbitwonderland.com/video/361_technics01.mov
  21. if no ones heard of it, it's probably not even worth it
  22. If you have any friends that DJ that would be the best route to take. You can pay some dj's for some lessons.. there's tons of bedroom dj's that would help you out. Check out the stickies on this forum, lots of good tips and stuff for beginners. http://www.djforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=19
  23. EDM - Electronic Dance Music Your equipment is decent.. but you might feel like upgrading in a few months as you develop your own style and figure out what features you want/need.
  24. Trigg fucked up.. he should have had that. They really hyped that match up to the point where I didn't give a shit about Couture/Lidell. I'm glad Lidell finally won.. too bad it was such a short fight. There were some other good match ups too, like Cote vs Doerksen.
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