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Everything posted by trigger55

  1. I'm not answering for jtk4, but it seems the party drug of choice these days is coke, ecstacy is becoming less and less popular. Some people get a euphoric feeling from coke, some don't, I'm one of those that don't. However, it does make you more social, gives you energy, and boosts your self esteem a lot which is why most people like it. I've seen extremely shy people do weird shit like stand up on tables in a club and yell "I am the Lizard King!" after doing just a few lines. This is why a lot of celebrities are cokeheads, most are insecure and love the confidence boost. The burger analogy was good, but its not the case with everyone. I can go out and have just as good a time without drugs... its just a different type of fun.
  2. you should be fine... they're probably out of your system already but try not to cut it so close next time.
  3. same with my guy... I have to come alone and he won't let me introduce anyone to him.
  4. exactly... this trade was great for both teams but the Kings will benefit much more.
  5. trigger55

    Money or Power

    not really possible... seeing as money = power.
  6. A 70 year old British woman got caught smuggling heroin in a fake cast she had around her arm years ago (before 9-11 too).. if she got caught, then anyone can.
  7. I would work out once a day and try to rest more. This way your muscles will recoup better and overtime you'll be able to increase the intensity of your workouts... working out too much will lessen or just stop your muscle growth.
  8. 'Go' was fun to watch, same with human traffic. Groove was a bit too cheesy for me though. My favorite movie to watch when I'm high though is the Pantera home video DVD, it's hilarious, definitely recommend it to people who listen (or used to listen) to metal.
  9. weed on its own increases my heart rate quite a bit but I never get anxiety attacks.. but if I do weed and coke at the same time I do get a bit anxious, it only lasts a few minutes though and I try to be cool about it . Like someone else said, its all mental.. first thing I do in that situation is tell a close friend that I'm not feeling too well just for my own piece of mind, then after a glass of water I'm over it. Being with people you trust helps a lot though, you'll feel a lot more secure... if you're on your own or with strangers you can easily freak out and get worse.
  10. I like Armani's.. I used to have a really nice pair of Ungaro's though, too bad they broke.
  11. Yeah, his current coach is actually keeping him away from the media and everythin, he said "he needs to be a kid". You can't play in the EU until you're 18 anyway, unless you're actually from a country in the EU.
  12. This kid is amazing.. teams like Porto, Man U, etc. have already expressed their interest in him. Right click the picture in the middle, then save as: http://www.bercasio.com/football/jean_carlos.wmv.htm
  13. great game... SB will be even better I wish it were the Falcons instead of the Eagles though.
  14. off the top of my head here's a couple more... whenever I'm doing lines I seem to have placebo playing these days. oasis - champagne supernova placebo - pure morning everclear - amphetamine... don't listen to it anymore but when I was younger I could easily relate to it from having a girlfriend that was really fucked up on hard stuff.
  15. I dunno man, I remember reading somewhere (probably in C&D since thats what I used to subscribe to) that Mercedes hold their value the best while BMW's depreciated at pretty high rates. This was around 3-4 years ago. Just from searching for cars online right now you can easily tell Merc's hold their value a lot more than BMW's.
  16. M-series are great cars.. only downside is BMW's depreciate at an insane rate since they come out with new body styles every year. I hear they're making an M6.
  17. I go running when I'm sick... makes me feel much better and I recover faster. Feels like I'm sweating out the germs.
  18. Dimebag was one of the biggest influences in my life.. if it wasn't for him I never would have picked up the guitar and pursued a career in music. RIP Dime. What a fuckin horrible day.
  19. Last I heard he was spinning in Dubai
  20. no its not.. it may have the most ranked teams, but the overall conference win-loss ratio is very close to the ACC, Big Ten, and Big Twelve. It definitely is the strongest, but only by a bit. Auburn did get screwed though... but I'm going for Vtech
  21. www.fumari.com has shisha... service is good, maybe a bit too pricey but thats how it is in the states.
  22. fave designer of the year............. Emporio Armani and Hugo Boss worst designer of the year............ Emmanuel Zegna fave overall brand........... Prada worst overall brand............... besides their shoes, I never find anything I like at Gucci, and when I do it doesn't fit that well best trend............. haven't noticed anything good or new this year worst trend................ crappy blazers, hats tipped to the side, wrist bands or should i say forearm bands fave dressy brand......... Prada fave casual brand.............. Diesel fave athletic brand............... Puma fave shoe brand................. Prada and Tods fave bag brand................. I don't carry a man purse best new perfume/cologne....... new burberry is pretty good best new company/brand........... no idea what trends do you hope to see in 2005......... anything classy
  23. yeah you'd definitely have to get the pant leg done too... otherwise you'll look like MC Hammer.
  24. there are drug dealers everywhere... in fact, it gets really annoying. Half the time I don't want anything yet I'm getting approached by dealers left and right who are pulling out bags of coke and heroin trying to push them on me. Be very careful... amsterdam is a really shady place. You probaby already know you can get weed at most coffee shops, and shrooms at a bunch too.
  25. you should definitely have a good cover letter... I know a lot of people who will toss out peoples resumes if their cover letter is junk. Explain why you want to work there and why you're the right guy for the job.
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