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Everything posted by trigger55

  1. I lived in the middle east for a few years and all we had was hash.. but with us, it was the opposite of what you're describing. It NEVER made us even remotely hyper, just mellowed us out a lot and half the time we'd pass out after smoking it.
  2. that geiko one was funny as hell My sister works at DDB so when I stop by the office once in a while I'll get a glimpse of the latest bud light or VW commercials... sometimes the funniest ones don't even get released cuz they're too vulgar, people won't get it, etc. You can see some of their old commercials at www.ddb.com, the VW Born out of Love one is pretty good.
  3. do you know any guys that would roll out a bunch of dough and make raviolli on their own? Chef boyardee takes 2 mins and tastes alright, so of course we like it ...and my mom makes great raviolli btw
  4. for live sets this place is awesome.. http://globalclubbing.ru/mp3.html?lang=en
  5. whats up with that guys index fingers??
  6. quentin tarantino movie soundtracks are usually pretty good, especially reservoir dogs and pulp fiction
  7. haha thats what i was thinking... talk about a bust for a #1 pick.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=60598&item=5142229937&rd=1&ssPageName=WDVW
  9. thanks man.. carl cox never fails to impress
  10. The last time I stood up for myself someone unloaded a clip at me. You can avoid fighting in 99% of all situations, the right thing to do is be responsible and walk away... because these days you never know who you're fuckin with. People like Artest eventually get themselves killed because they can't control themselves... When you're making $5mill a year, you don't need to fight some hick that threw a beer cup at you... because you already beat him in so many ways, you simply win by walking away and going home to your mansion and bombshell wife. I guess if you're insecure and need to prove your manliness though, going on a rage is the thing to do.
  11. |.The who gives a | ||___ | __ fuck TRUCK __ l ||__||) (@)(@)****(@)(@)****(@)
  12. haha, that song was the shit... I think I have like 200 megs worth of remixes of that song Gouryella - Tenshi (ATB Mix)
  13. wow, I live 5 minutes from Rise and feel like shit now for only having seen groovefire once
  14. new album is pretty good... the song miracle drug is
  15. trigger55


    its actually pretty funny to watch that... you can hear everything they say, the trash talk, game plans, etc.
  16. trigger55


    I wouldn't, he'd destroy me... but I never called him a bitch, just a punk. @the first part.. I probably wouldn't have done the same thing, but like you, I was also glad they beat the crap out of some of those fans, especially that fat fuck on the court. I guess we differ in that you blame wallace much more than I do for the whole incident. This might actually be good for Artest in the long run. Maybe he'll learn how to control his emotions and be a better player when he comes back. The guys a great player no doubt, just needs to drop his stupid antics which after this he hopefully will.
  17. trigger55


    how's he a bitch? For pushing Artest halfway across the court? I love how you call wallace a lil bitch for overreacting after the foul, but when Artest goes ape shit every other week you seem to love him for it. Pushing someone after a foul is more understandable than diving into the stands over a cup of beer and pounding someone half your size. Or wait, let me put it like you would... "If Wallace is a lil bitch, I'd like to see you confront him" You make no sense... Wallace is a bitch for getting Artest after a foul cuz he's losing, but Artest is THE MAN because he smashes cameras to the ground after losing and of course we can't forget all those technical fouls he commits. edit: my point being, if one is a 'lil bitch'... then so is the other. Either way though, Artest could have gunned down half the people in there and you' still think it wasn't his fault.
  18. Gwen is definitely hot, but its almost as if she tries to make herself ugly with the way she dresses half the time.
  19. trigger55


    I don't like Artest but that doesn't make me think unreasonably. Blaming Wallace for what Artest did is stupid. Shit, why don't we just blame the guy who sold the fan the beer? Better yet, lets also blame the carpenter who built the table Artest was laying on and the son of a bitch who put it there, those fuckers. Artest and the fans were out of line, Wallace was just being a bitch after a foul on the court... Artest could have cussed the guy out but he didn't have to go berserk and run into the stands to beat up a skinny punk with glasses. He's defensive player of the year, he's got a huge contract, he's got a new album coming out... things are good, why ruin it over a cup of beer? If you can't control your emotions, then you're just an unstable person.
  20. trigger55


    S-Jax got 30 games and J. O'neal got 25 games... there goes the Pacers season.
  21. there's always an excuse to be overdressed... rarely one to be under dressed
  22. exactly... ever since Usher and the coldplay singer (chris martin??) started this trend I see the blazer over a 'hip' t-shirt all over the place... granted it suits some people, but way overdone.
  23. trigger55


    I don't mean in terms of fighting and all his technicals, which do add up though. I'm talking about his dirty style of play that we don't see on TV and his constant trash talk. He's definitely one of those guys you'd love to have on your team because he clamps down on someone and basically ruins their game because of all the dirty plays he pulls off and gets away with, which is why S-Jax and J. O'neal dove into the stands to help him out, they love the guy. I still think he's a punk because he does take cheapshots... just because he mans up doesn't make him less of a punk, he pulls off the dirty plays, he's a punk just the same, just a more manly one. I still remember the elbow he threw at Rip's face when his nose was broken and had the mask on during the playoffs His antics bring the NBA down to low quality street ball. Stern won't do anything to the fans because the NBA's already losing enough and is on a decline, he'll be kissing the fans' asses for a while. In Europe during soccer games if fans misbehave, the team basically gets a home game with no fans, just an empty stadium. Not a bad idea, but I guess Stern needs that fat paycheck.
  24. trigger55


    Ron Artest is a punk, always has been... I'm sure he'll get all the time he needs now to promote his new album Though I do blame the fans more for starting the whole incident, I'm glad that fat fuck got his lights knocked out, he was askin for it. I guess shit like this explains why I have so much more respect for players like Tim Duncan... Spragga's right, Stern didn't put any blame on the fans so far... all he keeps mentioning is how the players acted so bad, no word on the fans though
  25. umm you can use .mp4's on Ipods, they're the only mp3 players that play them at the moment. Anyways, its really hard to turn mp4's into .mp3 files without losing sound quality. Use another program to get your songs... besides, 99 cents for an audio file which you can accidentally delete or something is charging way too much, and with this Ipod/.mp4 format, apple seems to be trying to monopolize that industry. Sort of hypocritical after all the beef with microsoft. I do love my IPod though heh.
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