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Posts posted by djinergy

  1. i have had the same problem! i think the real answer here is that no matter how well lubricated, there's only so much a girl can take..... my solution is to finish the job myself.

  2. i'd totally go nuts if someone did that to me...... i would have to find out who did it. (i dunno what i'd do if i was attached at the time... probably just smile and ignore it)

  3. my ex told me that her family's culture (korean) is a very ethno-centric culture, and indeed, they are quite racist, and honestly believe that asians are better than the rest of the world. i have met a handful of asian people who have been quite nice and accepting (my ex included).... but the majority of them are, as everyone has described, quite standoffish. i find that even the accepting ones, however, like in many other cultures in the world, were still raised with racial boundaries and cultural boundaries that they are not "supposed" to cross... and this leads to prejudice and racism in just about every case..... even if it is something as simple as saying "all white guys are nice." personally, i believe that if you are judging someone by the color of their skin, any way you look at it, it is racism.

  4. personally, i don't judge anyone by the color of their skin, their nationalilty, sexual orientation, religion, sex, etc.....

    it kinda irritates me when people do.

    i believe the only way that our culture can overcome the racism problem is by eliminating the concept of race. and anyone asking "what's wrong with asians" or whatever just agravates the problem. forreal people.... we are all human beings. the same damn genome. the same damn species. we can all inter-breed. just because someone has brown skin and another has lighter skin doesn't mean shit. that's like saying a cat with stripes and a cat with spots are not both cats.

  5. why not? i mean, wtf is marriage anyway? a tax deduction? a way of saying i'm not gonna be with anyone else? (well.... at least it's supposed to be....). you know there have, in the past, been many concerns in the gay community, and concern from the straight community regarding the gay community, regarding promiscuity and sexually transmitted disease.... personally i think any reason to keep ANY couple from being overly promiscuous is a good reason. my personal feeling about homosexuals and bisexuals aside, i think legalizing gay marriage is not only a good idea, but NECESSARY.

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