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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. JOn the Twins are hardly a rival and the offer was way better

    he fucked over his own team

    I never understood teams taking lesser offers so they don't have to face former players. Dumping Santana probably means the Twins are gonna suck anyway, so what's the difference between 62-100 and 65-97??


    some suggestions :






    cheating arrogant scum patriots go down !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Nice choice, though I would have made Robbie Cano the centerpiece of any sig...

  3. a 50% (11 hrs) is not really out of whack when you consider his age. It is more him coming to a place that let him pull the ball and took him out of the that ballpark. Look at his HR splits from those years.

    15 hrs away

    5 hrs home

    14 hrs away

    17 hrs home

    Tell me what seems out of whack there?


    He's a big boy... I'm sure he can hit it over any wall in any park...

    I'm gonna stop here. It's just not something I'm passionate enough to argue about. What's done is done, and I doubt we'll ever find out one way or the other...

  4. When has another team misused a player and that player go somewhere else and do well? Is that the question? Cecil Fielder, played 4 years at toronto went to detroit and hit 51 hrs the first year.

    Also let me get this another thing right, the last year with the twins in 412 ABs he hit .270 with 20 hrs playing in a park and a system (the twins want players to hit the other way and not pull) that did not play up to his strengths. He goes to boston where the system is take walks and pull the ball and hits 31 hrs and bats .288 in 468 abs. Ho is that not even close?

    50% more hrs with only 50 more ab's?? That's a pretty big jump to me...

    Also, the Cecil Fielder comparison is a bad one because he never had more than 175 ab's with the Blue Jays. His all around batting stats aren't close to what Ortiz has done in Boston...

  5. So a guy has to come out as a rookie and put up huge numbers or he takes roids?(side note mcguire hit 51 his rookie year) Ortiz got sporadic at bats with the twins and even that first year with the sox, once he got the at bats he got better.

    The biggest thing was probaby playing at fenway and on a good team.

    McGuire started out hot but he faded badly... He was injury prone and could barely keep his avg above .200... Ortiz got 400 at bats in 2 of his last 3 years with the Twins. Thats 2/3's of a full season. His numbers don't project anything close to what he's doing with the Sox. The don't even come close to his first year with the Sox when he only had 450 at bats. The jumps in avg, slugging %, & OPS are tremendous... The Twins weren't any powerhouse and they had to release him because they couldn't get anything for him. To go from not good enough to be on the Twins to playing hall of fame caliber baseball in one of the toughest places to play is quite an accomplishment...

    Off the top of your head, can you think of any other player who made good on a similar type of situation?

  6. Your joking right? His homers increased every year.

    Really it took my 5 seconds to look it up but in 2002 his last year with the twins he hit 20 homeruns. 15 of those were on the road. 2001 18 homeruns 12 on the road.

    I think it had more to do with a guy hitting his prime at a park that fits him with a HOF batter batting behind him.

    I was half joking... My point was that these are the types of spikes in numbers people will look at and wonder... Before the steroid era, something like this would have been a testament to dedication and hard work. Now everyone is guilty until proven innocent in the court of public opinion...

    You make good points with the home / road splits, but I think it takes more than that to turn a guy from a mediocre platoon player to a borderline hall of famer... Otherwise there would be a lot more guys like him...

  7. lets be serious now....he has never been implied with anything. He has always been a hitter and was never given the opportunity in Minnesota and only got the opportunity in Boston on a fluke. He's got natural size (in case you haven't noticed, he's not very muscular) and implying someone is juicing because they got the chance to finally play is retarded

    Look more towards the players that were good all of a sudden until a couple of years ago when they started testing more.....like a Gagne, Foulke (yes I said Foulke), Glaus, etc. Papi is still slugging as good as anyone in the league


    Look at his stats the last 3 years in Minny... Each of those years he had at least 300ab's. Not the same he's had in Boston, but enough to project what he would do over a full season. In those last 3 years he never hit .300, never had an on base % over.400, barely had a slugging % over .500 once, and his ops averaged a .800. His time in Boston has seen him average a .300 batting average, a .400 on base %, a .600 slugging %, and an ops of over 1.000. That's an insane amount of an improvement and I just don't buy that Pesky Pole is the cause.... Yes, he's got natural size, but he had that same size in Minny. I don't think the homerdome was keeping his balls in the park either. It really doesn't have to do with strength as much as bat speed. I think it's safe to say at this point that ped's do increase bat speed. The drugs will always be one step ahead of the tests. They don't even have a test for HGH yet. Remember when Giambi was batting .180 for half a year then magically ended up with 35 homers? I'm sure he just got a better chemist, and there are plenty of others like him.

    Anyway, we're getting past the point. The players put themselves in a position to be scrutinized. At this point every accomplishment will be looked at with suspicious eyes. The report didn't even name Sosa or McGuire. I don't think just because a player has never been named or implicated that we can just assume they're innocent. It sucks that everyone is now "guilty till proven innocent", but like I said the players put themselves in this position.

  8. Of course he's been a doper for a long fucking time. In the report it states he was using in '97 or '99 I forget. But yeah he didn't use in Boston of course. No he was totally clean.

    And Foulke didn't use either. Or even your captain Varitek. Boston is clean but the everyone else in the league is/was using.

    Not to mention a certain player who couldn't hack it (pun intended) in Minnesota, then magically becomes the best hitter in baseball...

  9. Half your fucking team juiced hotshot......quit beating a dead horse about this Brian Roberts stuff trying to divert all attention away from Clemens, Petitte, Giambi, Sheffield....and the other players that included the grand total of 22 Yankees listed

    Breakdown of Teams Listed Team Total

    Yankees 22

    Orioles 18

    Angels 16

    Mets 15

    Dodgers 15

    Rangers 15

    and he's still better then Cano

    Well when one of the guys who flipped worked for the Yankees, whose players do you think he's gonna talk about? Do you honestly believe that every clubhouse in baseball didn't have a guy exactly like that?

  10. Dont you think its kinda "funny" that most athletes caught or suspected of using performance enhancing drugs always have that unique excuse that they were recovering from some injury ? Where do they draw the line of recovery and abuse ? My guess is that they dont care...lotsa $$ is at stake. Andy is no exception...he cheated and got caught..wanna bet he wont show next season ??

    I'm sorry, Rick-The-Amazing-Ankiel is a cheat too... a good hollywood ending is giving him a break....not me tho.... he's a cheat thru & thru!!

    I'm just going by what is in the actual report, which you can download off of ESPN. Regarding Pettite, the report says that he was rehabbing from elbow tendinitis when he called Brian McNamee to come down to Tampa and give him the HGH. According to McNamee, he injected him once or twice and that was it... This wasn't Andy Pettite's "excuse", it was what Brian McNamee testified to regarding providing Andy Pettite with HGH...

    Now if you want to believe he did more than that, then that is your prerogative, but that is just speculation. Andy isn't going to admit to anything more than that (if he admits to anything at all), so unless someone else steps up to the plate with more hard evidence, then what I outlined in the first paragraph is all we have to go by.

    So based on what's actually in the report, he "cheated" so he could get back on the field faster. Since there is no evidence of him using anything that actually helped him perform on the field, I don't think he will be crucified. There will be some repercussions, but I don't think he'll get anything close to what Clemens will get...

  11. We got a bet going at work on whether Andy Petite will be on the opening day roster for the yanks. I'm betting this guy is gonna bail to avoid the Barry Bonds treatment.

    I don't think so...

    I read his "page" on the report. The only thing they have on him is that he used HGH to help him come back from elbow tendonitis in 2002... I really don't think he's gonna get grilled that badly, especially compared to Clemens...

  12. Nope only yankee guys have used roids, the sox are 100% clean. :updown:

    Honestly at this point I assume everyone is on them.

    Imagine if they did thid for football, the list would be 1000 names.

    I think in the NFL they would do an investigation to uncover who is not on roids... Then those guys would be outed and everyone would point and laugh at them... :funny:

    PS: How many are you guys gonna drop on us this weekend? 50?? 60??? 70???? :funny:

  13. My take is this... (Taken from another board)

    Mitchell got two guys to flip. one of them worked for the NY Mets, and the other one worked for the Blue Jays and later the Yankees. There is no bias, he just has testimony and evidence submitted by guys with ties to those particular teams.

    there are at least 10 other Kirk Radomsky's scattered throughout other clubhouses in the majors, including the Red Sox's clubhouse. But he worked with the two guys he had.

  14. Are you kidding me though? WHat was the running total of penalty yards? I would guess over 150. Thats insane. The Pats could have EASILY put more points on the board if the officiating wasn't such a joke. Some of those calls were so way off I was wondering if I was watching the some game as the refs.

    Stymie?? :huh:

    Officiating is a problem in every major sport we have. This past baseball season was the worst. (why do you think they just voted for replay?) I don't follow the NBA too much anymore, but people who do have had problems with the officiating for years. There probably will be some point in the season where the Pats will be bailed out on a bad penalty. It sucks, but it's pretty much equally bad for everyone...

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