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Posts posted by kfitz73

  1. how so?

    Judging by the way the Pats were playing their first 8 weeks, and the fact that the Colts were playing without Harrison & their left tackle, I was expecting the Pats to win by 3 td's. The fact that it was close and the Pats had to pull it out in the 4th quarter kinda makes me wonder... Lets put it this way if I was the Colts, I wouldn't think the Pats are the best...

    Although I think the Colts have no shot in January at NE....

  2. Awesome run....I'm in complete elation right now

    side note: I wonder what all those merchandisers are gonna do with those "1918,2004,2090" shirts being sold outside Yankee Stadium. must suck

    Probably the same thing they'll do with the Cleveland Indians "2007 American League Champion" t-shirts... Donate them to charity...

  3. Bottom line is that they (Yankee mgmt) clearly didn't want him back, so they made an offer that was deemed "fair", but at the same time knew he wouldn't accept. That way they could just say that Joe didn't accept their offer and there would be no "blood on their hands". Clearly that move backfired on them. From a PR standpoint they would have been much better off to just tell Joe straight up that they're going in a different direction. Now not only does the next manager have some gigantic shoes to fill, but the only way that Yankee mgmt looks good is if they at least make it to the ALCS, since that's where Joe couldn't get them to over the last few years. I agree that it was time for Joe to go, but the Yankees could not have handled that any worse imo... It will have an impact on their ability to sign their impending free agents as well...

  4. Somewhere, Scott Proctor, Tanyon Sturtz, & Steve Karsay feel vindicated... :funny:

    Big fan of Joe and everything the team accomplished under his watch, but it's time to go in another direction... Should be an interesting couple of days...

  5. Absolutely

    I'd take Roberts any day.

    Lets put it this way, switch the roles and have Cano leading off for the Orioles and Roberts batting 8th for Yankees. The steals wont differ, nor will the home runs or batting average. But do you think Roberts wont have just as many runs, if not more, batting in that offense? Also, do you really think their RBI totals wont be flip-flopped based on their slugging and batting averages?

    Offensively, i'd still take Roberts and defensively i'd give roberts the edge based on his range. I'll give Cano the fact that he hasnt made many mistakes this year

    besides, i was responding more to that other guy's post comparing the two over the course of a three game series and trying to argue that cano is better based on three games against boston pitching

    That's not entirely true...

    If they switched roles, Roberts steals would go down and Cano's would go up. Roberts would go down, because as a number 8 hitter you don't lead off innings nearly as much and that's where a lot of Roberts SB's come from. Also, a good amount of time whenever Roberts got on base from the 8 spot he would find another (slower) runner on ahead of him thus preventing him from running. Roberts would still have more SB's because running isn't Cano's game, but that number would go way down.

    Cano is not a leadoff man. Never has been, never will be. So switching roles really doesn't make sense in this case. We're comparing them because they're both second basemen, but they're completely different in what they bring to the table as offensive players.

    The only reason Cano bats 8th is because he happens to be in a line up that's stacked. On most teams he would be a number 3 hitter so conceivably his numbers could be even better on another team. I don't think Roberts would have the same numbers as Cano on the Yankees because he is not nearly as good of a run producer as Cano. That's Cano's game, not Roberts...

    If a team had a glaring need for a leadoff type of hitter then maybe I could see your point. I'm still taking Cano because run producing 2nd baseman don't grow on trees...

  6. btw, roberts has nearly 40 sb's on cano, almost the same batting average, a few less home runs, better OBP, a few less RBIs even though he's a leadoff guy and a hell of a lot more runs

    yeah, give it up


    A) Roberts is a leadoff hitter so he better steal more bases.

    B) The fact that Cano even has a better avg is inexcusable considering Roberts had him by .080 points at the all star break.

    C) Nice word play... Yeah, 6 fewer hr's might not seem like much, but when one guy has 16 and the other has 10, that's 40% more. That differential is only going to widen as Cano gets better...

    D) Again, nice word play... Since when is 30 more rbi's "a few more rbi's"?? Cano will have over 90 rbi's this year, with a small chance at 100 if he finishes strong. Roberts will be lucky if he sniffs 60...

    E) Again with the wordplay... Since when is 12 more runs (91-79) "A hell of a lot more"?? Given the fact that Roberts is a leadoff hitter whose primary job is to score runs, the gap should be much wider...

    The original question was who was the best 2nd baseman in the AL. Based to the current stats, are you really going to try to say that your team would win more games with Roberts than with Cano?

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