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Posts posted by enigma29301

  1. Jonhenry.......

    You're pretty much on the mark.....

    GLO is held at Ibiza USA.....however, that club is closed for remodelling, I'm not sure if it will be ready by the memorial day weekend......but then maybe glo will be held at some other venue....its a good party, but has had trouble gaining a permanent venue......

    If you want to hear some local DJ talent, and hear better music than at the touristy clubs you have to either go to some of the smaller events......or the gay clubs.

    Double Down Saloon on Monday nights.

    Mayan Grill on Saturday nights....

    SRO on Saturday nights......go to the backroom though, its a Latin Rock night but the DJ is pretty good and mixes in a lot of hard floor......

    House of Brews.....haven't been in a while so I'm not sure if the event is still going on, but they had local DJs spinning on Wednesday nights.....

    TJs.....at the Imperial Palace, the club is nothing special, but the DJ has talent.....

    The gay clubs.......

    Freezone, after 2 am on Fridays and Saturdays the DJ spins contemporary European club music......the later you go, the more underground it gets and the more mixed the crowd......after 3 am on Saturday night......mmmmm so technically Sunday morning, is the best time to check it out.

    The Beach has really hot chicks at times.......it just depends, its a hit or miss situation.

    The best time to hit the clubs on the Strip is during the week rather than the weekend....its less touristy.....

    Studio 54 on Tuesdays, after 1 am.....

    Rain on Thursdays, depending on the DJ....

  2. Dude, if you feel you need to justify your actions to a stranger on a message board then......mmmmmm thats your prerogative.....I really don't care .......

    Secondly, if you go out with 8 or 9 guys, don't approach the bouncer as one group.....go in by 2s if its a big line......

    Lastly, the tourists make LV clubs suck......

  3. Don't worry about things so much!!!!!!!!!!

    A table is not important, whats wrong with standing, mingling, walking around, etc......if you really want a table, I would recommend going to a lounge......V Bar, is good for that.....but in a club, don't worry.....ANYONE can get into a club in LV, I mean just check out the kind of people they let in!!!!! So don't worry about that......

    To the guy who thinks a table is a "chick magnet"......you sound like a real winner! Its something when you think all you have going for you is a table......I'd hate to see the kind of quality and values someone who falls for that line has though.....

    You guys don't need time to make connections or whatever.......you know, just talk to people, make things work for you.....when I go out with my mates we never have to wait long, nor hardly ever pay, and got comped tables a few times........its all in how you act, what you wear, how you look, etc...... most of these places will bend over backwards if they think you'll spend money inside.....

  4. Thats exactly the problem.....clubs here are too much of a business......don't kid yourself, its not some guy who cares about clubbing and is a former clubber trying to give something to the scene.....we're dealing with corporations just trying to find a new niche to rip people off.....

    At age 28, having been in the scene since I was 14....and having lived in Europe, vs LV now(fortunately a temporary stay) I see a huge difference in the way clubs are run, who runs them, and what the ultimate goal of each is.....

    Take advantage of the clubs in LV as much as you can........comps, free nights, whatever.......

    Reading so much hype on this message board about not getting in or whatever......check out the crowds in the clubs here, they let ANYONE in! Don't fall for the hype......so far I've hardly ever had to pay to get in anywhere.....the few times I have paid it definitely hasn't been worth it......

    I don't know where you people are visiting from, but I guess you haven't had a real club experience before! Sorry......tourists make me edgy.....

  5. Of course they're going to make it sound like they're the shit!!! They need hype.......the clubs here are all bad when it comes down to it, they're all about $$$$$ and nothing more, but the point is that they simply will tell you anything to get your money and make you think you're getting something worth it...... Like when you go to a night that sucks and they tell you its never been so empty before but in actuality its always empty.......

    Las Vegas.......well, the Strip and anything on it, is based on the quantity of people that show up, and they don't care about repeat business because they know more tourists/suckers are on the way....don't let yourselves get fooled.....

  6. Of course they're going to make it sound like they're the shit!!! They need hype.......the clubs here are all bad when it comes down to it, they're all about $$$$$ and nothing more, but the point is that they simply will tell you anything to get your money and make you think you're getting something worth it...... Like when you go to a night that sucks and they tell you its never been so empty before but in actuality its always empty.......

    Las Vegas.......well, the Strip and anything on it, is based on the quantity of people that show up, and they don't care about repeat business because they know more tourists/suckers are on the way....don't let yourselves get fooled.....

  7. Clubbers, people into the club scene tend to be more open minded, liberal, humane....no where in the world except in the US would you see pro-US government clubbers!

    So what can I say??? Just have one thing to say.....the typical American mentality can best be described this way...

    A man walks into a bar and decides to play billiards, he walks around and starts to poke a man with his cue. The man ignores him. So he goes, and starts poking another man.....this time the man says "Stop it" but the other guy keeps poking and nothing happens, so he starts to poke another man, this time the man says "Next time you're going to regret poking someone" but nothing happens so he goes and pokes more people...... Finally, a man comes up to him, punches him in the face and walks away. But the guy starts screaming, crying, and yelling "Hey, you can't hit me, you can't do that to me, I AM AN AMERICAN!"......

    Anyways, have fun with your ignorant right wing rants.......I'm outta this section.......

  8. A brave man murdered by the Zionist occupation force of Palestinian .....Israel represents US interests by proxy......

    So the world is going to hell and the good ol USA is responsible......well, believe me......the yanks won't be laughing soon enough when they start getting what they've given for too long!

  9. Bush is a madman with weapons of mass destruction who has used them against innocent people......He is a danger to the world, creates instability, and was perhaps not even elected....

    But then here is the problem....people in the US support him! Why???? Because they are trying to show the world that "yes, the stupid ugly American is not myth.....but apparently reality"

  10. Freezone is a gay club.....boys nite has strippers early on......a lot of girls usually go too.....so if you ladies want to see male strippers for free this is the place.....

    Plus, if you buy a 3.75$US shot, you get a free beer bust til like 1 am......

    Past 1 am, its pretty cool.....the later it gets, the more underground the music.....plus, by that time the strip shows are way over and the crowd is more mixed.....

  11. The Dollhouse Party is a night where a waitress will serve your drink in a costume you choose for her to put on......the drink and service will cost you 80$US

    Go to club Rio on Thursday, its the best night that day now......Boys Nite at Freezone is also pretty good after 1 am....

  12. Money and a nice venue don't make a good club.......its the vibe and the crowd.....

    Ice looks nice, but thats it.....and sure, it has big name DJs, but the problem is that DJs play sets for the crowds at the place they are......so what you get here isn't necessarily what they would play in Europe.....

    Ice has potential, its trying to be the new C2K or Utopia, but has a very long way to go before the vibe is there......I went to Ice once, and it turned me off right away.....but thats just me......

    Novice clubbers are easily pleased, but those of us who know the scene......well.....

  13. Personally, I wouldn't pay for a table......I've always gotten into every club I went to, and have gotten comped at a lot of places too......its just about how you present yourself, and if they see you around the club a few times......

    I think getting a table is a waste of money!

  14. Ice varies, I've seen it with a really good vibe, and then empty, then touristy.......it just depends, there is no consistency.....I'm not optimistic about its future though.

    OPM's BIG IN JAPAN was the best party in town......but its gone now..... :(:(:(

  15. Las Vegas Club Review:

    Rumjungle - Looks nice, but bouncers keep the line long on purpose, music is bad, and crowd is made up of posers and tourists....

    Rain - Too bright inside, the decor is overdone, the club isn't big enough to have the flame shooting from the ceiling, the crowd shouldn't feel the heat from it....Again, the crowd is too touristy, basically you get people who act like they've never seen a club in their lives, and the music is bad.....Overpriced drinks.

    Studio 54 - Too many prostitutes and tourists, good sound system, the music is too mainstream for a club like that. But its big, and looks great. The crowd is cool sometimes....but the vibe isn't really consistent.

    RA - The place makes me claustrophobic, I hate the layout....its like being in a huge box! Pleasuredome used to be alright, the choice of music was good, however.....the DJs had absolutely no talent!!! Also there was no vibe.....now a days its just another corporate owned tourist trap.

    Drai's - Easy girls....plus a lot of off duty strippers and "entertainers"....too much drug use for my taste, cheesy mainstream European music of 2 years ago passed off as "underground".....bouncers are arseholes.

    Baby's - I MISS IT!!!!!! Very friendly crowd, great vibe, easy to hook up or just meet people to be friends with. Great music, decent DJ talent, the place looked awesome.....the night to go was Thursdays.... The hip hop room however was never my cup of tea.....

    Ghostbar - Overpriced, snobby, shite music and crowd.

    VooDoo Lounge - Nice view, great drinks, and really good food....the lounge scene is too obnoxious and touristy though.

    House of Blues - Decent sound system....thats all I can say really, not much else is good there....

    Alesium @ Seven - Too ghetto......shite music, and obnoxious crowd.

    Foundation Room - Can you say "poseur!".....

    Ibiza USA - Music is too mainstream, and outdated, the layout is bad.....the sound system has the bass turned too low....the crowd is kind of socially retarded.....

    Light - Too many prostitutes, good DJ.....but his music choice is bad. Very nice layout!

    Bikini's - Ghetto music, ghetto crowd.......

    Risque - Tourist trap......need I say more?

    Hush(Polo Towers)- Rudest bouncers ever...I was almost beaten up for falling asleep on a couch. However, the crowd was friendly, music wasn't the greatest....

    Venus - Bad sound system, and too expensive for a lounge.....obnoxious crowd.

    The Beach- Easy to hook up.......girls are decent, guys are the worst trash the city has to offer.....worst music in town, rude staff.

    The Gypsy- Great vibe, cool people.....never have to pay for a drink there....mmmmm alright, so its a gay club, but still its probably the best place to dance in the city!

    The Eagle- Another gay club but has good underground music and looks really industrial.

    Freezone- Late Saturday nights you can here good underground house....

    TJs- The later you go, the better the DJ gets......its not much to look at but the DJ has talent and even makes hip hop sound good!!!!

    Ice- Too much hype, obnoxious crowd, rude staff.

    Club Rio- Latin night is too "white washed".....and the rest of the week its dead.

    El Premier- An alright Latin club.....friendly crowd, decently priced drinks, and hottest girls in town......mmmmmm but thats just my taste :) Music isn't the best though.......

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