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Everything posted by starburst777

  1. I said "talking shit ABOUT me" ie post #16 of this thread. Those words were slightly harsh No?
  2. A voice of reason amongst this stormy thread. YOU ARE SWEET
  3. Wow-what a kind hearted soul you must be.......sorry I ruffled your feathers about disliking a radio dj. That must have been really offensive to you -that you would respond with such harsh accusations. P.S You must be quite interested in me and what I have to say- otherwise you wouldn't know so much about me----------LO(sarcastic)L!!!
  4. I know you are not directing your comments to me-and no disrespect to you, I have spanish blood too- but why are people getting offended at these slang nationality comments? I read stuff all the time on here and people say Chink, Ginny, Nigger, Spic, Jew, etc... all the time-what's so offensive?
  5. Do studs like vic latino actually peruse CLUB PLANET?
  6. Nothing is wrong with spic's- but vic latino is an ANNOYING LATINO!!!! Doesn't his voice just rub you the wrong way?
  7. LOL No seriously- 3 people have to win 100-75-50 bucks. Occasionally, there will be some Real talent. This gay guy Nick is great for a house track. And a few weeks ago this black chick sang a Whitney Houson song better then whitney herself- no joke... Can i work on the track with you if you find someone? I am fiending to get back on the production side of things after a 7 year hiatus!! I have experience! LOL (I know JP too-dont know if that matters to you)...
  8. I'll put in a request to the owner for vodka sauce 4 you (I love it too) Regarding the food at Champps-- I find that certain menu items are really delicious, while others are not all that... But the music you will hear on Wed--that's a different story....LOL I try to play something for everyone and people really seem to like it- so I'm happy....
  9. We shall now refer to him as SPIC LATINO....heh heh
  11. You'll be right around Vito Mazza salon where I work-Did u ever get that haircut we talked about??LOL
  12. If you like that stuff- Come say hi to me at Champps, in Edison for Wednesday nite Karaoke. I am the DJ. It's a lot of fun. You will even hear familiar club jams in between the horrible singing. LOL
  13. Thank you for clearing that up for me. I appreciate it....
  14. Scary stuff I'm reading here-- Does anyone know if you erase the files immediately after burning the CD's, would this be the best bet? Or does big brother know I've done that too? This is all new to me-- I've been downloading like a fiend lately-Now I am worried I am doing something wrong....
  15. Honey turkey Mortadella genoa salami sliced super thin If Deli meats are not sliced thin it makes me wanna gag.
  16. That would have to be my pick as well. By the way binoys, I work with a friend of yours-Jen Lovell at Vito Mazza!
  17. Wake up people. You're playing with fire.....
  18. I close my eyes I don't want to see no more cause your not in my vison there's no open door and u wont let me in and it can't quite sink in cause i thought u were happy what wuz i thinkin ooooo i had so much of u i couldnt dream last night i feel the touch of u even though your not by my side cant get enuf of u cuz u make the darkness light and after ALL THIS TIME u still posess my mind and after all this time i still want u in my life
  19. Eckobarbie- It's your life do what you want with it- but a Methadone addiction is harder to kick than Heroine ever will be. My mother -my fucking mother is a Methadone addict and has been for 20 years. That shit WILL destroy you. It Leaches calcium from your bones like a sponge. Please dont do it. If you are addicted I know some powerful herbs that will help you. Just a shame-that my mother doesnt want the info-she will die of AIDS as a pill popping meth addict. God bless......
  20. C'mon. Now I want to know what the scene means to people too...
  21. It's a relief to know others understand.......
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