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Posts posted by pollo

  1. no no pplease dont steal my points away from me

    During the average day, how many times do you wish it wasn't real? Honestly spill it....you live at home....have no car...no job...what do you live for? Your probably as fugly as they come. Good luck and I really mean that....you might want to leave NYC(SI) sometimes that is a good thing when your not making there!

  2. the day is finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    this is the day when our very own TheMrs playboy lingerie issue comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    im putting up this post to drum up support !!!!!!!!!!

    o.k. this is where we really want u to come through for us!!!!!!!!!

    dearpb@playboy.com and/or


    that email adress is the people we would like u to email to send ur comments....u know the comments that go like this......"we think Tonie is the most beautiful girl here and we want to see more of her"........

    or whatever other things u guys can come up with!!!!!!!!!!!!

    if u want to check it out Tonie is workin on her webite....theres some stuff up but were still building it!!!!!!!!! check it out at


    again thank u guys for the support!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The Fliptoniaaa's!


    Yeah this is the day I have been waiting for....like I don't have a fucking life! I've been dying to see you slutty wife in the back pages of Playboy airbrushed. I really hope your spam works to get her into the middle pages since the airburshing didn't work out so well and since Playboy obviously doesn't know what they're doing. Let's keep this thread alive until your retarded monkey headed kids are old enough to post here.....then maybe she will be in Hustler by then. Also think about the bug picture...let's use this for cheap ass exposure....if enough loser's send emails she might make it off the back page. How do you sleep at night knowing that you are using some message board geeks to your slimy advantage to get your whore...err I mean wife more exposure in Playboy.......brains my friend......long-term.....they will use and abuse her.....more soo then she already has been. Now stop being the king and go change some diapers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. lol... I don't sweat bitches on the internet...... I sweat the mrs every time I see her in person. ;)

    besides.... I happen to be married to one of the few people who do it for me more than she does.

    Its too bad you will never realize what flip and I have realized long ago. Respect, and care for a woman and you will get more back than your little brain can imagine. ( or more than your little dick can imgaine either)

    then why are you on the internet sweating this spexican?? WOW like OMG I totally love her and her pics are amazing, she's gorgeous, beautiful, etc. Sooo easy to predict what some fucking geeks are going to say about her....go back to your fat cuban cigar....errr I mean wife...

  4. i recently took all the shit for the nyod and i must say some of these people are out of shape to the 1000000000th degree... ya had to run 1.5 miles in 15 minutes and 30 seconds THAT IS nothing. i am out of shape (i think) but i was the fastest person in the gym .. what are some of you thinking.. (probably no one here b.c an out of shape person probably wont post on the fitness forum)

    Apparently you don't need to know how to spell, you stupid fucking community college drop-out. You'll fit right in you big headed meat stick. I really feel sorry for you.....it's dumb low-life jocks like you that give NYC a bad name and the NYPD an even worse name..........please move out of mom's house and join the Army....


    revert back to previous post, they're already dead....and presently I feel great. BTW, this has nothing to do with drunk driving, but let me know where your parents are, maybe I can swing by and hit the fucking scums that brought such a loser like yourself to this world. :mad:

  6. anthonyn sooo sorry for your friend .. pray for him my friend ..

    and thanks for the positive message that u bring .. wish we have more people like u on this board


    the MASK

    wish we had more people like u....on this board....guess I'll have to wait until Halloween.....


    the POLLO

  7. Damn you're stupid, Polly-o :deadfish:

    If you got nothing good 2 say, don't say anything. Get it, got it, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD :aright:

    Thanks for the advice papa smurf. How have you made it this far in life? Please tell me your from NJ.

  8. Infatuation can be like crack...

    when you're with them, you're in your own little world, oblivious

    when you're not, you think about them all the time

    all the while, you realize it could be slowly killin you...

    you agree or disagree? vote in poll :tongue:

    Can you say stalker.....go outside and take a few deep breaths(sp). After that go to a bar have a drink and relax, plenty more females out there and she is obviously not the one for you, realize this.....I know she is great in bed, I love hittin it from behind too

  9. Yo pollo, his message DID have something to do with clubs. That's why he posted on here, you cheap immitaion of mozzarella cheese : :deadfish:

    And sometimes it's comforting to get over something by sharing it with others. If you don't like it, then don't post on this thread.

    And have some couth.

    It's called sharing it with family and friend the old fashion way.....you know circa 1995 you stupid fucking smurf? Who the fuck are you, very creative with the pollo-o string cheese.....what was that message board 101. Now beat it smurfhahhahah

  10. FYI, if you want to do something to draw some attention set-up a fund, a walk, a drug free party, donate proceeds from a club(spirit). That is how you do it, don't come on a msgbrd crying......give some of the door at whatever event your playing at next to the family or a fund, scholarship. Thank me later.

  11. Being a little harsh aren't you? Do you think he cares about his spelling right now when he's dealing with the death of a friend? C'mon now :rolleyes:

    we all have our ups and downs. Did I cry when I lost my parents, YES, did I do it on a message board and make it public, NO, I dealt with it and moved on. Welcome life hun. Like I said God Bless him and he's in a better place now. Thanks anymore sheep out there?

  12. come on with you, i would like to see you deal with a person who was like a big bro... give the kid a break. some people are unreal i hope people on this board rip you apart for picking on him. i hope he comes back to haunt you. he was just trying to reach a few people and tell them how fragile life is. very uncool man , but you have to expect this from message boards i guess

    Thanks but I already watched my Lifetime movie today, so no need to lecture me, plus I'm 25. Now go back to being a wannabe Dior Whore you stupid wench.

  13. Hello people .. .. i am looking to find out about the dangers of E .. does anyone know of any documented disadvantages of E ??? i need to convince someone dear to me that E can kill her or ruin her life ..but don't know anything about this subject

    if E is your cup of tea .. this thread is possibly not for you .. but you are most welcome to participate if you like ..


    the MASK

    You owe me 10 minutes for reading your nonsense. Your a real fucking professional and so successful yet you need help convincing some stupid whore not to do E. You got problems kid. Please you should seek help immediately......or start doing E yourself. What is this mask? what kind of complection(sp) is that?? Thats normal? I understand your ugly but please just accept it, obviously your girlfriend has, she needs E to deal with you. Suprised she's not a crackhead too...........

  14. Hello people .. .. i am looking to find out about the dangers of E .. does anyone know of any documented disadvantages of E ??? i need to convince someone dear to me that E can kill her or ruin her life ..but don't know anything about this subject

    if E is your cup of tea .. this thread is possibly not for you .. but you are most welcome to participate if you like ..


    the MASK

    You owe me 10 minutes for reading your nonsense. Your a real fucking professional and so successful yet you need help convincing some stupid whore not to do E. You got problems kid. Please you should seek help immediately......or start doing E yourself. What is this mask? what kind of complection(sp) is that?? Thats normal? I understand your ugly but please just accept it, obviously your girlfriend has, she needs E to deal with you. Suprised she's not a crackhead too...........

  15. moody is not bad and he improved a lot over the years .. however he plays some commercials and no underground ..

    prob is . when u compare a local dj to world class djs like Mauro Picoto, Carl Cox, Jeff Mills, Charless Feelgood, PVD ..etc . then u can see the difference ..

    otherwise .. moody is fine ..


    the MASK

    Wow Mr. Club has spoken. STFU you flaming homo. Nobody but YOU cares about your incoherent opinion. Hahhahaha please tell me you didn't say Feelgood......do we even need to go there? Please tell me yes.....

  16. i dont watch to much t.v. but when i do i go straight for these channels.....so i wondered what station do u guys watch the most!?!?!?!?!?!

    1) comedy central

    2) food network

    3) ESPN

    4) E!

    5) MSNBC

    Please put the pipe down and look at your grammar. Must you put all these exclamation points? Are you a retarded AIDS infested monkey or just plain stupid? If you are a monkey then I am sorry and forgive you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How fucking annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. anyone know off the top of their head how much it costs to take out a classified ad in a paper~!? something small, maybe 20 words at the most... nyt, newsday, and post preffered... im gonna call tomorrow but trying to figure something out, and would like to know now... thanks...

    try the village voice. hahahah WTF are you advertising in the Post? Nevermind, please for sake of mankind don't tell me.

  18. ok good point, goes hand in hand with this thread. grow up bro not for nothing. this shit is serious, dont try n make jokes when someone dies. time n place for everything.

    My bad, God Bless him and he is in a much better place.....a place without asshole like me. Like I said before though, don't blame the drugs.

  19. honestly u think my brain is working in full gear, sorry about the mizzpelling


    "misspelling" and "geeze" sorry it's too easy. Don't worry it's never too late for your GED in the dirrrtyyyy Jerzzzzz. Fuck you'll have more of an education then half the state! Good luck with everything and God Bless your friend, but don't always blame the drug. He's in a better place now.......

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