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About kamtoasted

  • Birthday 03/17/1981

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  • Biography
    1/2 EgypTioN, 1/2 Sicilian, thas all 4 now more lata
  • Location
    NeU YuoRk cTeE
  • Interests
    come by lata i ll tell u
  • Occupation
  • Gender
  • Relationship Status
    aLwaYz GoOd ReLatiOns

kamtoasted's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. does the island need another dump? NASCAR
  2. pollz only 4 the ladies but itz ight i m sure they gotta Gayma Sutra 4 u somewhea
  3. why so much hate 4 the skribble? personally i think he's ight buh 1 of my frnds swearz by his music
  4. good point if you really wanna kno whats best for you get a whole bunch of cards master,visa,amr express, that way at the start u might have low spendin limits like $1000 but add the amounts 2gather on all the cards n u good 2 go jus make sure 2 pay ur bills lol
  5. KaMa SuRTra ancient indian art of PLeasure FOr AnY THinG SeX ReLATeD ThIs SHouLD Be ON tOp Of eVEry LiSt. EverYOne SHouLD kNoW IT and PraTice it lol KAMA SUTRA ANIMATED CLICK HERE opening page of the website "About Kama Sutra The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana ("Kama Sutra" is Sanskrit for "Aphorisms of Love") is an extraordinary and fascinating work that deserves careful reading and study. Written in ancient India, it is essentially a technical guide, a scholarly treatise if you will, to sexual enjoyment and other sensual pleasures. It also contains profound historical and anthropological insights into the mores and customs of ancient India. The modern reader will often be surprised by how markedly different the cultural paradigms presented in the Kama Sutra are from those of today. Almost nothing is known about the writer, Vatsyayana, or the exact date he wrote this work. Regarding the date, Sir Richard F. Burton (whose 1883 translation is used partially in this site—more on this below) determined from internal evidence that the Kama Sutra was written sometime between the first and sixth centuries A.D. Many scholars now believe the Kama Sutra was written during, or shortly before, the Gupta period (320-540 A.D.), which has also been called the Classical Age of India. Regarding the writer Vatsyayana, Burton makes the following insightful remarks: "...He [Vatsyayana] states that he wrote the work while leading the life of a religious student (probably at Benares) and while wholly engaged in the contemplation of the Deity. He must have arrived at a certain age at that time, for throughout he gives us the benefit of his experience, and of his opinions, and these bear the stamp of age rather than of youth; indeed the work could hardly have been written by a young man." One comment should be made about the so-called "Kama Sutra" now available at various sites on the Internet. That text document, the so-called "sexual positions list" is only a very small snippet of the entire work (a portion of one chapter out of a total of 35 chapters plus a Salutation.) It is also not from the Burton translation. Although legal considerations compel us to state that this site is For Adults Only (because Vatsyayana deals with the subject matter of human sexuality in a frank and forthright manner), it is a shame that this restriction must be applied since this site is clearly non-prurient in nature. The whole scholarly (and some would say, practical) character of the Kama Sutra is nothing like most works of erotica written today—some would even assert that the Kama Sutra is wholly appropriate even for older teens to read because of its historical and anthropological insights into our own culture and to human sexuality in general. Of course, our society is a lot different from ancient Indian society. Thus, many of the subjects and cultural practices Vatsyayana discusses are very alien, and even bizarre, to our frame of reference. But that is what makes the Kama Sutra so fascinating—something written almost two millennia ago, in a culture far removed us, tells us today that there is more than one way for a society to regulate human sexual practice and conduct. The obvious implication for us today is that we need to be very careful when we promote certain societal paradigms regarding human sexuality as somehow being fixed, absolute and timeless. They clearly are not. We are certain that you will enjoy the Kama Sutra Animated. "
  6. Discover not accepted many place cuz they're fees are too high for vender etc..
  7. suggestion STOP SHOPPin for a couple of days n u'll be ight
  8. any 1 comment on this know anythin bout the "green room" howz this place in jerzy? SIN (Service Industry) Sundays @ Green Room July 18th, 2004 Doors open at 9pm-3am. 21 and over. music by DJ SKRIBBLE Mark Ammatucci John Farruggio NO COVER for service industry pros! Green Room 1807 Boardwalk Seaside Park, NJ
  9. i gotta quick question a little off the topic but why do gurlz get ready for bed???
  10. u got me, by "manhattan gurlz" was referin to any gurl in they city durin club hours not specifically to gurls who live in the city
  11. not even Mao and the communist could reorganize Staten Island. its like Somalia without the shooting or blanace
  12. stupid question but is Junior Vasquez gonna be thea
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