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Posts posted by cocolo

  1. do u have any other input I got this off another website:


    (1)Red Colored Pencil

    (1)Black Colored Pencil

    (1)White Colored Pencil

    (1)Beige or Peach Colored Pencil (Optional)

    (1)Magnifying Glass

    (1)Bottle of Cheap Hair Spray

    (1)Duplicate Driver's License

    Alright, you can get all the supplies at CVS for under 10 bucks (Crayola Colored Pencil 12 Pack = 2.4. If you want to be fancy, you can go to the art store for the pencils. You can order your duplicate license online ( URL: http://www.nydmv.state.ny.us/licdup/default.html ) for $8, if you don't want to order another one you can use your Junior DL (Class: DJ) or even your Learner's Permit (not reccomended though).


    1) You need a place with very good flourescent lighting. Sharpen your pencils to the sharpest point possible, even more so than they came in the box. Chalk your OLD license not the new one you ordered online because you need to make sure that your issue date agrees with the 'Under 21' stamped on the ID. Use your red pencil to continue the curvature of the ones digit in your year of birth to make it a zero. Use extremely small strokes using a dabbing motion. DO NOT press hard on the surface of the ID, merely skim the surface. You will need steady hands so you may need help from your local starving art student. By not pushing hard, you will be able correct any mistakes you may make. If you make a mistake, use saliva and your finger to rub the pencil off, DO NOT scratch or you will render your ID useless. Use the magnifying class to check your work.

    2)Next, use the white (or peach/beige) pencil to dab out the inside of your new 0, using light dabs. If you make a mistake, once again, don't be afraid to rub it away and start again.

    3)Once you have made your birth year into 80, the next step is to do the same with the small black number in the lower right corner. The first two digits are your birth year. Repeat the previous steps but now obviously with the black pencil.

    4)Once you are satisfied with your job, spray LIGHTLY some hair spray on your id to make your pencil marks more permanent.

    That's it. I have used a chalked ID all over the city at bars, clubs, convenience stores and booze stores in NY and Cali, never failing yet. Thus ends the overly detailed tutorial for a fairly easy method.

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