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Posts posted by davidjosephs

  1. Sh*t, now i'm really confused about what to do for NYE. I really wanna see PvD @ IKON, but I know the shitty experience one must endure w/that venue (Exit, Black, Ikon etc). What should I do? is PvD worth the drama? or should I look elsewhere? Last NYE I was @ EXIT/BLACK for JP and I showed up at 8pm cuase it said doors open 8pm, waited 2 hrs freezing till they opened at 10pm and then I spent over an hour on the coatcheck line just to leave the place, I DO NOT wanna deal with that sh*t again, but I really wanna see PvD, any ideas?


    PvD for NYE will have no issues whatsoever or as few as there can be (obviously it's near impossible to say with thousands of people not one of them is going to have something to complain about, but it's being worked on)...planning for this party has been going on nonstop for a long time now and things will run as smoothly as humanly possible.

    My sentimentsd towards Ikon are this: the venue is massive and I have seen first hand that it CAN HAVE A VIBE to it..yes, repeat and rinse out. There were at least three events were I witnessed the true beauty of NYC nitelife..one, carter/farina; two, pullen and saunderson and three, greg vickers..

    people from all sorts of life coming together and dancing to one groove..now that's beauty, and yes..a vibe was there, but with a space that big it aint easy..ill tell ya that much.

    Ikon has been making many renovations to the space as well, and for many that say the sound in there sucks, i have to disagree...again i will state, danny tengalia played there and he, to his credit, only plays on good systems.

    NYE with PvD is going to be a very special event and one which will hopefully provide some excellent long lasting memories...


  2. 1) I am trying to figure out what happened with the list...it was a "one-off" for GK and some of the staff might have not been clued in to the lists GK were running so apologies are due.

    i have to ask though; what makes a crowd suck? i mean i can understand if the sound system is subpar that can take away from enjoyment of the night, or if there are issues at the door..i can appreciate that setting a bad tone too, but what makes a crowd suck?


  3. THURSDAY OCTOBER 28, 2004


    Our crack team of monkeys have determined this was the best name for a party catering to the clubplanet massive. Frankly, we agree. We've even written the review for you!

    So we'll just come out and say it: THIS PARTY SUCKS


    Swamy (Le Souk, Movida)

    John Dill (Exit9, Le Souk, Movida)

    Suite 16

    127 Eighth Avenue (NW corner of 16th St)

    New York City


    (we promise absolutely no bullshit)

    $10 Admission / $5 Reduced / FREE davidjoseph25@gmail.com

    10-11 PM FREE SUSHI


  4. it's all about booking diversity in my opinion;

    crobar and their staff are great, love em..but eventhough sasha is brilliant and such a talent, he's going to stick to more of a particular sound which of course has worked for him for many years..but,

    now on the other hand, godskitchen has brought in house dj's, techno dj's, tech house and breaks dj's..they've provided something fresh for the palatte..and it's not like godskitchen has brought in small names either..emerson, pullen, pappa, carter/farina, grayarea, max graham...these aren't small names..godskitchen has tried to provide something fresh, something new..

    with ken ishii coming up this friday, oct. 22nd, then DT for the 29th and then DJ Vibe on the 5th, i think we can all anticipate some amazing music that people will all enjoy thoroughly.



  5. there is a difference in my mind between being a "dj" and "spinning records".

    not everyone has spent enough time nor has the talent to be called a dj and fall into the other said category.

    with that being said, i say good luck trying to find some things, but honestly, it's all about the hussle...if you're not constantly going out, talking up people, handing out mixes, trying to network then in my opinion you're really not trying to make it for yourself...but who knows, you might be doing that..but if you're not, i suggest you look at your goals.


  6. ibrandon--

    if you have any comments or criticisms feel free to PM me and we'll do our best to use them.

    thanks to all that came out...i had a blast opening the night, grayarea played some very cutting edge material, and max graham definetely was fun listening to.

    this week we have an all free party, what we're calling a Preview Party, on Friday, Oct. 1st.

    then next week we have Chus&Ceballos with Low End Specialists.



  7. thank you andy...

    because we are moving to friday's this week (preview party on friday, Oct. 1st) we were not able to get Cosmic Gate to come in a day earlier since there was a booking conflict. We are however searching for a new date to bring them in.

    when we have them confirmed be sure that the info will be up asap.


  8. thank you all for coming!!

    again, it's you who make the party what it is..with all your energy, your love of the music and your vibe that no one can ever try to emulate.

    we're just happy to put a roof over ya head, put some excellent music on provided by amazing dj's and also give you something to look at too while you're cutting it up on the floor.

    def have nothing but much love and respect to all you guys and girls!


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