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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by ndsienna

  1. dont mind him...hes probably somebodies alter ego.....all he does is say stuff like that to everyone....so just look and laugh, theres a coouple of others like that too...dont take any of them seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!:aright:

    Wasn't really sure if he just had some kinda problem is people from Tennessee only or something.. :S

  2. I never stated it was against the rules...don't put words in my posts, ya damn hick...

    I just saw Fight Club so allow me borrow the following: ndsienna, you are NOT a beautiful and unique snowflake...Welcome to the earlobe of the internet, Granny Clampett...

    Look, I respect your opinion but if you dont like it: Then dont read it

    ..Problem Solved.

    Its not like I'm forcing a picket sign in ur face or anything. I was just interested in making a few new friends with the same interests as myself. (Music) As I assume that IS what this board is about. And if somehow that pissed you off, then I apologize because you've got some massive personal problems to sort out.

    Just let me know if I am breaking some sort of board rules. Otherwise, don't take your problems out on me.

  3. anything he says just ignore...its the xanax talking :tongue:;)

    welcome chica! :bounce:

    lmfao! You people are so friendly ;) heh, well some of u anyway..

    Theres things u can do here. I have to be honest though, if u want peace and quiet i would recommend TN, unless country music is ur thing.. *dies*

    However, Knoxville itself is coming up pretty well. It now has its share of a few hiphop clubs that are pretty cool.. But lets just say "I, myself, do alot of travelling" :shaky:

  4. it works fine. cute girl. so what's with the "stage name"??

    smilies7.gif Aww thanx so much..

    So whats with the stage name? Well I cant really use my real name as an artist because its "Brittney", and Mrs. Spears has already taken it, unfortunatly. icon9_2.gif So I had to make up my OWN name .. so yea, its silly i know icon3.gif

  5. Whats up y'all? I just signed up with tha boards here.. Seems pretty cool so far! :half: I've been on the official Craig David UK message board for like 3 years, and i figured it was about time for a change anyway.. So yea, I'd like to get to know y'all a lil better... so if you could introduce y'selfs?.. magtongue.gif

    My name is Brittney (aka Sienna - stage name), and i'mma 18/f vocalist from Knox TN..

    Music is like MY LIFE so i might fit in alright? bluewink.gif heh..

    grnbiggrin.gif Holler,

    Britt xx

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