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Posts posted by xxboxx

  1. HAHAHAHA of course you have an MPC, all you wanna-b rap producers sware by that and the motif.

    10 YEARS? damn, thats a long time.

    I guess, practice DOES NOT make perfect.

    go back to recording terrible 16bar loops. Im sure there are plenty of dumb "gangstas" who want to rhyme over your beats.

    I dont blame you. I blame the system.

    BTW, your missing one important thing. SOUND DYNAMICS!

  2. See no, YOU dont know waht your talkin about there buddy.

    By loop, i meant that a hip hop track is basically a repetitiious 16 bar loop.

    Other music, whether it be electronic dance, or live band recordings involve automation,filter sweeps,song structure (verse,chorus,bridge) etc

    The world doesnt need any more "hip hop producers" making "ill beats" with thier pc at home.

    Posting shit on myspace claiming to be the next neptunes, when half there sounds are simple patches off the nnxt and nn19 in reason.

  3. Not really, cause a)

    this isnt the proper section (DO YOU SEE ANY OTHER HIP HOP TRACKS BEING DISCUSSED HERE?)


    B) producing 16 bar loops doesnt make you a producer.

    maybe stupid rappers think beats are "ill", but thats because they are all morons. Any shit ass producer can make a decent hip hop track.

  4. - Is it normal in NYC to get paid "under the table"?

    - What's the level of a DJ salary in NYC?

    - What are the chances of finding DJ gigs in NYC?

    - This is the first forum in which I ask these questions.

    If this is the wrong place to post this, which should go to?

    1) Yes, its actually 90% more common than "being on the books".

    2) 200 a night for your average bar/lounge

    3) Slim to none at a decent club (at least "steady" residencies)

  5. around 33min on this set

    PS- If you have any of his old school shit (when he played more trance and hard vocals), shoot me a pm. This mix seems a little different, but its definitly one of the smoothest mixing ive heard in a while.

    EDIT - If you can ID the "rain falls down" track, you would be even cooler.

    Thanking you ahead of time.


  6. wow. ^

    No comment there.

    But seriously. Stop and consider what you call "a good club".

    Is it about looking "hott" and trying to feel all diva-ish and "pimp",

    or is it about...going out and letting loose?

    At 30+ will you still be out with the energy that these people possess?

    probably not, because you might jsut fall victim under "the trend", and you dont even know it.

    You might just be going along for the ride, cause this is "the kool thing to do"

    got that Mr Dj?

  7. Uh huh.

    Model my ass.

    People just pick a persona, and go for it.

    half of these clowns are like "im a natural gotti gangsta".

    its like..dude...NO..u watch the sopranos, and you wish you were. Just be yourself u fuckhead. Dont watch television/movies..and then point to the screen and say "ohhh..thats who i want to be like"

    (cause thats what goes through these idiot's heads)

    The media is a powerful tool used to manipulate these pathetic people.

  8. Seriously.

    A freind of mine m ade a good point,

    You have all these fuckers trying to convince you they are mobsters and sexy bitches.

    In reality, these people's lives are soo limited...it makes me sad.

    But yeah..




    the only reason myspace is popular is because people chat to one another, IN HOPE that the other person will check out THEIR profile. Nobody cares about whats on someone elses profile, they will just talk to them, to whore their own.

    And sending messages to bands and celebrities on myspace is PATHETIC. ITs just some PR guy, who is hired to run their page in promotion.


  9. Your web browser is set to automatically play all mp3s with real player.

    You need to make it so it prompts you:

    Would you like to Open the file

    or Save the file to disk.

    What web browser are yo using?

    Download Mozilla Firefox.

    That is all


  10. ohh ohh

    and how can anyone NOT LOVE THE:

    TRACKS subpages on these web pages.

    "coming soon.

    alot of these cats havent taken the time to even learn the basic structure of music development and its science (cause its NOTHING compared to what most these guys think)....BUT..they are ready to put "TRACKS" on their home page...with COMING SOON.

    once again why?


    they cant wait 2-3 years to actually spend HOURS and DAYS in front of a computer with their head in the books learning about production...NO

    they would rather talk the talk.

  11. i also gotta love the bios they write up.

    a bedroom dj pays for a site to look legit..

    and then strokes his own ego..with the whole "a force not to be denied in the house scene of "enter location here". This child prodigy has always had a love for music..blah blah.

    oh well.. thats what happened..i guess no use bitching about it.

    but its frustrating....especially when this has forced all the real people who have beena round (for over a decade), but arent "super known" to just go back into the cracks, because its better to lay low and enjoy your passion, as apose to get mixed up with the newbs who are 2 months into the game and ready to convince everyone that they are the shit.

    thats why nobody actually cares about new talent anymore...because 1 out of 20 are legit..and by the time you get to that 1...youd rather just ignore them all..and go back to bitching about "how shit isnt the same anymore" <like i am doing>

  12. well that is true to. But let the new jacks have there crack at it

    of course they should.

    but i feel like...its VERY different now.

    instead of living the culture and just loving it.

    they love to READ about it...and then talk the talk (from basically repeating what they hear)...as apose to LIVING IT..and then opening their mouths at the appropriate times..

    but nope, even if the conversation doesnt call for it...

    someone will butt in to try to show.."their knowledge" , and to prove..hey..IM A DJ MAN!



    No more cliffs from easytouch,

    no more chilling outside a record store all day long.

    no more spending hours in a basement listening to records with freinds,

    or spending hours at a store, just being a part of the culture for the enjoyment of it.

    now ..its all about the image.

    now....i buy some gear..

    i download the "hottest tracks"

    i google ABOUT the culture...

    and BOOM..im ready to call myself a dj.

    Cause being a dj IS KOOL!

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