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Posts posted by backupqueen

  1. Whats that drivers license scanner some clubs use, does it take a picture? It seems if u use a foreign id or passporet they can't scan u

    Can a club deny access to people for not having a drivers license from one of the 52 states?

    If the answer is yes this could solve peoples problem with FOBS, but would discriminate against tourists.

    If you do not have a state i.d. they take a picture of whatever i.d. you are carrying (passport or else).

  2. I heard it at virgin and put it back down, with the exception of 3 good tracks the whole thing to me personally wasnt anything impressive.
    <irony>Really? That's surprising. I would have thought you would be all over that Boris CD...</irony> i.e. no need to state the obvious.
  3. The homophobia and segregation between the straights and the gays at the Evolve party is hillarious ....and typical.

    Last Sat. as soon as Calderone came on ...the straights ran for the balconys.


    I don't know, I've been to countless mixed parties in NYC and elsewhere, and there was no 'segregation' per se.

    So I'm just going to say it the way I see it because I'm losing patience a little bit : I think the first floor/second floor segregation (note that it stems from straights leaving the floor) has to do with the fact that a lot of the crowd at Crobar are (sorry but) uneducated in the real New York nightlife (Boris's Believe does not cut it), or any nightlife for that matter (Ibiza, London, ...).

    New York used to be RULED by gays, from the Garage to the (27thSt) Sound Factory, Studio 54, you name it. Dance Music is the same exact story. Same in London, Ibiza, ...

    So the fact that those folks freak out because of some shirtless bodies is the obvious proof that they either didn't frequent the right spot or just don't know much yet ... whatever. Victor is where he is because of 'The Boys' so let's be thankful and grow up.

  4. Victor goes way back in the NYC gay club scene (a decade or something). Roxy Saturdays (gay) was his big gig for the longest time, plus the Madonna thing really put him on the map... and he's still a favorite among the gay crowd. Better get used to it :)

    So short answer to your question: yes it is , but it's really open to anyone as any good nyc party is.

  5. i've already seen that but ur just gonna believe this channel when there are plenty of other sources and factual channels?(discovery,history channel, all the news channels..etc)but obviously you don't know what your talkin about because my best friends dad who lives in the city was told by a cop or cab driver (cant remember who) before the attacks happened that he should stay out of that area and so were a couple of others....don't you find that a bit fuckin weird!? so trust me im not followin any bullshyt im just out there researchin and lookin for the truth

    Well, I'm not going to spend too much time on this, but you don't seem to understand that the Physics in your little documentary is just wrong, but the one in the PBS doc is correct (and yes I have a College degree in Physics). You are talking about "believing that channel", well, the fun thing you see is that you don't have to *believe* science, you have to *learn* and *understand* it. I just don't think you do. Also, a class in Probabilities would help.

    Looking for the truth is good, but you have to use the correct tool: substitute credulity with intelligence.

    And your little comment about that taxi driver has been around and around and debunked as many times ... you're either trolling or you're just ... oh well.

    Good luck with everything, I'm done with this pointless thread.

  6. yea check the first video i put up or check this one out

    I _did_ check the video you put on your main topic. Now the question is did you read what serious scientists using rigorous thinking say in the link I posted?

    I was nowhere near convinced by the arguments used in the conspiracy video, most of them are debunked using science and logic on the site I posted. The rest was little out-of-context circumstantial facts told with a very deep and serious voice over cliche music, and very bad physics.

    The link I provided should help you read through the conspiracy-junk, unless you're one of those folks who just won't change their mind whatever we put in front of them. In which case you need to read what Karl Popper has to say about unfalsifiable theories.


  7. anyone know the name of the song after danny T go ton the mic and said " New York City its time for some drums" and he started teasing in the sound of drums and then the lyrics paeng paeng followed.....it was pretty insane and chaotic at that point...

    Sounded like a live mix of "Rhythm is My Bitch", "Din Da Da", and whatever DT could throw in there. (I think)

  8. It was all right, nothing to write home about. Was there for DT mainly so I can't talk about Pico. To stick to the stars system I'll give that night a 2.5* out of 5.

    PS: $50 entrance! $4 coat check! Crobar's pushing it if you ask me. For that price they could afford real confettis to replace the napkins they throw in the air.

  9. Listen computerjokey, you are just preaching to the wrong crowd. You just need to find another forum to post your little pics --or just email them to your friends only, or get a website.

    Also the annoying thing for me is your approach as "look i'm so great so fun the folk i hang out with are the most amazing" when -no offence- there's really no need to get THAT excited about dressing up and hanging out with the previous/current cool club kids crew.

    As for NYC not having a real music scene: get a clue. There is more to NY than (and I really love those folks) Larry Tee and all co. What happened to open mind?

    I want to like you, I see where you are coming from, but really drop the "look how cool I and my friends are" attitude. Nothing new there and most of the people here have seen this for the past x years (you might not have been much involved since you arrived here recently). Which is pretty funny considering your little shady comments about music that was 10 years old (how long have the club kids been doing the exact same thing (tamer today actually) ????)

    And accept the fact that your scene is not everybody's cup of tea damn it.

    As for the folks calling others fag and tranny: you're just retarded and a complete lost cause for a better humanity.

  10. Last time i got to check him out was TOO long ago like 04 in ikon/exit/whatever it was stacey pullen + kevin saunderson.. one of my top 5 best nights musically. the place was dead, in the entire place like 40 people TOPS.. a shame.

    Wow, that's pretty sad indeed. But why on earth would they play there? I think those DJs are not advertised to the right crowd when they go to those places. It makes much more sense to have them play at Cielo or a club with a more musically sophisticated crowd. Because you are right, they will bring people to an amazing musical high.

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