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Everything posted by sancib

  1. Hells yeah! last year the hub and I arrived Thurs afternoon, just in time to nap and get ready for Mansion, to see my music god John Digweed. We went to Ultra both days, those who went will remember the freakin Monsoon on Sat.( that shyt was OOC), but we left on Mon. to avoid the crazy sunday rush. And it still took us 1 1/2 hours to get processed in the airport. we had a blast.
  2. I know its such a shame that all these promoters are only in it for the money, and could 2 shits about consumer/costomer satisfaction. But in all fairness, when I had that issue with the Vanguard last summer, both my VIP hostess, and the owner of the club called and tried to reconcile with me...So it is really hit and miss I guess, sorry they didnt get back to you. Booo.
  3. Well I have heard the saying "you cant truly love another until you love yourself". I agree.
  4. How funny my friend Efrain also went to sublevel, and he also went by himself. We chatted briefly via cell at about 0430. I dont have pics of my night yet, but as soon as I do I will. We ended up at Spagio in Sherman Oaks, it was awsome. We got all decked out guys in suits, girls in 40's inspired gear, I did my hair with pincurls. They had a jazz/swing band playing, a little dance floor with the older generation showin us how its done, an amazing 5 course meal, 2 bttls Malbeck, 1 btl chamagne. At 0100 we then moved to my house for John Digweed via my soundsystem and lots more drinks. Blueberry/Pom martini's, sake bombs, scotch, and beer. We didnt get to bed until 0700. I really enjoyed my night.
  5. actually, I dunno how/if it works if you dont have a land line. My cells, home and internet are all with Verizon. But it def warrants looking into.
  6. Since I am still very bitter that all my fav's will be at Moron Sport Arena, my friends and I decided to get all swanked out and go to a supper club, we looked into Atlas, but I dont think that place exists anymore? So we have tenetive plans at Spazio, 7 course meal with Swing band for the night. I looked at the Roosevelt, but I really dont want to feel like I am fighting with a bunch people for appetizers.
  7. Oh gosh, dont I know it, but I can't help it, the best I have done is set my chin on the back of my hand. It's totally a thinking/pensive thing.
  8. Sorry long time no write, I guess I have just been so busy. I went to NY in Nov. and working. I also am a little obsessed with my facebook I admit. But I get my internet service from Verizon DSL. I have no complaints. And by the way, you should report this guy when you are done with Time Warner. God knows how many more women this guy is harassing. ickkk..
  9. I am really bummed that all my loves will be playing at the sports arena, that venue really sucks, and is always a zoo. I dont mind partying with 18y/o's, but you really have to have your event properly organized. I always leave feeling like I overpaid to walk way to far, and be stuck in a hot, sweaty mess of people who are on so much shyt they cant even be social. And I like house, but not enough to go to an event that is primarily that, GIANTs' event only has MSTRKRFT for me, I am not a real big fan of Tiesto. I've seen him twice, and both times I thought "nice audio visual show" but I want to get my groove on. Boo hoo hoo, can I get some cheese with my "whine" ? hehehehe
  10. Just as most of these conversations start... It all depends on what kind of music you like, that way the people who know lots about your preferences will reply.
  11. i just watched it, cant say that I remember it. but wow I have never seen an entire dialogue comprised of mainly 3 words... mofo, ni, fk. That is hilarious and what I call OOC out of control.
  12. Why? wha hoppen? I got ur message about booking at the sponsored hotel, sorry I didnt get back to you, it's been shitty at work lately, then I got sick, and spending my days off just vegging to recoop. If it was an "offical hotel" whether for WMC or GIANT, I believe both should be fine. shouldnt it? I have yet to book, but without a doubt will be first thing on the agenda when I get back from NYC.
  13. Dude, funniest thing, I bought the colored hair spray from the Halloween store, and only after I had to wash my hair like 4 times to get all the black out, I read the can...DO NOT APPLY TO LIGHT BROWN TO BLONDE HAIR. aye yay yay So until I go back to my stylist, its currently light brown.
  14. Well we dont have anything planned that I can think of, we are going to NYC for Thanksgiving week, so we may not be doing much for lack of money for our trip, But will def let cha know if things change. As for Ms.Weyes, I have been looking at prices for hotels for WMC and the rooms are going pretty fast. I was thinking of staying at the Richmond, it's on Collins and 19th, much closer than last time, we stayed on Collins and 30th. even then I am looking at about $22-2300 for the trip for 5 nights, and that is not including Ultra tix $100pp so $200 for me, and whatever money I spend there, maybe another $600 seeing going to clubs, drinking, and food. and that is being frugal, I think? I was gonna see if Shorty Star wanted to go as well, she mentioned it earlier this year. Either way, all your booking should be done by the end of Nov. if you want to get decent accomidations.
  15. Well I had my party night on Sat. but I will be going to see a friend of mine in the "Rocky Horror Picture show" at a theater in West Covina Halloween. We had the most HORRIBLE time on Sat at Monster Massive. 1) The VIP entrance was impossible to find, and when we did we had to go through what I can only call a tame cavity search, and the regular entrance that we almost went through more than once did not have as harsh a search. I had to take off both of my shoes and shake them upside down. throw away my lipstick, and then she felt the area under my bra where the underwire is, which I have had done on a rare occasion, but then she PINCHED MY NIPPLE! WTF! And just cause you went in the VIP entrance did not mean you were automatically in the VIP area. then you had to mush through the sea of people and find it. 2) It was way too hot and humid, and then you had to wait in another line to get your alcohol bracelet, silly me I thought only 21+ could but VIP tickets, hence the open bar thing. Then you had to struggle through the bar line, which I can only describe as a wrestling match, with a plethera of line cutters to get a drink, dam open bar thhh!, the first time I got an elbow in the eye, yes I know I am short 5'2, but people were just dicks1 , the second time some asshole in line yells out "10mins to last call!" and a mad rush happens, I get shoved into the bar, almost broke a rib, and I have the bruises to prove it! after that i seriously almost started crying and wanted to leave. I cant believe I paid so much money for so much abuse! so to "Go Ventures" I say go f*#k yourselves! I will never go to a Monster Massive event again!
  16. Alrighty everyone, dates have been announced, Ultra tickets are being presented for march 28-29th. Ms. Weyes, I hope you have your savings all squared away. This time I will be arriving on Wed., instead of thurs, as well as staying a little farther up Collins than I did. Ahh yes, so many parties, so little time.
  17. So I am assuming that these tickets were only on sale that day? because when I clicked the buy tickets icon nothing happend. Oh well, just have to wait till they really go on sale. Either way, Yay for WMC! it's time to start planning again.
  18. sancib


    O.Kay will check.
  19. OMG what a fkn dick! People are so retarded. I dont know if you pay much attention to the news, but that family that was hit by road rage drivers, where the 5y/o boy was killed, I had the other baby where I work, so sad I hope the guy gets life, or the death penalty. Speaking to that father over the phone to update him on his childs health on the same day he had to go and bury his son. That shyt is so wrong on so many levels. I hope they make an example of this road rage driver.
  20. So true, one day I was experiencing road rage, I was so trapped in that situation, I couldnt move and it wasnt my fault. Finally at my breaking point I huffed, looked at the man and stuck out my tongue He was so taken by surprise, he actually started to laugh. hahaha, isnt that great.
  21. As for the Andy Caldwell thing, isnt he house? you like that better dont you Weyes? And the price, well it's Halloween, $50 isnt bad, and it's at an old Hollywood hotel, which means there has to be haunted stories behind it hehehehehe
  22. hi everyone, sorry I have been obessed with my facebook lately. Anyhoo, on Oct. 27th we are doing the Murder mystery dinner 'Fright Night" Train in Filmore, then we are suppose to go out. where dunno yet. but we will be dressed up, My hubby is going as Jack the Ripper, I am going as a victorian vampire. It took me forever to find the best costume. I have a black taffeta bustled skirt with a red and black corseted top with victorian choker. The cherry on top is stick on canine's, and Black "Scleral" contacts ( boy were those puppies expensive), and black hair paint. ( I loved Bram Stoker's Dracula) I acutally found a red dress that was like "Mina's", but that dress was over 2G's. I will have to post pics.
  23. Oh yeah, I remember we talked about that briefly at Diggers. I hope it went as peacefully as it could have. I hate bad break ups they are soo stressfull for all parties involved.
  24. How funny, you could have saved yourself some grief and put Slutty anything. But me and my friends are trying to work on a group one ourselves, we were thinking about doing the anime verision of "Harajuku" girls. I love me some Gweny (she is my style Icon).
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