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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. ryan2772

    March 2005 Promo

    ahhh yes.....i remember again why i love trance. ;D
  2. ryan2772

    March 2005 Promo

    obtaining..... 8) ;D
  3. that's because you buy DD coffee in bulk and brew it at your house.
  4. :-X i'm serious, man! it's like heaven in a cup
  5. best coffee in the world
  6. Religious symbols should be banned from public view unless covered with dung or immersed in urine. In which case, their display needs to be subsidized by the federal government. what the fuck is that about??? :-\
  7. hahahahaha that's awesome long live pot culture ;D
  8. it's supposedly one of the trippiest games ever made. looks really cool, really different
  9. it's the space SUPER VIP oh, you all have never been there before? oops. forget i said anything. :-X
  10. ryan2772

    Nocturnal Sneak Peek

    i'm waiting... ;D
  11. http://www.world-science.net/othernews/050310_suntubefrm.htm click the link to see a pic of it Posted March 11, 2005 Courtesy Oak Ridge National Laboratory and World Science staff Scientists are developing a technology to save energy by transmitting sunlight into buildings through tubes. Indoor electric lighting is the largest consumer of electricity in commercial buildings, according to researchers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Their new system. called hybrid solar lighting, would reduce this energy usage with fixtures that supplement or completely replace electric light with sunlight, at times when it’s available. The system is called hybrid solar lighting. In the system, a rooftop collector concentrates and sends sunlight through optical fibers, tubes made of special, high-purity material that transmit light by reflecting it down their inner walls. The fibers would transmit sunlight to special fixtures inside the building, which also contain high-efficiency fluorescent lighting. When the transmitted sunlight completely illuminates each room, the electric lights stay off. The researchers discussed on their work in the current issue of the laboratory’s magazine, ORNL Review. When less natural light is available during cloudy days and at night, a sensor activates controls that increase electric lighting adequately to supplement natural lighting and maintain desired illumination levels, according to the magazine. The laboratory’s Jeff Muhs spearheaded the development of the technology, organizing a collaboration of more than 25 organizations in 13 states to help in the research, the magazine said. The Oak Ridge labortory plans to help install hybrid solar lighting at the headquarters of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District in Sacramento, Calif., under a contract by the California Energy Commission, according to the magazine. The laboratory also plans to install an HSL system in a Wal-Mart store in Kauai, Hawaii, to evaluate energy savings and sales trends associated with HSL daylighting.
  12. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow is the right time i'm tired of waiting why are we waiting? ;D
  13. GO NOLES oops. dammit. :'(
  14. i think she was tripping on acid
  15. watch it twice, it'll become your favorite movie
  16. We don't know why you wouldn't watch that shit. Why don't you tell us why you don't watch that shit??? because it's shit.
  17. ;D ;Done of my all-time favorites!!!! that song is beautiful
  18. i had that energy drink/beer, i didn't like it. it tastes EXACTLY like beer & red bull mixed together.
  19. Motorbikes. So is waking up in the morning. You could get hit by a meteor. You could spontaneously combust. So is smoking cigarettes. Lung cancer and all that. So is drinking, you could rot your liver. So is driving a car. You could get decapitated by an out of control semi. So is flying. A crazed Arabiac could shoot ya down. So is fucking. You could have a coronary in the process. don't forget riding public transportation
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