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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. bad ass glad you had a good time i'm dying to go to south america
  2. there's entirely too much crying. they lose, they cry. they win, they cry. they sit and wait, they cry. cry cry cry. and then they cry some more.
  3. congrats man have fun
  4. here are the pics from her cameraphone careful, there's some boobies (nsfw) ;D http://thesuperficial.com/parisphotos.html
  5. i have an apple IIc
  6. you must spend your remaining 3 hours per day on the toilet.
  7. what the hell is he talking about?
  8. they're back, yo. http://www.sonymusic.com/artists/KrisKross/html/kkhmpge.html check out the "tour info" link hahahahahaha
  9. Never say that again. hahahahahahaha ;D
  10. You and your weird family never cease to amaze me. well that's what carisa requested.
  11. that's my sister you're talking about. dick.
  12. sounds like a publicity stunt to me
  13. hahahahahahaha that explains SOOOOOOOOOO much ;D
  14. A wedding from 11pm until noon the next day? Do you have to fly to Sydney to attend? ;D it's not that simple... I also need surgery so being on my feet for long periods of time is just impossible.. thus why I rarely go out... I'll probably be going under the knife mid march, till then, it's percs and brew dogs and netflix.. I"m gonna try and come though after the wedding, depending on the pigeon situation.. percs + brew dogs + netflix = big fat belly be careful dude.
  15. ryan2772

    Jedi name

    No matter what you are, you can becomo a Jedi, but if you're not born a wookie, I find it hard that you'll ever become one... ;D the force is strong with this one...
  16. i figured something along those lines. perfectly appropriate ;D
  17. you ever see those decals that look like bullet holes that people put on their cars to make it look like they got shot? WHO DOES THAT????
  18. sounds like a flip-flopper to me
  19. There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die
  20. "Eagle Eyes!" hahahahahahaha
  21. this is horrible, i was such a big fan. :'(
  22. somebody call: Pauly shore 3104907367
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