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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. she's a volleyball player/(psuedo) supermodel.
  2. netflix is awesome, i used them for quite a few months. it's all done at your pace, you get 3 at a time for $20/month. there's also plans for more/less. they have a gigantic selection, too, and that was 3 years ago, when they first started.
  3. That's quite a picture. I saw like 5 minutes of it, but didn't catch this part. It is sweeps week, you know....
  4. I can't wait to see Deep Dish again, they're near the top of my list, for sure. They ain't boring live, you all are crazy. Deep Dish RAAAAAAAAAWKS
  5. i worked spotlight for a nas concert once in panama city. my boss was like "keep the light on the dude with the red hat." hilarious, there's like 8 guys on stage, and they take turns between singing and stepping towards the back of the stage to talk on their cell phones. the entire show. how did you get that gig? I worked at the Tallahassee Civic Center, setting up plays and basketball games for FSU and events like that. A buddy that I worked with got offered a couple of jobs in P.C. during spring break for like 2 weeks we were there. I also worked a Bush concert there.
  6. i worked spotlight for a nas concert once in panama city. my boss was like "keep the light on the dude with the red hat." hilarious, there's like 8 guys on stage, and they take turns between singing and stepping towards the back of the stage to talk on their cell phones. the entire show.
  7. i was there, what a game. 18 home games in a row, unbelievable! ;D ;D
  8. i'm actually a 59 year old carpenter from witchita, ks whodathunkit?
  9. yep, i insult because you have become extremely annoying and continue to make dumb, pointless jabs. the only time i mentioned religious values was to illustrate a point about the significance of active charitable groups and the work that they do daily on the basis of their faith. way to pay attention. and yeah, when you try to bring intellect into the discussion, i will criticize (thats how you spell it) your posts when they sound like a child wrote them. i know both of you f*cks, you would be friends in real life, not cooljunkie land. stop fighting.
  10. goddamn columbia house is shipping it to me w/o my approval, it's like an expensive cult. RETURN TO SENDER sorry, it's a related sidenote. haven't seen the flick yet, but i REALLY need to like a movie before i buy it.
  11. i see.....so clearly now.....
  12. post some more happy pics from iraq
  13. i almost said the exact same thing
  14. i think THIS thread should be deleted. i'm deeply offended.
  15. the memories....
  16. did you re-kindle the old flame from prom night? i tried, that's for damn sure. but no....she was on her way out to slasa or whatever on the patio.....we were in different worlds. ;D
  17. and you like to call yourself "matt damon." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  18. i'm not a dj, silly girl!
  19. tiesto cracked me up on the TIC video
  20. goddamn jamie lynn siegler is freakin beautiful ;D
  21. first time i went to space 1.0 i ran into the chick i went to prom with, that's about all i remember about that night.
  22. lol...i saw that! i'm pretty cute, huh? I already knew that. And now everyone does! ;D
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