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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. i think he's a douchebag. too negative. i'm all about paul & ron. those guys raised me, been listening for about 12 years now, since they were on 103.5 wshe (remember that???)
  2. visit: www.stopfcc.com A petition has been started to send to congress about the recent absurd and overbearing restrictions placed on what we see and hear by the FCC. Howard Stern was just the beginning. You can even make farting sounds on the radio anymore. How ridiculous is that? Doesn’t everyone love a good fart? Even though I didn’t listen to Stern, the bearing down by the FCC is very extreme and infringing on our first amendment rights. Please pass this along to as many friends and co-workers as possible.
  3. that chick katrina, from miami, my buddy here @ work is good friends with her. small world...
  4. ryan2772

    Potential Good News!

    umm......i don't know about that. :-X
  5. yeah man....i got to get some work done!
  6. But that's not why we went there! Of course, we're all happier that Saddam (say his name backwards...eerie) is gone. But the end doesn't justify the means. And all we've been seeing in the past few weeks is finger-pointing back in forth between the agencies involved. Goddammit, I see more responsibility taken on "The Apprentice". Which is a helluva show, by the way.
  7. I've been a fan of Bill Maher's for about 5 years now, watched both his old and new shows religiously. He's not so much liberal, as he is libertarian. He really wants common sense to prevail, which, of course, it never will. I value him and John Stewart because they give perspectives we don't see on network news. I (and everyone, for that matter) NEED to hear several perspectives, conservative, liberal, and everything inbetween. That's the only way the truth can be revealed. Having only one train of thought will get you nowhere.
  8. Bill Maher and John Stewart are the ONLY sources of news for me. i need cynicism and humor.
  9. no, dude! then the terrorists will win!
  10. what movie is that from? so familiar, just can't put my finger on it.
  11. :-[ i stand corrected. yes, i would've listened to the consulate. f*ck the $500. ;D ;D that would be a bad ass trip!
  12. i understand what you mean, and i won't be going there anytime soon. but if i had already booked a trip, i would've gone.
  13. that's freakin ridiculous. i know there was a horrible bombing there, but that's no way to live your life.
  14. great bio for a great dj. 8)
  15. also, the new guy in spain will most likely take the completely opposite position as his predecessor. i think he will completely disown the united states, as he sees his people wanting him to do that. there are some big changes coming in international politics.
  16. that's a feet-tapping / head-bobbing track, nothing more. Â can't dance to that.
  17. alright! a di.fm endorsement! di is bad ass. they have live shows about once a week, and there's some sort of special show every day @ 2pm. they're even putting in some live video shows, which are pretty cool. watching a live nightclub in sweden is pretty interesting when i'm sitting at my desk at work. do you guys post on di? i have the same screenname on there. i know i've seen andrew chibale on there.
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