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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. really?? how so? allegories and whatnot. "propaganda" is a negative word, i know...i'm slightly joking....however...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Chronicles_of_Narnia
  2. that's a classic ;D
  3. stupidest thread ever
  4. bees are pussies
  5. http://www.hedonistica.com/media.php?path=/videos/flaming_shot.wmv
  6. what did you think? it's alright...it's pretty out there...
  7. pretty cool http://www.btaa.co.uk/winners2005/HondaDiesel_Grr.htm
  8. all 4 songs (videos) available for free download http://music.aol.com/artist/main.adp?tab=songvid&artistid=76669&albumid=0
  9. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/tireroll.html
  10. a good zoo or a bad zoo?
  11. http://www.nst.com.my/Current_News/NST/Monday/National/20050704090805/Article/indexb_html Chin giving Kangar chickens ‘the snip’ KANGAR, Sun: He is no veterinary surgeon, but Chin Yook Joon’s services are much sought-after here by poultry-rearers. They seek Chin’s services when they want their cockerels neutered. The 50-year-old picked up his skills in producing what the Chinese referred to as yim kai when he was young by following his late uncle to villages upon being summoned by those who want to neuter the birds so that they will grow plump and fetch a high price in the market. When his uncle died in 1980, he took over the vocation, as the demand was high for the service. Chin performs a swift 30-second "surgery" on the cockerels for RM2 per bird. "The Chinese, especially the Hakka and Cantonese, believe that once a young cock is neutered, it will not go after the female chicks but just eat and sleep all the time. "After 100 days, they will then develop into a fat chicken with tender meat," said Chin, who hails from Kuala Perlis. Chin often goes to border towns of Padang Besar, Kaki Bukit and Wang Kelian on his motorcycle offering his services. His repeat customers usually call and fix further appointments. Neutering a rooster involves opening a small hole in the chicken and using a metal tool with a sharp blade to cut and remove the testicles. "It is all done in less than half-a-minute," said Chin, adding that very few chickens have died in the process. A home-grown capon (neutered rooster) can weigh 3kg and fetch a market price of RM22 per kilo, while a normal chicken is sold at RM8 per kilo. "That is why you do not see chicken rice shops selling yim kai as it is too costly for them to make a profit," said Chin. Yim kai, he added, is also a popular form of dowry among the Chinese. "The bridegroom usually presents his future in-laws with a pair of yim kai as an indication of his family’s prosperity," he said. Business for Chin increases as the Chinese New Year nears. He usually gets as many as 30 house-calls a day three months prior to the festive season, because it takes three months for the chicken to grow to the desired size.
  12. I think YOU are strange... ;D i do my best
  13. http://www.izpitera.ru/lj/tetka.swf ;D
  14. ryan2772


    i've been in michigan for almost a month now
  15. wish you were here my favorite song of all time
  16. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/videos/blinddateparody.html ;D
  17. you already posted that one, punk you're slippin, alex
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