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Everything posted by ryan2772

  1. yowza http://www.kingkongmovie.com/ef239524432ba87f1ca8f70eed4b1fa7/en_splash.html
  2. ryan2772

    4 days until.......

    argh i wanna go soooooooooooo bad :'(
  3. wow man....you really ARE living in the past
  4. AIDS! AIDS! AIDS! (team america reference) ;D
  5. it's going to end up in a jar of formaldehyde in some 7th grade classroom
  6. hahahahahahahahahahahaha that's hilarious
  7. i'm in michigan right now, it gets dark @ 10:00, crazy
  8. this looks good http://www.ifilm.com/player/?ifilmId=2672277&pg=default&skin=default&refsite=default&mediaSize=default&context=product&data=null
  9. hilarious http://www.ifilm.com/player/?ifilmId=1084537&pg=default&skin=default&refsite=default&mediaSize=default&context=product&data=null
  10. chicks in bikinis, you can't beat it http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2673367
  11. When Players Don't Pay In a season of bad behavior, sports leagues have announced stiff penalties for rule-breaking stars. Yet often, fines are quietly reduced, dropped -- or even, Jon Weinbach reports, refunded with interest. http://online.wsj.com/public/article/0,,SB111897034755762207-OUV_wHYEfDq1kBdUMezPzKFXQVs_20060617,00.html?mod=blogs really long, but a good read. players have actually made money when they're fined by their teams/leagues: Among the athletes who've enjoyed relief from a stiff fine: NBA guard Latrell Sprewell -- who actually made money on a $25,000 penalty, because a corporate sponsor stepped in to pay it and the fine was later dropped by his team -- and pitcher John Rocker, who ended up paying just $500 of the $20,000 penalty originally imposed by Major League Baseball for his remarks about minorities and homosexuals.
  12. You're definitely the funniest Canadian-Bolivian on this site, homey. i concur
  13. complete with appropriate soundtrack http://www.putfile.com/media.php?n=Molotov_Baseball
  14. balance is an amazing series and desyn is an amazing dj...i'm getting this one
  15. good ol' fashioned monkey love. http://www.hedonistica.com/media.php?path=/videos/ape_sex.wmv
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