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Posts posted by jannepekka

  1. Ok.....now I arrived in NY icon14.gif; Albuquerque was *%"¤ icon13.gif - from evening-event pov. Only working like an animal, no good evening program at all. The food kicked ass, though....but now I am here, next to the POSH thing and let´s see what will happen.

    I am quite excited to see, if going out in a potentially good club in Long Island really kicks ass icon6.gif - or if it´s just lame icon15.gif. This evening I grabbed a beer in the REIN BAR *thanks for the hint* and I was sitting next to a german father trying to educate his son (father approx. 45, son approx. 18 years old) and waht I heard from their table S-U-C-K-E-D icon8.gif! The father was talking really bad racist-stuff about turkish people, black people ...OMG, if this is the average opinion of a german 45y old guy. I almost stood up and told him my opinion about his NAZI bullshit. Poor son.

    Anyway. I will dream about some lovely ladies in POSH, maybe I will meet them in dreamland soon icon6.gif.

    ALoha, Janne

    ...wow, this icon drag´n´drop is cool...

  2. *laugh* the skirts are cool; with the right shoes or boots. The white socks you are wearing with the brown skirt are screaming for some sandals....just a minute, I will find a proposal.....


    Nonono....I bet you are planning to wear cowboy - or better - girl - boots with that. That would be VERY cool in good aol Europe. Tight top, long hair and off you go.

    Cheers, Janne

  3. *lol*

    @Orisha: that´s exactly the way, the fashion of german tourists appears anywhere on this globe...but you forgot the tennis socks (slightly yellowish) and the super healthy but fuckin ugly sandals...and ladies - of course - having hairy legs like PI Thomas Magnum´s chest ;o)

    And, you are right: skirt or dress over jeans is very fashy in Europe as well...

    Cheers, Janne

  4. Hi there,

    I just thought about writing about my evenings in the US during my biz trip over here...I started two postings already to learn a little bit about Albuquerque and Long Island....maybe someone out there is interested in some stories...

    EVENING 1:

    I can´t believe it, what happened yesterday evening, when I wanted to enter a pub place in Albuquerque...the lady at the door asked me to show my ID!!! Hallo?!?! I am 35 years old....but then I learned, that I MUST carry my ID with me, when enetering a pub/bar in New Mexico.

    In the first place, I just wanted to start the evening there in the "Fox and Hound", but after eating something, I was too jetlagged to continue the tour thru town.

    Anyway...lots of those funny - at least those guys think they are - balooners from the Balooning Festival where hanging out with their pins, caps and ugly ladies....so maybe not the best weekend to stay here.

    Lets see, what this evening brings...

    --> good hints are highly appreciated! Cool club, lounge or so would be nice. It would be great to meet some people out there to chat while sipping some drinks.



  5. Olrite, I will check the city - let´s see what will happen! Unfortunately I am in a quite shitty motel outside the city; the whole city is booked by the Balooning Festival people. Maybe not the biggest party animals, I suppose...

    Peace, Janne

  6. ...very cool...that sounds really nice. I am about to hit the road - or better the sky in a minute; I think I dont have to worry about my NY days. I am a little bit more worried about my first stop Albuquerque...what is expecting me there? Old Western Bars with John Wayne- and Ronnie Reagan-style pals waiting for Gina Lollobridgida or Marylin Monroe?

    Puh...that might get tough...

    Thanks anyway for the replies so far. Maybe I will receive some more. It´s a quite fun Forum over here!

    Cheers, janne

  7. OK, thats a good start...I think I will have to go there. especially, because I dont have to drive anywhere and no business next day, except catching the plane back to the old continent....

    One more question - when does the show start in the Posh? Is it worth going there before 11 pm?

    Cheers from Finland - sipping on my vodka...


  8. Hi Rachel,

    just to give you an insight from Europe...skirts are definetely HOT

    UK: Skirt with sexy boots

    Italy/ Spain: A little bit langer skirts with more classic boots

    Germany: a little bit like UK

    Scandinavia: No idea, the long blond hair is covering the skirts ;-)

    Cheers from Finland, Janne

  9. Hi there from Finland,

    I will be on a biztrip in Albuquerque starting tomorrow until tuesday next week. Are there any cool clubs or places to hang around or to meet people in Albuquerque? Any special happenings or parties going on?

    Any ideas or suggestions are warmly welcome!

    Cheers from Finlanad,


  10. Hello over there from Finland,

    I am on a trip next week, staying for two nights in the Garden City Hotel (next wednesday and thursday) - now I heard that there is that Nihgt Club next to the hotel; is it a cool place to go? Please give me some hints, if I should pack a suit, tie or whatever in my luggage. What kind of people are hanging around there? Or any good ideas, where to go in the neighborhood?

    Thx in advance from Finland,


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