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Posts posted by upsetfellow

  1. STFU seriously, to old for what? To go out and dance?

    I agree. Think of age as an integer. If you're really having fun, your age goes unimaginary down. I am 25 and when I listen to house, I feel like 18 all over again. If you're on 'substance' like the pple who complained about having too much of it, their age becomes a negative number. Having a negative age can be bad because your mind becomes immature. Sucking a thumb or carrying a pacifier are examples of having too much fun. With this said, my uncle is 65 and I enjoy partying with him!

  2. I went to both Saturday and Sunday sets. Armin played great and as usual, he played for his fans when the fans want more. I have to say Saturday was the better set because he spun from 1245 to 615 with about 4 encores. Believe it or not, Crobar was not packed at all. At 4am, we were allowed access to the seating area upstairs. Saturday's crowd was better because there were plenty of beautiful ladies showed up that night and the crowd was friendly everywhere.

  3. lol. so youre trying to fight stereotyping and racial profiling with stereotyping??? "Reason given was because my party was all guys. All guys - the crowd that usually listens to Calderone are all guys, if you know what I mean!" wtf is that about??? put your efforts to a better cause, if a place doesnt want you there, why do you want to be there?

    Believe me, I don't plan to step foot inside Crobar ever again. My message was for people who had the same experience and were denied access. I did not mean to offend anyone, I just want to be heard but to see large responses, this has become an issue. I trust Crobar managment will do the right thing.

  4. Thank you all for the positive and negative responses. It's good to know there are sensible New Yorkers out there. As you know, Tiesto will be spinning this Friday at Crobar. I have prepaid tickets and was wondering, can Crobar turn down patrons with tickets? I've read the fine print on wantickets.com and in order to guarantee admission, ticket holders must arrive before 1AM. Tiesto parties always attact a large crowd and there will be long lines outside of Crobar. HOw fcuk up would it be if they purposely move the line slowly and start selecting people after 1AM?

  5. I am very disappointed with Crobar NYC. There has been rumors that the club has not been letting any asians in. I have decided to test the theory myself and these past two weeks I have been demoralized by the fact that the rumors are true. I was turned away twice on Saturday nights, once on Calderone and the other on Boris. Since I do not know the name of the individual who rejected us, I will call him the Crobar Line God for now since he looks so happy doing his job of choosing who gets into the club.

    The first night he turned us away on Calderone night. Reason given was because my party was all guys. All guys - the crowd that usually listens to Calderone are all guys, if you know what I mean! The following week I tried to enter Crobar again, this time dressed very GQ just to avoid any reasons for turning us away and as soon as we got to the velvet ropes, the Line God said 'You're not welcome here. You have to leave now.' I kid you not, those were his exact words. How rude and unprofessional was this guy? After further discussion with people along the block and witnessing other asians getting access denied, I came to the conclusion Crobar was definitely prohibiting asians into the club.

    Perhaps two weeks is not long enough to spot a trend, but I want to make sure the word is out. What have asians done so wrongly that we are not allowed inside? I pay my taxes and I work hard like all US citizens. Why is the color of my skin and my money not welcome in their club? Race is undoubtedly a very sensitive issue for us all. For a so-called upscale club like Crobar to promote racial profiling, they should rename the club to Hobar, which apparently many upset patrons has already begun calling the club.

    My mission is to get the word on the street and bring awareness that charging 8 bucks for a Heineken is insane but racial profiling is criminal.

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