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Posts posted by keepdancing

  1. I thought the nite was good not great - have been going consistently to the Cielo events since Junior has been spinning there. As Danceshake noted not in all my clubbing years have I ever seen Hasidic Jews in a club NEVER! but low and behold two were in attendance last night and then today while in my friends store which caters to a gay clientele who comes walking in but a Hasidic Jew going straight to the back room to peruse the some pictures of gay men - hey I have nothing against them but I have to say it was strange and from a religous standpoing a bit hypocritica, but to each his own.

    I did not like the stage it took up too much of the space and broke up the flow. I thought the crowd was messy and darker feeling which is something I never associated with Cielo and sorry to say, but I wonder if the Kevin Aviance crowd was a factor - and Kevin was pretty messy and looking a tad thin and i am really kind of over his performances - did not care for his new songs with that cheesy 80's vibe. I think it's great that him and Junior are back but to have him perform at Junior's events on regular basis I think is a BIG MISTAKE. The crowd was odd the mixing was very good, but for me although some of the new tunes were good, but I didn't feel it as much - but Junior was happy playing his tamborine and was into it which was nice to see and I stayed till the end, but did leave somewhat underwhelmed

  2. A question with several answers...

    (Reason (1)those Sunday nights are a killer on Mondays, not everyone is a Chelsea queen or king or a queen/king anywhere else who has Mondays off.CHUCKLES) No offense, my same sex homies, since I am straight.....:)) Asseteria is doing great on Sundays and the PR work is good and persistent with alot of tourists(CHUCKLES);with the JVM management they are always changing information on the event that many people get so discouraged(myself included and give up attending a special event) only exception is at Cielo like Keepdancing has pointed out. Plus us young kids(straights & gays) are so stuck up on his age(which is dumb), they can't just concentrate on his music and don't give themselves a chance to attend and hang out at a Jr event before listening to his music and when they hear his music they finally realize it's very progressive and more current than the djs they actually are listening too or djs playing the sound what Junior played years ago which is now mainstream(example TRIBAL Sound Factory 27th st days resembles Boris/Jonathan Peters or TRIBAL TRANCE Twilo/Juniorverse days resembles Victor Calderone sound of today).

    Like Clinton stated.

    The Bank on Saturday nights with Junior was a big success(Yes, they came straights, gays, and in between.)


    Junior needs to do a party at the Highline Ballroom the space is amazing - heard Richie Santana/ Chus & Cabellos and Peter Bailey there for a one time only Asseteria party while Arena was being renovated - it's a perfect for Junior and location is great 16th between 9th and 10th - better than Pacha which I personally hate that space - yes it has a good sound system but that is about it - location sucks and the crowd is shit





    THE ABOVE IS ALL FACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I can confirm some of what InthaKNOW said. Jerome has also *purposefully* and knowingly ruined longterm friendships of Junior's with shady business practices. People have been saying this for YEARS (anyone remember RobPromotions?), but no one believed it because they still think Junior is a big diva.

    Shame on Jerome Farley!!!!!!!!!!

    No shame on Junior for letting it happen - let's not forget Junior is a big boy and should be very capable of handling his business affairs or certainly know when he is being screwed over - while Jerome is no saint Junior should have known better - for christ sakes he is almost 60 and no stranger to this and it's unfortunate, but he Junior only has himself to blame

  5. Did anyone go to hear Jerome????? He sent out this email thanking everyone and then is offering comp admission for next Sunday, most likely low turnout honestly who would pay to hear him?????

    From: info@juniorvasquezmusic.com

    Subj: Thank You for a great night...

    Hey Everyone, I just wanted to say Thank You for everyone coming and for encouraging me to start doing what I've always had a passion for! I also want to say that from now on at Service Sundays I feel that we should give back, so this Sunday, February 3, you can print this email for complimentary admission. Thank you again and I'll see you next time!

    Take Care,



  6. Room Service another dissapointment - left after an hour and went to Asseteria which the space Highline Ballroom (one time only was really great) Richie Santa, Ceballos & Peter Bailey spun - fun party Good energy and packed. Junior or Jerome should book that space for a party - I don't know what is going on with Junior but last night entering to the strip club and then figuring out he was on the other side spinning and had no energy whatsoever - Book Highline Ballroom ASAP and have a real party

  7. And I bet that Pacha was never booked either the whole thing is just so shady. I hope they are reading this board because they have been so exposed it's ridiculous. I also heard an even more bizarre stoy that at Sol on New Years Jerome and Junior got into a fight are real fight and that Junior sold everything to Jerome and Jerome basically told Junior "I own you" and you will spin wherever I tell you - now if there is any shred of truth to the beyond bizarre story which I think is full of shit, but if even 1/10th is true Junior is finished or he better get rid of Jerome ASAP. Might explain why Jerome is Dj'ing all of a sudden promoting himself and Billy Steele who I heard is his boyfriend - it's like a bad soap opera

  8. The bigger issue is not where Junior will eventually end up on Sunday at this point who cares - the issue is Pacha was probably never booked and we now know neither was Vernessa Mitchell - JVM/Jerome lied as it is not the first time for sure, but this time Vernessa herself has called JVM out - it is pathetic and I would love to hear how Jerome explains this one. As far as the their website some people are paying for you must be out of your friggin mind or have nothing better to do with your money because that will be the next scam they lured you into - demand a refund if it's not too late

  9. Some information about the alleged House of God Party II from Vernessa Mitchell's myspace blog:

    Saturday, January 12, 2008

    I will not be in NYC in January!

    Current mood: Mad they used my name like that!

    Category: Mad they used my name like that! Parties and Nightlife


    There is some false advertising going on! I have not been contacted nor contracted to appear in NY, neither has my management, nor my lawyers.

    I would love to come out and meet my NY family, but it's not right to use someone's name falsely. You guys, please don't spend your money to attend this function if you think I'll be there, because unless someone asks me soon, I won't be.

    Whenever I have a date scheduled, it will be posted here so you all will be the first to know.

    I am booking dates for 2008, so if you're a promoter, or you want me to attend one of your functions, please contact my management:

    Juanita Vann @ Destiny Entertainment: info@destiny-entertainment.biz

    Love you all,


    You gonna reap, what you sow.....

    Just when you think Junior and his camp can't get any more shadier - they do. What a joke and did they really think they/Jerome was going to get away with this - This is really bad and I don't know how JVM has any credibilty whatsoever - they are definetly get off on the wrong foot in the New Year - sad very sad

  10. in beta? does that mean its being tested out on those peeps who already shelled out 150 clams for access? and if so ... any reports?

    come on knowing Junior's history did you really think it would be up and running when they said it would. They would have to pay me to want to see the site.

    It also looks like no Pacha MLK weekend now at some place called Room Service on 21st street. It looks like 2008 is another year of unpredictablity for JVM and it seems to be getting worse not better. Thank god for Cielo

  11. Jason Ojeda,

    Got anymore info on this event and venue?

    Room Service

    Service Sundays.

    Grand Opening Sunday, January 20, 2007 MLK weekend

    Music by Junior Vasquez & Seth Gold

    Lights by Derrick Vasquez

    Sound by Jason Ojeda

    Door by Claudio Guzzo

    35 E. 21st St. (betw. Bway & Park Ave. So.) NYC

    Phone: 212-254-5709

    I guess that means Pacha is off - not surprising

  12. junior needs to play friday or saturdays like 11 pm to 6 am

    who ever is doing his booking is killing his career & since hes among the greatest djs/producers ever its really criminal./

    the website $$ was the last straw I am basically no longer supporting jnr unless smthng big changes happy 2008 :)))

    Everybody falls from grace = even Junior. Just be greatful for all the great memories he has given us over all the years.

    I believer Jerome Farley does his bookings, but to think that Junior could ever re-create the past is just unrealistic, but that doesn't mean it has to be as it is today which at times is dreadful - I just do the Cielo thing when I can it's just easy and I don't expect much.

  13. Why he decided to do a late hours party the day AFTER New Year's is beyond me. The only place that seems to work is at the 718 Sessions ... always a glorious way to ring in the new year with its more acceptable hours and swingin' music. The last great night I had with Junior was back in 2001/2002 for New Year's at Earth where we DID ring in the following day ... Junior played the ball drop at midnight the following night .... the year Vivian Green performed.

    And where is JuniorVasquezMusic.com? I thought the launch was on 1/1/08.

    I hear thousands have signed up for the new board - good luck!

  14. Sol last night was horrible. Junior played some electroish house all night. If that's his "new generation sound", then I'm definitely not part of it.

    Crowd was sparse and a weird mix of die hard, freaky junior heads (like that girl who spent an hour rocking back and forth on a sofa like she was having an eplileptic attack, holding a teddy bear in her hand, and who was later spotted rolling joints on the dance floor), and dismayed clubbers who were lingering around the dancefloor.

    They even had 2 go-go girls up dancing above the dancefloor for 5 minutes. Such a disgrace! How did junior let that happen.

    The music was mindless electro loops, over repetitive beats. He dropped his new mix of "Piece of Me" to an almost empty room around 3. It was totally anti-climatic.

    The "visual stimulation" were boring computer generated animations that looked liked a bad windows screensaver.

    They did make the effort to bring in some additional sound equipment, but because of the poor acoustic of the room, the music didnt even sound sharp and crisp.

    I'm very disappointed with his New Year's day party, and embarrassed I dragged my friend there to start the year.

    Sorry to hear that the party was bad as to be honest the only New Years Party that were memorable was Arena and Exit otherwise they have been horrible. I went to Victor at Pacha at about 4 p.m. and the music was ok, but the crowd was nasty grant it it was later in the day/night, but the place was packed, but I personally hate Pacha and it was particuarly dirty feeling last night. I don't know what is up with Junior, but i can only handle him at Cielo these days just simple no drama. Oh and the girl rocking back and forth with her Teddy Bear her name is Tabitha and she is one of Juniors biggest fans and she has been doing the same thing as far back as Arena - it's tragic to say the least she has not evolved at all and needs to lay off the party favors they clearly have taken their toll.

  15. Missed it! Family members I haven't' seen in a long time would not let me leave. They wanted to eat,drink, and talk to the late hours of the night(That's Thanksgiving night with the family).

    Next year...icon15.gif

    Hopefully next year Junior will go back to spinning on the eve as he has always did in the past. I am sure that is why the turn out was so low. I always looked forward to going out the night before the holiday, but on the day of the holiday no way. Like you said next year.

    Hope everyone had a good holiday

  16. Couldn't make it and sought of missed Junior spinning on the eve as he always did in the past which always left room for lying low on thanksgiving day - I heard turnout was really low (my friend estimated 50 people), but music was good overall - any other reviews?

  17. Well for starters the Junior' s Whitney flyer said hours were 9 to 4 and free entry before 10 with ad - well Cielo wasn't even open when several people were there about 9:45 - Junior didn't show up unitl after 10 and the club was still not open - finally they set things up and I think we finally made it in by10:30 - then they had the audacity to want to want to charge, but were able to work it out that we got in for free - since we were there and they were not. Needless to say there were 10 people in the place when it opened which was so weird - for one I never get there that early but it was free and it was a holiday for some so I thought it would be a bit busier, but it never really got packed. Junior had his moments some better than others, but I got a bit bored by 3 and left. I saw Tabu and she had a dress in a bag, but she still hadn't performed by then and it did end at 4 and there was no Imana - unless she too came on at the very end. It was an off night and not as good as some of the Cielo events.

  18. I guess they need to make up for the loss of revenue at his events, but trying to get from what little fan base he has by charging for his message board. It's going to be pretty boring with only the ususal suspects trying to out do each other on how much they know about Junior.

    Try Googling him for free - the insanity of it all. But got to hand it to JVM it's a first and it's a doozie.

    Half the mixes they are touting have been so done - most people who follow Junior over the years have them and free or discounted admission to his parties - that's funny. Hopefully when you get screwed because you have to change your flights or hotel reservations, because he is so unpredictable you will be paying big time.

    And are people going to continue to pay to hear him on Sirius as well.

    Just hilarious

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