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Pre-decision agony

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Sorry if ive seemed to be bitter/an asshole lately. i havent been getting much sleep lately, which isnt helping. i have to make a choice soon that will affect the rest of my life, and i'm going through hell right now. I feel nervous, scared, anxious; but yet excited at the same time. I miss London so fucking much, but I know if I leave here I will miss my friends and family too. I cant explain exactly what is drawing me back there, except that Ive felt that ive felt empty since i left.

argh! :mad: Why does life have to be so complicated!


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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

It's ok poppa. But just think of all the people who's feelings you might have hurt. They must be so mad at you.I think you should write everyone you offended a cheery lil PM and invite them out for tea and krumpets.:)

is it 4pm yet??? ;)

Eric... good luck on your decision... Do whats best for you.

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Sorry if ive seemed to be bitter/an asshole lately. i havent been getting much sleep lately, which isnt helping. i have to make a choice soon that will affect the rest of my life, and i'm going through hell right now. I feel nervous, scared, anxious; but yet excited at the same time. I miss London so fucking much, but I know if I leave here I will miss my friends and family too. I cant explain exactly what is drawing me back there, except that Ive felt that ive felt empty since i left.

argh! :mad: Why does life have to be so complicated!


Well whatever you choose to do, good luck man.

What is drawing you back? School?

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

It's ok poppa. But just think of all the people who's feelings you might have hurt. They must be so mad at you.I think you should write everyone you offended a cheery lil PM and invite them out for tea and krumpets.:)

i hate crumpets


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I can understand why it's hard to leave here, for goodness sakes, NYC is the capital of the WORLD :D

But I've often thought of moving to Europe for various reasons:

it's more beautiful out there, less pollution, more outdoorsy and open minded, etc...

But im thinking of staying where my heart is, and that's here in New York for now. But i might consider moving to Europe either for a job, or to retire.

Just keep your options open, and weigh the positive with the negative.

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dude, the godfather is gonna give u some advice to live by....u do what u gotta do, if that entails u goin back to london then so be it, i mean yeah we are gonna miss u and the same for u, but if u feel it is gonna better your life, then the hell with everyone that is keepin you back, and u go for it, if u feel you will not be bettered by this decision, then u stay, but trust me, i passed up an offer to leave and i stayed and there isnt a day that goes by that i dont regret ever goin...so like i said, if it will make your life better, then by all means, get your ass the fuck back there!!!

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Refer to what i said at Ihop

Need more sleepy


Originally posted by bigpoppanils

Sorry if ive seemed to be bitter/an asshole lately. i havent been getting much sleep lately, which isnt helping. i have to make a choice soon that will affect the rest of my life, and i'm going through hell right now. I feel nervous, scared, anxious; but yet excited at the same time. I miss London so fucking much, but I know if I leave here I will miss my friends and family too. I cant explain exactly what is drawing me back there, except that Ive felt that ive felt empty since i left.

argh! :mad: Why does life have to be so complicated!


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ummm ok wow what a coincidence... i just got a call from my uncle out in cali (where i was born and have wanted to go back for like 10 yrs) and he offered me a job to run one of jis businesses out there, so now i have the same fuckin decision to make...isnt that peculiar :eek:

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Originally posted by godfatherbam

ummm ok wow what a coincidence... i just got a call from my uncle out in cali (where i was born and have wanted to go back for like 10 yrs) and he offered me a job to run one of jis businesses out there, so now i have the same fuckin decision to make...isnt that peculiar :eek:

WoW! Cali is niiiice :D

It's the only other state i think i'd live in the U.S. besides New York. What type of business? will you be up north or south :confused:

Both u and bigpoppa should think it over. Californians are generally nice people, and London has an awesome club scene :cool:

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well, it is about 20 mins north of hollwywood :eek: and for now he wants me to run one of his 3 new bagel shops ... eh, but he said he can get me a job after a lil while in my original field of engineering...so it seems all too perfect and i think i am gonna do it, it all goes down in a few weeks, so i am gonna have to get ready real soon

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