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Peace...can It Be Acheived?

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i'm watching the news and it's really getting me depressed

Middle East crap is still goin on....Phillipines terrorist trouble....domestic murders....assualts....attempted assassination in Columbia.....CHRIST!!!....

what is goin on with this world huh?....when i'm in a club....and the music is moving my soul....it feels like the world i'm in is perfect....which in turn makes we think the outside world can become something more than this.

what ever happened to compromise?...to helping the person next to u and giving them the benefit of the doubt...instead of being suspicious and living life like it's one big frozen pond and that the thin ice under our feet might crack at any minute.

i know i sound crazy....and i am....actually pissed is the defining word of what i'm feeling....i'm so angry with all this hate and greed and all the other BS that's goin on.

what can be done?....

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Peace can not be achieved as long as religion is around.

Every religion has the assumptions that:

1. I AM DIFFERENT than "you" and

2. I AM BETTER (meaning they are the "chosen" race over others) than "you".

Therefore peace can never be attained.

-mdr theory of life #4.

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Originally posted by apotheosis

Peace can not be achieved as long as religion is around.

Every religion has the assumptions that:

1. I AM DIFFERENT than "you" and

2. I AM BETTER (meaning they are the "chosen" race over others) than "you".

Therefore peace can never be attained.

-mdr theory of life #4.

but it isn't the essence of religion that corrupts....it's the human mind and maybe even nature that exploits and manipulates something that is pure into a tool for gain....blaming an idealogy ....scapegoating soemthing that is intangible.....

i try not to blame religion....i blame the individuals that take advantage of it (which we have all at one time or another were guilty of doing)....

but u do have a point.....

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your words have a point as well, its liek the argument : Guns dont kill people, people kill people.

Im sure religion way back when was more productive, I mean it IS a commonality (such as drugs) and it did bring people together, but today there just seems to be too much diversity and peopel thus feel threatened.

Altho- no offense, but the catholic church has to go. Tax avoiding, government interfereing cheating priest child raping bastards

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There is not going to be peace in the middle east until one side gives in. And thats not going to happen because they are both stubborn. Arabs and Jews have been fighting since the the whole AD/BC thing and they will be fighting for a long time after our grandchildren are gone. US is not going to change anything there.

Consider this:

Iraq attacks Kuwait - we do the Persian Gulf war.

Bosnia - we bomb the shit out of them

Grenada - we go to war

Suicide bombs kill dozens of people every day - we send out condolenses

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World peace requires the cooperation and ability of all cultures and societies to understand and tolerate themselves as well as others. Quite frankly, this is pretty damn difficult. Which is why people turn to religion for solace and as a "commonality". Indeed, I feel religion only makes the divisions among different groups even worse. In my opinion, there is little to no hope. Pretty pessimistic, huh? If one were to be concerned about changing and/or eliminating government, then political activism is the way to go, but not necessarily the answer to all of our problems. Like so many things in life, there is no one answer.

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I think the world will come to a point where it will finally use nuclear bombs...after which each country that has access to them will blow theirs as well...till this world is one big fucking black hole in orbit...maybe that's the way our problems will be solved...if we all die.:blown:

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Originally posted by apotheosis

Peace can not be achieved as long as religion is around.

Every religion has the assumptions that:

1. I AM DIFFERENT than "you" and

2. I AM BETTER (meaning they are the "chosen" race over others) than "you".

Therefore peace can never be attained.

-mdr theory of life #4.

I disagree, but only to an extent.

Religion serves as a good blame factor. I'm agnostic, so one'd think that I'd be the first to blame religion. However, if that is even remotely true, then every religious person...no, not even...every person of a certain belief would be killers. A lot of (inorant) people attribute violence to Islam, do you see suicide bombers and thugs with guns pouring out of all the mosques here in the U.S.? The fact is, blaming religion really just serves as an easy explanation and is nothing much more than blatant scapegoating.

It's desire that kills people. Desire driven by something that's worth more to a person than peace, harmony, and all that good stuff. If and when I'm driven to kill someone, it's going to be for something that I value over that person's life, absolutely. And when I perceive the person threatening that which I value, then I'd stop him at any cost, including but not exclusively taking his/her life. Religion (and ideals and dogmas in general) provides for some, or even MANY that ABSOLUTE value that they'd treasure over the life of others or even anything else...that people treasure above ALL else, but it doesn't necessarily drive them to kill.

This may seem harsh, but consider the situations. Whereas there are people killing for what seems to us stupid things (money, power, revenge, whatever), there are allso thins like your family, your friends, even your children, in some cases. If it meant you absolutely HAD to kill someone to stop them from hurting or even destroying thost things in your life, would you?

And now consider this...a lot of people value their beliefs, rights, and land over the lives of (certain) others.

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