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Big Game drawing yields three winners


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I'd buy a big-ass high rise apartment in NYC & Boston (of course!), buy a sweet-ass Twilo-style club in NYC and give them all what they've been looking for... probably buy-out the Lyon's brothers so I could get my hands on ALL of the Boston clublife (why not just take it all in one, foul swoop, ya know?)

Then I'd go on the maddest globe-trotting party the world has ever seen, all while I kicked back and watched my money make money. Oh, and of course I'd take you all with me! :D

But I'd probably be much happier working in Waltham and living in Allston... right? :confused:

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I don't think it is possible to buy out the Lion's brothers they have more money than god I think.

I would go on one hell of a party binge, with a whole boat load of people. Then I would buy myself a sea plane and a pilot and go everywhere. Pay off bills, help out family.... Oh one can dream right

Then buy a sweet club

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One of the winners is a 20-year-old warehouse worker who was quoted as saying she hopes "this doesn't change my dream of living a quiet life as a housewife."

Damn... 20 years old, with $58.9 million.

21 with a much smaller bank account,

~kitten >o.O<

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