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Skipping classes?!?!?!?

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ok i have serious slacking issues.... my acting class is 2 hours and 45 min long... i didnt go 2 weeks ago.. i left after 45 minutes last week and i showed up there today at 1030... turned around and walked back out lol.... there were no seats left for me, the kid i was supposed to work on a scene with wasnt there anyway so there was no point for me to be there at all right??? :worry:

then theres a tv class that i have that is SUCH BULLSHIT... its the professor's last semester... she doesnt care.. doesnt take attendence.. wouldnt even know my name if i asked her to tell me it... i went to one class in 2 weeks :i have it 2x a week: and im not even a senior. the thing is, is i do really well in school too- but for some reason, this semester is dragging and i dont wanna go anymore!!! JUST END ALREADY!!!! :blown:

anyone else like me? or am i alone on this one... :confused:

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I could not agree more. This is the semester that is NEVER ENDING.

What TV class are you in? I am in one called INtro to Radio and TV. Its a bullshit elective, but now i need to write a five page paper on an issue related to TV and radio.

I have no idea, can you throw me some ideas?

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if i knew wtf my class was about... i could probably help u... LOL... jk umm... my class is called tv process and effects.... describing basically the functions of tv :news, info, entertainment, advertising etc: and the fact that my teacher still hasnt gotten thru the 1st 3 functions and there are only 2 weeks left of school is ridiculous... i didnt think that the entire class would be based on what she attempted to teach us the 1st day of class :rolleyes:

one day she didnt show up so everyone left after a 1/2 hour of waiting.. this girl in my class saw her walking as she was leaving and said "the entire class left we thought u werent gonna show... " and she goes "oh im suprised u waited this long for me".... wtf?!? why should i bother

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Originally posted by linabina

".... wtf?!? why should i bother

That's my attitude right now towards EVERYTHING school related. God, I can't wait till its all over. I have less than a month to go, but it's going to be a really painful month...... Good luck on finals!


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Originally posted by linabina

anyone else like me? or am i alone on this one... :confused:

OMG no way, Lina, I'm the same exact way.. it's like I KNOW I need to be going to class cause I need to do well this semester or I'm in a lot of trouble but I just can't make myself go.. I already started warning my parents that I wanna drop outta school and die so they won't be totally surprised if something happens.. it's like I said before.. school will be the death of me. :blown:

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Well, I am the same way, but I'm a senior..so I got the classic case of senioritis...:tongue: It willbe all over soon woo hooo :bounce:

And Lynne you have a pre-mature case.

Anyway, I think the weather we had a few days ago added to the fact we all wanted to skip class....

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I can count the # of full classes I go to on one hand. None of my professors know me, nor do they care either. I've got a 5th year ahead of me, 26 credits left to graduate. I don't really want to graduate, but i dont want to deal with classes either. I guess i can't win. Enjoy school while you can, i've got a year left and i'm having a good time. Hopefully i'll pass everything this year, Computer Engineering sucks! gluck 2 all.

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sure does suck..i fucked up my back (basketball thurs-exit fri-boo saturday-basketball sunday) so im home right now..so im technically not cutting class but im still not there..may 20th seems so far away...jul 1 (europe) seems even further..goodness..cant wait to finish...o wait..finish as in the CPA exam..MBA...god im never gona b done..shoot me...please?

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this is my 4th straight semester without missing a class....i guess you guys seem to forget that you pay for college not the other way around.....its your money spend it or waiste it however you feel fit....and the whole attendace policy is stupid anyway....3 outta my 5 teachers dont take attendace at all...whats the point..they know whose there and they know you that if you wanna be there and learn you will show up everyday.....

just my advice

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Oh hell yea I'm soo bad here is my deal I work 5 days a week 35hrs plus I go to the gym and train then I do school 3 nights a week to be an estician which is a 600hr coarse but it is taking me over a year to finish cause half the time I either party to much or I am straight up tired. I need to win the lottery

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