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pro- life or pro-choice ??

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i was driving home from work today sitting in traffic and i was stuck behind a car that had a bumper completly covered with PRO LIFE stickers.

i was just curious as to how people feel about this issue ??

i myself am PRO CHOICE - i believe that each person involved should be able to make the choice that they feel is best for them and their future.

what do you guys think ??

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My opinion is being a man you have to be Pro-Choice. As men we have no right to tell a woman what she can or cannot do. We don't have to carry that baby around for 9 months and as sad as it may be a guy can simply just skip out and not be stuck with the responsibility of raising that child. I'm not saying that a guy has no say in the situation, but he has no right to impose a rule or law over someone elses mind or body. If a woman wants to turminate her pregnancy that is her choice. People may not agree with the reasons, but at the sametime have no right to stop her.

This thread is probably going to open up a big ugly can of worms.

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Absolutely, 100%, no doubt about it, PRO CHOICE....

There is no way that in every situation I could say that I would go either way. But I reserve my right to make that decision.

When, and if, I have any children, I want to be able to provide them with things that I could not have. In my current situation, there is no way that I would be able to do that for them....

If I was in a relationship with someone I loved and the baby was conceived in that situation and I knew that we could both provide the baby with a good life, then the situation might be different...

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i was driving home from work today sitting in traffic and i was stuck behind a car that had a bumper completly covered with PRO LIFE stickers.

i was just curious as to how people feel about this issue ??

i myself am PRO CHOICE - i believe that each person involved should be able to make the choice that they feel is best for them and their future.

what do you guys think ??

Girl, you know what...I don't agree with alot of things you say...but for once I can say I agree with you!

Until you walk in someones shoes you just have no idea what they go through or think.

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I am PROCHOICE...however I have a few reasons for otherwise....

I am prochoice for the mere fact that it is my body, my decision, ya know for the normal reasons. However, I think there should be some changes....for example I know quite a few people who have had 3 or 4 abortions - I think that this is ridiculous. Yes, mistakes absolutely happen, but 3 or 4 times in a but absurd, after the first time you should go to a Dr. or planned parenthood and get the necessary precautions to make sure it doesnt happen again. If you can afford the $400-500 or so for the abortion, you can afford the $30 a month for birth control.

But, like I said, I am pro-choice - theres no saying what I would do if God forbid I was in this situation, but I dont want anyone else making a decision for me.

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i was driving home from work today sitting in traffic and i was stuck behind a car that had a bumper completly covered with PRO LIFE stickers.

i was just curious as to how people feel about this issue ??

i myself am PRO CHOICE - i believe that each person involved should be able to make the choice that they feel is best for them and their future.

what do you guys think ??

Its funny you post this. I was behind my neighbor the other day they have a bumper sticker on their car that says:

Pray the rosary to end abortion.

Then there is a house in the next town with PRO-LIFE signs in their windows.

Im Pro-choice.

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Originally posted by sexyclubber01

I am PROCHOICE...however I have a few reasons for otherwise....

I am prochoice for the mere fact that it is my body, my decision, ya know for the normal reasons. However, I think there should be some changes....for example I know quite a few people who have had 3 or 4 abortions - I think that this is ridiculous. Yes, mistakes absolutely happen, but 3 or 4 times in a but absurd, after the first time you should go to a Dr. or planned parenthood and get the necessary precautions to make sure it doesnt happen again. If you can afford the $400-500 or so for the abortion, you can afford the $30 a month for birth control.

But, like I said, I am pro-choice - theres no saying what I would do if God forbid I was in this situation, but I dont want anyone else making a decision for me.

AMEN~very well put!

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Originally posted by sexyclubber01

I am PROCHOICE...however I have a few reasons for otherwise....

I am prochoice for the mere fact that it is my body, my decision, ya know for the normal reasons. However, I think there should be some changes....for example I know quite a few people who have had 3 or 4 abortions - I think that this is ridiculous. Yes, mistakes absolutely happen, but 3 or 4 times in a but absurd, after the first time you should go to a Dr. or planned parenthood and get the necessary precautions to make sure it doesnt happen again. If you can afford the $400-500 or so for the abortion, you can afford the $30 a month for birth control.

But, like I said, I am pro-choice - theres no saying what I would do if God forbid I was in this situation, but I dont want anyone else making a decision for me.

I totally agree with you on that. Abortion should not be used as a means of birth control. If you don't want to take birth control pills fork over the $3 for a damn condum.

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Originally posted by sexyclubber01

I am PROCHOICE...however I have a few reasons for otherwise....

I am prochoice for the mere fact that it is my body, my decision, ya know for the normal reasons. However, I think there should be some changes....for example I know quite a few people who have had 3 or 4 abortions - I think that this is ridiculous. Yes, mistakes absolutely happen, but 3 or 4 times in a but absurd, after the first time you should go to a Dr. or planned parenthood and get the necessary precautions to make sure it doesnt happen again. If you can afford the $400-500 or so for the abortion, you can afford the $30 a month for birth control.

But, like I said, I am pro-choice - theres no saying what I would do if God forbid I was in this situation, but I dont want anyone else making a decision for me.

I think your words speak for most Pro-choice advocates.

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Originally posted by johnnyblackroc


one abortion

one dead

one injured

jbr - i have a question for you ....

say one day your 14 year old daughter is walking home and GOD FORBID she gets attacked and raped by an insane drug addict who could possibly be carrying a million and one diseases .... do you still beleve that your 14 year old should have that child ??

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

jbr - i have a question for you ....

say one day your 14 year old daughter is walking home and GOD FORBID she gets attacked and raped by an insane drug addict who could possibly be carrying a million and one diseases .... do you still beleve that your 14 year old should have that child ??

Even though I don't agree with JBR on this. I still think we have to respect his idealogy. If we don't we are no better than the Pro-Lifers who protest outside of clinics and harrass the patients. He has as much right to his beliefs as we do.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Even though I don't agree with JBR on this. I still think we have to respect his idealogy. If we don't we are no better than the Pro-Lifers who protest outside of clinics and harrass the patients. He has as much right to his beliefs as we do.

This is true. But I think barbiegirl's question is valid. I often ask that question of Pro-lifers.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Even though I don't agree with JBR on this. I still think we have to respect his idealogy. If we don't we are no better than the Pro-Lifers who protest outside of clinics and harrass the patients. He has as much right to his beliefs as we do.

i respect his choice by all means - it is HIS choice.

i was just asking a question that i feel comes up pretty often.

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Barbiegirl does pose a good question, but just think no matter what his answer or anybodies answer for that matter would be valid simply because they are not or have not been in that situation. I could say yes I would encourage my daughetr to get an abortion, but untill confronted with that situation for real my answers are just speculation.

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Abortion is a topic that people heve two different views on, but let me ask you this, suppose, as mentioned by someone earlier in this thread, if a girl gets raped and becomes pregnant she should be allowed to get an abortion. It would not be fair to tell this woman or (girl) she has to have this baby. Even though that is an extreme situation I feel there are other good reasons to allow someone to have an abortion. If a girl becomes pregnant before finding out she is HIV positive there is a strong chance that child will be born with HIV, so she should be allowed to make her own decision in this situation. And then one also has the situation of a simple mistake. This is the one we have to be careful about. I feel there should be a way to keep track of what is going on and abortion should not be used as a form of BIRTH CONTROL. Although I am 100% pro-choice, I do feel there should be some strict guidelines.

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Originally posted by cody05

Abortion is a topic that people heve two different views on, but let me ask you this, suppose, as mentioned by someone earlier in this thread, if a girl gets raped and becomes pregnant she should be allowed to get an abortion. It would not be fair to tell this woman or (girl) she has to have this baby. Even though that is an extreme situation I feel there are other good reasons to allow someone to have an abortion. If a girl becomes pregnant before finding out she is HIV positive there is a strong chance that child will be born with HIV, so she should be allowed to make her own decision in this situation. And then one also has the situation of a simple mistake. This is the one we have to be careful about. I feel there should be a way to keep track of what is going on and abortion should not be used as a form of BIRTH CONTROL. Although I am 100% pro-choice, I do feel there should be some strict guidelines.

Actually these days, there are measures that can be taken so the unborn child does not get the HIV virus from the mother.

There will always be extenuating circumstances and as Nabuc said, you really cant say until you are in that situation, as with most things.

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

say one day your 14 year old daughter is walking home and GOD FORBID she gets attacked and raped by an insane drug addict who could possibly be carrying a million and one diseases .... do you still beleve that your 14 year old should have that child ??

Yes, this is a very realistic scenario, especially in this day and time. However, let me take this one step further. Many of you have heard the situations with Mozart and Hitler and Churchhill. Having grown up in a catholic household and having gone through 12 years of catholic school and being the President of the right to life club in High School and college, maybe my views are a bit conservative, but I just can't see ending a life that has no chance. You claim that pro-choice is the way we should view these scenario's yet you give the fetus no choice to live or die.

One the other hand, if this puts the mothers life in danger, I believe it is her choice. SO maybe I don't know what the hell I am talking about.:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by cmb1975

Actually these days, there are measures that can be taken so the unborn child does not get the HIV virus from the mother.

There will always be extenuating circumstances and as Nabuc said, you really cant say until you are in that situation, as with most things.

You are correct there are measures taken to help assure the baby is not born with HIV, such as treating the baby and mother with AZT, but there is still a good chance the baby will be born with HIV. They can also do what is called a bloodless C-Section but that is very rare. This is why I say it should be the parent's choice as to whether or not they want to take these chances.
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