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Attention Billy Shaw AKA club Liquid owner...

Guest saleen351

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OK and my first post here has to be a response to some rejected retail sleazebag who peddled nonexistant equities to old people. Your racist and denigrating comments regarding Miami make me wonder why the hell you continue living here if you hate it so much or is it that you are avoiding judgement liens?

If you were a REAL trader, you would still have a job. So keep working on those online applications so you can work at the bank kiosk in the local Publix. In the meantime, it would serve you well to take a long hard look in the mirror and realize that we can all see what you have overlooked for quite some time.

It is embarrassing that you even claim to have held a street position when you were just a lowly bucketshop phone clerk. Get over yourself, boy, and realize that you're no better than anyone else. Because you aren't.

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Originally posted by liquidowner

There will be no Nero at Liquid and if that cause's you to not attend ever again well that would be such a shame. I answered your post not because it deserved an intelligent response, just the opposite. My Saturday line up (DJ wise) is written in stone. In the 8 months that Liquid has been opened we have tried every format of music out there. While you may not like trance, it would seem the masses here still do. When we have Edgar, Iggy, George, sammyO . These guys pack the house and they throw down great shit. It's kewl that you like to offer your opinion and whether or not you have valid one's does not matter. Your personal attack on people ( DJ"S, Dancers, Clubs, Etc..) is just uncalled for. For your information, Most of the people on this board are Dj's ,Club owners, and die hard music lovers. What gives you the right to put these people down who take great pride in what they do just to try to make people dance and have a great time. Do you think because Saleen does not like someone's track selection that night it gives you the right to bash someone on a public forum. It just makes you look childish. You want respect, How does one respect an individual who acts 2 years old. And you post things like, I got the owner to respond, Let me enlighten you. I'm no different than anyone else on this board, So what I own a club. Big fucking deal. Does that make me more special that my post are better than someone else's. Not hardly. I'm probably younger than you are and I like to have fun just like everyone else. These people you rag on are my friends and I take that shit personally. If you want to offer your opinion do so in a way that people may say, Wow, This guy knows his shit. Not, what an asshole. Alot more people read this board than you think. If you plan on staying here it might behoove you to use a little more tact with your post. It's a good train of thought to have more friends than enemies. Billy Shaw

Well put billy.Shaw. To bad saleen351 u would have met a really down to earth guy. Anybody that has met billy in person in this board knows that he takes pride in making people have a good time @Liquid. Pluse he is the only owner that keeps posthing on CP to keep us inform. Not like some other owners that stop posthing @ Clubplanet.Billy thanx for everything Your Friend Andres:) P.S saleen351 Has a first name Nick more clues like this then we could get him. And but him in ClubPlanet BootCamp.:laugh:
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well no nero means no saleen...

DJ wise? WTF

not a wise choice, is he gonna play the same tracks twice like dj iggy? And no they were not personal attacks.. Its the truth.... and its the biz your in... don't like it. tough.... get use to it... I don't need friends on this board, sorry I dont' blow you like the geeks on this board... I'm not out there for free shit, or limos, or hanging with your playboy broad, its all about the music and energy, and liquid can't deliver that.... good luck..... its only a matter of time until some one does it right.... until then your the sobe king....

You'll never hear a word about liquid out of my mouth again.....

your good buddy





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Originally posted by macfunk19

To bad saleen351 u would have met a really down to earth guy. Anybody that has met billy in person in this board knows that he takes pride in making people have a good time @Liquid.

This is TRUE! Billy your a really kewl kat, thanks for all the good times.

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