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Who introduced you to Board members?

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Aww mugz dont treat yourself like that...everyone knows your the man with the master plan....im not going to carry you on my shoulders or anything chanting "Toga!" "Toga!" "Toga!" (psst maybe later!) ..heh...butr what do you want from all of us? tax tribute? poser sacrifices? r.e.s.p.c.t?(just a little bit?)

Sounds to me like you need to have more fun....and spent less time thinking about the drama and the bs..


Originally posted by mugwump


Tell that Italian that I'm gonna start charging him

for the chicks I introduce him to..

(My rates have gone up since those

Highschool days at the "VICTORIA'S PUB" in Rome..)

On another note..

Isn't it funny how some of those you sometimes

"BRING IN" to the boards just turn around

and leave you standing by the "welcome" door...

Mugz: "lonerclubber04 here's the gang..

*(Mugz introduces a new member to CP)

You have the Ravers here...

and the Techno angry mob over there...

oh, oh..watch out for the breaks heads at that

table (They hate everything not "break related")...

D&B crew by that bass over there..

House and Trance? yup..

follow the huge line to the velvet rope..

Gabber kids and hardcore kids? SURE..

just follow all the flyers and dead glowsticks to the

loud room in the back...But I'd stay out of the "VIP" room

if I where you..

You aren't wearing nice shoes and you

don't quite look like the type that likes martinis and lines."

onerclubber04: "Gee thanks mugz see ya never.."

(newbie runs off leaving MUGZ standing by the door

all by himself..)


What else is new



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Originally posted by gothzane

Aww mugz dont treat yourself like that...everyone knows your the man with the master plan....im not going to carry you on my shoulders or anything chanting "Toga!" "Toga!" "Toga!" (psst maybe later!) ..heh...butr what do you want from all of us? tax tribute? poser sacrifices? r.e.s.p.c.t?(just a little bit?)

Sounds to me like you need to have more fun....and spent less time thinking about the drama and the bs..


No drama mama..

Just the usual rainy day nostalgia

and the hole of lonelyness that the mugzter

falls so easily into in retrospect...

Can't help it...

Don't want any awards..

It's just that the older I get..

and the longer I stay in this city the


and yet I still can't count

any TRUE friends on one hand..


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Christian that's so funny...I remember that night at Vinyl that was during the time when I would hit it by myself and meet people there I met my friend Dave that night, next thing I knew we were surrounded by you, Yarin (Tecklord) and a whole bunch of CPers and friends.... funny

first CP board member I met was Petey (barvybe) met him at Roxy for Scott Bond where I met Maudy (thank goodness for the ear stretchers) and Shannon and loads of Pete's friends I dragged him onto Vinyl that night for DT afterhours :)

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BAck in October 2000...

first person I met also became my best friend...thats Steve(Crystalmethod)

met him after a dinner meetup at Cheetah...

that night I met him, Nycedee,Risa06, uknjx2, divaliscious,lightinggirl, abstrakt, ILL HOUSE YOU, jdogg, and a few others...

the next week we all met up for lunch and I met MarioNY, Vampie, Jammy, and a whole slew of others...its amazing...I still talk on a regular basis to almost all of these people:)

throughout the drama, the cliques, the different boards we all split up into...that group of CPers that we had from like 10/00 - 5/01 were tight as hell and we all still keep up with each other, and I imagine will continue to do so for a looooong time:D

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Everyone I ever met from the boards, I owe it to Mugz. If he weren't so recognizable, I never would have known who to say hi to at Pseudo. He introduced me to the first few people who in turn introduced me... etc.

Mugz = cool. :)

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wow so long ago....lets see...

well pfloyd my best friend told me about the board.....he got me into this,...then i met lillizzy at apples i believe along with az-tec and a few others who dont post here anymore.....

then tunnel heads were nero and debbie and a few others....

the rest is just a blur:tongue: :cool:

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First person I met was ReginaDP a long time ago up at Spa, but that was entirely independent of CP or any message boards. Also met thumone else before ever getting on any boards. First time I found out about the "boards" was at the Pseudo party around Christmas this past year. Had about 1000 posts on some other board, then decided to venture over here, but I already knew the majority of the "Coal Wednesday night" by the time I got over onto this board.

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