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Ever want to start over?

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The possibility to get up and move is very tempting,actually I have that opportunity now. But I have far too many responsibilities to drop everything and hop on a plane.

I've always wanted to take a year off from reality, move to a different country and live there until I run out of money. Spain, Brazil, Australia.

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I basically live 2 places. long Island during school and Portugal for the summer months. Im not gonna get to go back to portugal for a while. Just like anyother home i have freinds, family, house, car, everything there. Its really hard when you've been living in 2 places. But i just cant afford the trips, food, and all that crap anymore. I have to get myself situated over here. Time to think about the future. Most people wannt get away and just leave, i just wanna go home.

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Originally posted by joeg

Just pick all your shit up and move to San Fransisco or someplace nice and warm where you don't know anyone...

New job, new people, new you, new life...not to mention... new music (they have quite the breaks scene out there, so I'm told)

no, i'm not leaving (I don't think anyway, :tongue: )

Just wondering if this thought has ever passed through anyone's head... or if anyone has ever done this...

hell, theres nothing else on here worth reading/replying to today...


i'd like to move to london and stay there. or to rome! (just because of the climate). i miss europe when i'm in the US.

however a new start is more difficult than one can imagine. and i think we all have limited # of new starts we can deal with in our life.


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Originally posted by tastyt

Besides- running away doesn't solve anything... your problems have a tendency to follow you...

that is so true....i thought when i came to the US that all my probs will remain in europe....well some did, but new ones appeared.....:confused:

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Originally posted by randall16

Id love to just get up and leave...idk where....but i want to leave....i just want to start over...not sayin that im not happy with where i am now in life...but idk....change is always good!;)

true that...

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when I moved to London for a year to study....no one knew me I had never been there before and I knew when I left I wouldn't be back home (not even for the holidays) until I was done

when I came back to NYC I was actually bored

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Originally posted by abortionator

He stands touch his hair his shoes untied

Tongue gaping stare

Could I have been a magnet for money?

Could have been any Joe other than G?



I'm so tired of life

Such a shame to throw it all away

The images grow darker still

Could I have been any Joe other than G?

Dave Abortionator's Band... Dancing Nancies...

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After visiting LA last summer, I thought long and hard about moving there. The weather alone in LA in unbelievable. You can barbecue in your backyard 365 days a year. If you think the club scene in NY is good, you have no clue. LA is ridiculous. The clubs out there put the ones in NY to shame. Way more DJ talent goes to LA from Europe as well, probably because they like the weather and the women out there better. Yes, the women are gorgeous. Not to say there aren't hot women in NY, but in LA they are always scantily dressed. Lotta airheads out there though. Tell them you are a director and you are in ;).

The only problem with LA is you really have to know people. I went with a friend who lives there 4 months a year so he was very well connected out there. We had no problems getting in anywhere. But starting from scratch out there definitely seems intimidating. One day I will move out there. That I am sure of. But I don't think I could do it alone. I would need to be moving with friends I think.

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Originally posted by roha3000

The only problem with LA is you really have to know people. I went with a friend who lives there 4 months a year so he was very well connected out there. We had no problems getting in anywhere. But starting from scratch out there definitely seems intimidating. One day I will move out there. That I am sure of. But I don't think I could do it alone. I would need to be moving with friends I think.


Joe- I think everyone should get up and move to some completely far away place by themselves, at least once. But I think you should wait until your 21. (which has nothing to do with maturity level. Its all about being legal. Its just MUCH easier.)

Pete- *AHEM* *bestroommateintheworld *cough*

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Originally posted by joeg

from where?

how'd it go?

do you regret it?

(elaborate or something, cp is SUCKING today, content-wise)

In September I moved from Cleveland, Ohio to NYC. I had been wanting to do it for a year, it took lots of planning. I don't regret moving here, however I do regret some of the decisions made here.

And even though being here is something I wanted so badly, I still dream of just getting up and starting over some place else, again. Not that I don't like it here, but...change is good;)

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yeah... i'm not saying i'm going anywhere or anything...

but the thought did pass through my mind... and I have nothing holding me here right now... I'm ready for a job change... and I can sell my other car and have money to start anew...

I doubt i'll be so unbound in the future...

anyone else? this has flourished into quite an interesting thread...

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