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Could Helicopters have landed on roof of WTC on Sep 11

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Hi, I just saw this repeat Prime Time Live show on TLC. It was called, could helicopters have landed on the roof of the World Trade Center. They interviewed the 2 pilots, who flew to the World Trade Center, right after the planes hit theWorld Trade Center. I'm sure you've seen the video, of there helicopter flying around both towers after the planes hit the World Trade Center. There were 6 people in this helicopter. The question they asked them? Could they have landed there helicopter on the roof and saved people. The South Tower, which the 2nd tower hit, would have been virtually impossible to land on.

The entire roof was covered with smoke, plus the smoke was 200 feet high. They all agreed there was no possibility to land on the South Tower. But the North tower, that was the tower with the antenna. I think this roof was definitely landable. There was a large corner area, the helicopter could have landed on. Now you couldn't land the helicopter on the North Tower, because of the large antenna on the North Tower. The rotor at the top of the helicopter would hit the Antenna, if you tried to land on the North Tower. All the pilots had to do, is hoover the helicopter like 20 percent on the roof, and have one of the pilots jump on the roof and open the roof door. See the roofs were locked on both towers. But what I learned from the interview. The 2 pilots were in contact with the Port Authority on the ground in the North Tower. The Port Authority had the roof keys. All the pilots had to do, was land the helicopter on the ground and get the roof keys from the Port Authority. From what these helicopter pilots said, they agreed there was a corner area, they could have landed on, but it was risky. It just seemed to me, these pilots didn't want to take any chances. What do people think. If you knew how to fly a helicopter and you were at the World Trade Center on Sep 11th, would you have tried to land on the North Tower. The North Tower was the tower with the Cantor Fitzgerald people. I dont think it was possible to land on the South Tower.

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remember that ur are judging this knowing what was going to happen. You have to remember teh chaos.. noone even believed that the towers were gonna crash, noone knew what was happening. What if there was a 3rd plane? a bomb? etc.... dont judge this by if they could of done it. When that happened, people did what they were trained to do.. they did not have time to think.

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Originally posted by danwilson

Hi, I just saw this repeat Prime Time Live show on TLC. It was called, could helicopters have landed on the roof of the World Trade Center. They interviewed the 2 pilots, who flew to the World Trade Center, right after the planes hit theWorld Trade Center. I'm sure you've seen the video, of there helicopter flying around both towers after the planes hit the World Trade Center. There were 6 people in this helicopter. The question they asked them? Could they have landed there helicopter on the roof and saved people. The South Tower, which the 2nd tower hit, would have been virtually impossible to land on.

The entire roof was covered with smoke, plus the smoke was 200 feet high. They all agreed there was no possibility to land on the South Tower. But the North tower, that was the tower with the antenna. I think this roof was definitely landable. There was a large corner area, the helicopter could have landed on. Now you couldn't land the helicopter on the North Tower, because of the large antenna on the North Tower. The rotor at the top of the helicopter would hit the Antenna, if you tried to land on the North Tower. All the pilots had to do, is hoover the helicopter like 20 percent on the roof, and have one of the pilots jump on the roof and open the roof door. See the roofs were locked on both towers. But what I learned from the interview. The 2 pilots were in contact with the Port Authority on the ground in the North Tower. The Port Authority had the roof keys. All the pilots had to do, was land the helicopter on the ground and get the roof keys from the Port Authority. From what these helicopter pilots said, they agreed there was a corner area, they could have landed on, but it was risky. It just seemed to me, these pilots didn't want to take any chances. What do people think. If you knew how to fly a helicopter and you were at the World Trade Center on Sep 11th, would you have tried to land on the North Tower. The North Tower was the tower with the Cantor Fitzgerald people. I dont think it was possible to land on the South Tower.

FUCK YOU, DANWILSON. fuck you and the family and friends you didn't lose in the tragedy. who the FUCK are YOU to question how and why people acted and died as they did that day

what in the fucking hell did you hope to accomplish by asking this?

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Now you can take the following for what its worth, its my opinion, but based on fact. I knew 2 of the TV Engineers that were lost on 9/11. Now these guys were up 2 floors below the roof, they had roof keys as they would inspect the microwave transmission equip. on the roof daily, and knew about stairwells that were not known to the public- now these were the guys who in my opinion had the BEST chance of making it to the roof out of anyone. Assuming they were still alive after the initial impact/fireball- they could have made their way up to the roof throught any of the many private stairwells that may have still been intact (my theory is that these stairwells were filled with smoke/flames at this point. got to the roof, and then used a cell phone or one of their private 2-way radios to call and tell the BOC (Broadcast Operatiosn Center) they were up on the roof, to relay that info the the PD's choppers.

Here is where the fact backs up my theory. The engineer for WCBS(2) called the transmission center at the CBS Broadcast Center (on w 57th st) right after the plane struck the building his exact conversation 'A place just hit the building, fire up Empire (referring to their backup transmitter at the Empire State Building) We are heading up to the roof.' and hung up. That was the last anyone ever heard from him, so obviously getting to the roof from the inside was the larger problem. After teh bombing the first time NYPD pulled people off the building in choppers using rope ladders, but in this case there were no people to pull off so why risk a landing?

Oh, also FYI any tennant could have opened the door and gained access to the roof if they made it there- there was a manual switch in place next to the door which would cut off the feed line with all of the RF Radiation to the roof of the building- in tern releasing a latch on the door (designed to prevent people from taking a cigarette break out on the roof and getting 'nuked. But allowing for access to the roof in emergency situations.


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Anyone ever consider that the structural integrity of these towers was extremely compromised by the 2/3's width of support beams that would have been torn out by jetliners crashing through the sides of them? It just seems to me that landing a several ton helicopter on a structure about as balanced as a felled tree would not be a good idea, and I'm kind of surprised no one is making a note of this...

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There's really no sense in dwelling on what ifs we'll never know the answer to. What if airport security had prevented some of the hijackers from boarding the plane? What if airports had outlawed boxcutters before this happened? It goes on and on, you can second guess ad infinitum, but it's not going to bring anyone back.

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