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Best of Luck to Merge

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

First of all everyone I am sure is going to agree with me on this

All three clubs guaranteed will be packed this summer why because of MTV.....they are predicting 60% more people than the previous years so think about it if you cant get into any of the clubs you are bound to go somewhere else so Merge TEMPs and XS will be jammed packed all summer long :eek: :eek: :eek:

It's going to be complete insanity......:blown:

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Originally posted by kostaP

Let me guess .....You own a business to be giving out advice...DIDNT THINK SO LOSER.

Some people are just so gay.

Get a life homo.

Kosta, I'm not going sit here and bad mouth you, it's just not my style. You can call me a loser, homo, or whatever comes to your mind, it don't bother me one bit. I simply feel that Merge stated a false ad on KTU "The Best Sound System In The World". As I recall from last summer, Merge did'nt do all that great, but I don't think telling people a false ad is going to do any better for the club this year. Just answer these questions. If Merge has the "Best Sound System in The World", Who rated it and how could they since the system is not done and if it's not done how could it be the "best sound system in the world"?

Best of Luck With your Nightclub

J. Lee

P.S I am the owner of J. Lee & Associates, We broker finances all across the US and Canada and I did'nt start my business with false advertising and I am proud to say , my company has brought me great sucess.

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Originally posted by thesandman

Jerrry Lee. Back to the telethon and shut the f up till you hear it...

Its a bold statement but lots of $$$ went into it and Ill be the judge next Sat.

Kosta Rules the bitches.... (last Thus.)

Sandman, Look at what you just wrote. " It's a bold statement and alot of cash went into the sound sytem" So you support the fact that it's has the best sound system in the world and you never heard before, because you said your going to judge it next Sat......Don't make sense, Now that you look stupid go ahead start bashing me on the board, because that what people like you do when you F-up.


P.S I will go hear the sound system this summer, But I'm not going to say it has "The Best Sound System in The World". Simply reason I never heard all the sound systems in the world..

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Originally posted by jerrylee

Kosta, I'm not going sit here and bad mouth you, it's just not my style. You can call me a loser, homo, or whatever comes to your mind, it don't bother me one bit. I simply feel that Merge stated a false ad on KTU "The Best Sound System In The World". As I recall from last summer, Merge did'nt do all that great, but I don't think telling people a false ad is going to do any better for the club this year. Just answer these questions. If Merge has the "Best Sound System in The World", Who rated it and how could they since the system is not done and if it's not done how could it be the "best sound system in the world"?

Best of Luck With your Nightclub

J. Lee

P.S I am the owner of J. Lee & Associates, We broker finances all across the US and Canada and I did'nt start my business with false advertising and I am proud to say , my company has brought me great sucess.

If im not mistaken aren't you the same jerry lee that is a 45 year old promoter. apparantly your company hasn't gathered you that much success if you have the time to play on CP. And as stated earlier on someone else's post it was advertised as one of the best sound sysytems in the world. One of.

Don't be hating on Merge cause they're the new kid on the block.

And Merge is not my nightclub, though I wish it was and no, I dont work there.

Why don't you waste your time doing some other unproductive things with your time than listen to KTU and check for the validity of their advertising.



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Originally posted by kostaP

If im not mistaken aren't you the same jerry lee that is a 45 year old promoter. apparantly your company hasn't gathered you that much success if you have the time to play on CP. And as stated earlier on someone else's post it was advertised as one of the best sound sysytems in the world. One of.

Don't be hating on Merge cause they're the new kid on the block.

And Merge is not my nightclub, though I wish it was and no, I dont work there.

Why don't you waste your time doing some other unproductive things with your time than listen to KTU and check for the validity of their advertising.



Kosta P. I like Merge, but I don't like when an establishment says something they don't have. They have two Great Dj's this summer Rydell and Teo and simply I wish the club the best of luck, but the promo said it's has the best sound system in the world, I can't take false advertising like that. According to some other people they said the sound system is not done, so how can it be the best sound system in the world, if it's not done. Tempkid said it's a bold statement and he never heard it yet.

LOL ..............JLEE

PS. I'm 28 years old and worked in clubs through college and grad school. These are my hobbies music and club, thats why I'm a CP member. You have 529 post so why don't you get a life.

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Hey Buddy Lee,

You were great in those levi commercials. I laughed at every one of them. Keep up the good work.


PS- I heard the commercial with my own ears. It said "one of the best sound systems in the world" Stop causing drama and just go out, get wasted, and enjoy the summer.

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Originally posted by kostaP

And as stated earlier on someone else's post it was advertised as one of the best sound sysytems in the world. One of. Don't be hating on Merge cause they're the new kid on the block. And Merge is not my nightclub, though I wish it was and no, I dont work there.

I also thought the commercial aid one of the best sound systems. The same thing went on last year with Merge, Temps, and XS. Granted I was only in Merge a couple of nights, I did have fun. I love the room, and their system last year was a sweet set -up.

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Originally posted by unclebuc

I heard the commercial with my own ears. It said "one of the best sound systems in the world" Stop causing drama and just go out, get wasted, and enjoy the summer.

I heard it as well. I was at Temps, XS and Merge this past Saturday. I can tell you from my experience that Merge has the best sytem down there as of last Saturday. All 3 clubs are great down there. I am sure all 3 clubs will do great this summer. There is nothing wrong with competition.

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Originally posted by ml2k1

C'mon saleen,another WRONG opinion,stated as a fact.

Merge has only been in operation for just under 11 MONTHS,......MONTHS........ MONTHS.Not even a year yet.

Also, what did xs do to the system. Did they add anything? let me know. When are you coming in from florida? If there is one who i want to meet from this board its you. Like i said, sometimes you sre on point, but you been slippin''''''''''''''''''''''''If you come up, stop in and say high.

And by the way, there is no dress code @ MERGE

I don't belive there is a dress code in all of seaside clubs.


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just fyi jerrylee............

there was also an advertisement on KTU stating a Tempts VIP card giveaway at Soundgarden.............

it billed the Tempts VIP card "the most desired VIP card in the nightclub industry"

maybe it is to some, not to others.

just like Merge's system may be ONE OF the best sound systems in the world to some, but not to others.........depends on the sound you like..........in any case though, how can you measure such things? You can't..........and for that reason, the advertisement isn't false in reality..........if it was, you'd be able to PROVE it wrong; something, you should already know, you can't...........

all that even excludes advertising tactics which do exist and any smart company would be using them to full advantage...........I happen to think Merge's system was exceptional last year and I don't doubt it is one of the best around..........and in the end, the phrase "ONE OF" makes your entire point null and void...........


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Originally posted by jerrylee

Kosta P. I like Merge, but I don't like when an establishment says something they don't have. They have two Great Dj's this summer Rydell and Teo and simply I wish the club the best of luck, but the promo said it's has the best sound system in the world, I can't take false advertising like that. According to some other people they said the sound system is not done, so how can it be the best sound system in the world, if it's not done. Tempkid said it's a bold statement and he never heard it yet.

LOL ..............JLEE

PS. I'm 28 years old and worked in clubs through college and grad school. These are my hobbies music and club, thats why I'm a CP member. You have 529 post so why don't you get a life.

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry,

Where is the grave injustice Merge has caused for you to make this uproar. Listen to the system yourself. Their statement of haveing (read carefully now) "ONE OF THE BEST SOUND SYSTEMS IN THE WORLD" has been validated by board members at least in Seaside ( I dont know about the world I cant comment on that)

Now back to you, If I need to get a life for having 592 posts (Oh Dislexic one not 529 as you stated) What do you have to say tho the other members of this board with thousands of posts??? Exactly, Nothing so, SHUT THE FUCK UP DICKHEAD.

Now as far as losers and getting lives you posted your response a little after 5am, I guess sleep isn't necessary for that busy Monday morning at the REPUTABLE FIRM OF J.LEE & ASSOCIATES being that it is a bootleg made up company you try to run out of your home. Wanna keep going???

I'll be at Merge Saturday Night I have a bic bald head and a goatee. Find me I'll buy you a drink. And we can enjoy one of the best sound systems in the world.

Kosta P.

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petey k. cheaped out last year at the last minute (no disrespect petey). the system is rediculous. he cheaped out on the subs, thats a fact. mtx was in there for a month designing the system, the cost got to great for petey at that particular time. now its up to par for this year. go and check it out, you will all see. ill be there, im the one with plugs in my ears....

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