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a funny ass email i got monday morn bout the sf board

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Originally posted by snoozi8

once you spell "what" correctly we can talk about what having a job means....

and this board is not about negativity and in case you haven't realized this board is laughing AT you not WITH you so just stop, because it's not good attention you're getting, you just make yourself look like a bigger ass every time you post

thank u babe i love being and looken like a ass but i just gotta say 1 thing ;) aren't u tired with haven your legs open so much

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Originally posted by shook

lol heres a hint u gotat find it tho

Ok, the stuff you said about the message board people only sounded bad until

I actually saw those people at SF yesterday. GROSS! I mean, Justin & Sam

are cool, and I met Kris, JPFactoryGirl, and CLK Davey - they seemed great,

but after that I got the hell away from that corner.

See, Crystelbella posts a normal looking picture of herself on the board, so

it sounds like you're calling normal looking girls fat & ugly - that's why

people get upset - cuz on her photo she looks normal. But she's like 200

pounds!! I was like, what the fuck?

I didn't even know people like that went to SF - that message board does NOT

represent Sound Factory.

So I don't think I'll be posting much on there anymore. Well if I run into

you at CPIs or SF I'll be sure to say whazzup. See ya! -Monica

>From: BoReDoM973@aol.com

>To: _leasure_unkie@hotmail.com

>Subject: Fwd: pics thers a few so might take a bit top load pics send me a

>few if u got

>Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 15:29:40 EDT



><< message3.txt >>

LOL are u kidding me in the picture that was posted of me in oct. i weighed 59lbs more then now I looked like a cow in that picture... and where the hell is my picture on the board now???????????????? ? i never posted my picture there... i dont even have a picture of me lol anyways.. so try to prove me wrong....... as for anything else.. this non exsistant skank of urs.. never met me... so george keep making shit up........... george... i mean if we didn't have it out on NCP i might actually believe this... but since that is the exact shit u said bout me there.. its obviious u made it up

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

LOL are u kidding me in the picture that was posted of me in oct. i weighed 59lbs more then now I looked like a cow in that picture... and where the hell is my picture on the board now???????????????? ? i never posted my picture there... i dont even have a picture of me lol anyways.. so try to prove me wrong....... as for anything else.. this non exsistant skank of urs.. never met me... so george keep making shit up........... george... i mean if we didn't have it out on NCP i might actually believe this... but since that is the exact shit u said bout me there.. its obviious u made it up

lol your dumb if you think i am maken it up and if that was so y are u stressen it cause on the real alot of people say stuff lol not only that email i was talken to a girl last nite who said some thing it was funny and she said some other person said some thing lol was even more funny but fuk it the emails are funny gotta love em

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Originally posted by snoozi8

okay now you really looked like an ass because I have a boyfriend and everyone most of the people on this board know him cut the crap George you have no intelligent responses just stop insulting my friends

most of the people on the board have had u hhhhmmmmmmmmm interesting but weren't u suposed to be maken fun of me i mean if so y are u sayen u have been had by many of people on this and many of other boards ???????

and ps i am sure your boyfriend is very proud of you being had

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like i said.. she doen't know me.. and if ever see her skank as there.. she's gonna be watching herself get bounced out..

and front most.. my pic hasn't been posted on the board since hmmm october she wasn't even a member then.. LOL

LOL and if i say someone isn't all that then u know they are nasty... cause i don't judge people very often unless they are just tremendously hideous

as for anything else.... a shit load of people know me on this board.. so there is no reason for me even waste my time defending myself...

and for my last word... when someone .. we all know to be extremely harsh on people's looks comes up to me and says

"wow, where's the rest of you? LOOKING GOOD BELLA!"

i know i must be doing something right.. so peace out

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

like i said.. she doen't know me.. and if ever see her skank as there.. she's gonna be watching herself get bounced out..

and front most.. my pic hasn't been posted on the board since hmmm october she wasn't even a member then.. LOL

LOL and if i say someone isn't all that then u know they are nasty... cause i don't judge people very often unless they are just tremendously hideous

as for anything else.... a shit load of people know me on this board.. so there is no reason for me even waste my time defending myself...

and for my last word... when someone .. we all know to be extremely harsh on people's looks comes up to me and says

"wow, where's the rest of you? LOOKING GOOD BELLA!"

i know i must be doing something right.. so peace out

hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm yeah i just thought it was funny and she did see pics those family pics they were on the board last month LoL i knwo cause i was gonan photoshop them but they cleaned the site the other day so ther lost till some 1 postes new ones but any ways she makes sense some wut and i never met her but she emailed me so in my book she's good people even tho she's ghetto lol

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Originally posted by shook

hhhhhmmmmmmmmmm yeah i just thought it was funny and she did see pics those family pics they were on the board last month LoL i knwo cause i was gonan photoshop them but they cleaned the site the other day so ther lost till some 1 postes new ones but any ways she makes sense some wut and i never met her but she emailed me so in my book she's good people even tho she's ghetto lol cause on the real we all need plasure and on that board she seemed like a freaky lil animal so i'm gonna try to get her to post here ;)

lol thats the freaking pic from october.. i weighed 59lbs more in that picture and there is no way to even claim that i look normal in it LOL i mean i had 2 chins... a fucking tummy.. a very large size pair of jeans.. that i can't even wear now cause they fall right off...

so like i said on the other board?? WHERE IS THIS PICTURE OF ME LOOKING NORMAL????

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

lol thats the freaking pic from october.. i weighed 59lbs more in that picture and there is no way to even claim that i look normal in it LOL i mean i had 2 chins... a fucking tummy.. a very large size pair of jeans.. that i can't even wear now cause they fall right off...

so like i said on the other board?? WHERE IS THIS PICTURE OF ME LOOKING NORMAL????

lol stop tryen to say u didn't look normal we all get it damn :laugh: but its funny cause she was talken bout last sat and she said that at the sf theme party and she said all that so i guess wut is nomral ????????????

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Originally posted by shook

lol stop tryen to say u didn't look normal we all get it damn :laugh: but its funny cause she was talken bout last sat and she said that at the sf theme party and she said all that so i guess wut is nomral ????????????

ok now when was I buy the left side of the stage??? hehehehe i'm just showing these people this girl has a wonderful imagination and has no idea who I am

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lol look people made a topic bout me on the ever so popular sf board lol and she soem wut releazes i didn't make the email up LoL i'm done with being mean to yall people i got better sh1t to do but i posted those mails cause its funny and i know alot of people on this board agree with it and hate sf so those mails were funny and just made sense to alot of people probley plus it killed time and thsi topic ended up being funny as fuk and deff has gotten a few laughs even if it's on the dL from some people

look i am popular LoL i got a topic bout me on the sf board

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

ok now when was I buy the left side of the stage??? hehehehe i'm just showing these people this girl has a wonderful imagination and has no idea who I am

like i know if yall met or if she just seen u or wut ever happend all i just know is monday monring i got a email sayen i wasn't a bull shiter and wut i said bout the sf board was the truth i mean on the real i was done with it and i even said sup to yall at sf in my mind it was deff over with and still is over with but the emails were too funny to hide and i never said i agreed with the emails cause if u go to page 1 i some wut defend yall people and say your good people in my response to her i mean i look at life now as every 1 is cool in ther own ways and if i dont' like some 1i just avoid them and keep my mouth shut which i have been doing but the mails was some 1 else sayen sh1t that u and u always thought only i thought sh1t and in reality u relaze a lot of people think like her and like i used to think it too and on the real if u wanna beleave every 1 is friendly cool but u now relaze thers a lot of us out ther who dont' think like u and alot of people who think like me ;) or her lol i could care less thinken is too hard i just wanna get built and look in the mirror lol and maybe mess with a few girlys befor i death lol and maybe to pop a few more pics and all ;) those are the only things worth thinken bout i mean even yesterday i was chaten with thsi girl who knwos yall and she was like sayen soem thing and i was like uh huh any ways and then said some 1 else thought it too and i was like uh huh okay lol on the real i am over it with yall i see u i say sup i put on a smile i ask how life i go on my way wut others think fuk'em wut ever makes u happy live with and be happy with george is in that peaceful look in the mirror stage ;) and damn sf needs more mirrors thats bout the only thing i hate bout sf :tongue:

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

lol ur right I've been going there for 4 years and lately some of the skankiness that has been let in as forced us to not wanna leave level 3 & 4

i deff agree with u ther the 2nd floor was nasty sat nite but the 4th floor was even more ug;y the 3rd floor was decent tho but it had less juciers and and less cute females then normal every 1 is sayen but fuk it that sh1t made me feel bigger lol i spent the whole nite on the 3rd floor and when ever i left it sf just looked ugly but wut can u do i guess if u dont' like it just get druged out or drunk and then every things looks pretty :laugh:

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Originally posted by shook

i deff agree with u ther the 2nd floor was nasty sat nite but the 4th floor was even more ug;y the 3rd floor was decent tho but it had less juciers and and less cute females then normal every 1 is sayen but fuk it that sh1t made me feel bigger lol i spent the whole nite on the 3rd floor and when ever i left it sf just looked ugly but wut can u do i guess if u dont' like it just get druged out or drunk and then every things looks pretty :laugh:

i dont know i was sober (yah dont choke now) level 4 i dunno... we were in the lil' private VIP room up there

and on level 3 i was with some sexi gurlies 419and some really cute hotties... thanks to a certain SV ;) and others... hung out with some of my old- school crew i haven't seen in SF in like a year.. and some other regulars who i know i have seen 1000000 times and have no idea who they were... yah... tristin was still the hottest hottie there though... ok i'm gonna shut up now

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

i dont know i was sober (yah dont choke now) level 4 i dunno... we were in the lil' private VIP room up there

and on level 3 i was with some sexi gurlies 419and some really cute hotties... thanks to a certain SV ;) and others... hung out with some of my old- school crew i haven't seen in SF in like a year.. and some other regulars who i know i have seen 1000000 times and have no idea who they were... yah... tristin was still the hottest hottie there though... ok i'm gonna shut up now

i hear sexigurl is anoyen lol i said too much al ready but yeah i chilled with body builders it was crazy and the 4th floor your talken bout the cabort room how ever u spell sh1ts not vip lol i stoped in ther to peep this girl once in a while but the 4th floor is deff the worse looken floor in sf

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Originally posted by shook

i hear sexigurl is anoyen lol i said too much al ready but yeah i chilled with body builders it was crazy and the 4th floor your talken bout the cabort room how ever u spell sh1ts not vip lol i stoped in ther to peep this girl once in a while but the 4th floor is deff the worse looken floor in sf

no not the caberet... the lil' black VIP room in the back

i've been going there since that floor was even built.. i think i know what the caberet is

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

no not the caberet... the lil' black VIP room in the back

i've been going there since that floor was even built.. i think i know what the caberet is

thats not vip eiether and its pretty ugly in ther too that sf girl i know toke me back ther i was like hhmmmmm these post are wack i'm going back to 3rd floor where u can acttly see wut people acctly look like lol lol find girls on any other floor is wack u cant' see them well the main part of 4th u can see but still its ugly

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Originally posted by shook

thats not vip eiether and its pretty ugly in ther too that sf girl i know toke me back ther i was like hhmmmmm these post are wack i'm going back to 3rd floor where u can acttly see wut people acctly look like lol lol find girls on any other floor is wack u cant' see them well the main part of 4th u can see but still its ugly

interesting considering.. the room is 8 ft by 8 ft and there were only like 8 people in there.. none of which were ugly... well cracked out but not ugly

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thats the 1 thing u gotta love bout sf is u can pretty much go any where u want thers no vips peopel think ther is cause they have peopel by the doors but its as simple as walken passed them lol

sf needs more mirrors tho i was starten a figh talmost bout hwo they dont 'have enough mirrors in the open and soem juice head was tellen me they had more then enough LoL

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Originally posted by crystelbella21

interesting considering.. the room is 8 ft by 8 ft and there were only like 8 people in there.. none of which were ugly... well cracked out but not ugly

cracked out = ugly lol just to let u know cause no matter how good u look if yoru cracked out your pretty much ugly and damn yoru sniffles friedn is geting uglyer i gotat say she was all like coverd up with some dark glasses i dont 'even know y i ever asked her to blow me lol and bugged her bout it lol my hook up with nay thing wlaken days make me wanna bash head into the wall i will say

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and i met a few sf people some nerdy looken puny kids were like yo are u from the sf baord lol i was like no they was like yes u are i seen your pic wuts your name on it i was liek not sure i get banned alot the ywas like o shit jucie and started liek shaken my hand and given me props sayen its fuked up and sh1t tah t igot banned lol i just was liek eyah busy gotta go lol and i bumped into and seen clk all nite every where i went i seen him

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