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GROOVEJET Friday ~ The continuation!

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who's planning to check it out this week? And what did you all think of last week with Corbett and Quick? (for those who went)

This week is Antranig and Richie Luvv - promises to be another great party. I will be there again, hopefully I will stay a bit longer this time around :tongue:

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My 2 friends went there for an hour and said it was awful. They said it was as if Vinyl took an enema and emptied its colostomy bag inside Groovejet. They said the ratio was about 349150:1 guy/girl and the 3 girls there were pretty sloppy. Oh yeah, 10 bucks to get in! :laugh:

Oh yeah, they got a good laugh out of Djjonasschin and his friend in the JNCO jeans.

Monday's is the best day to go there.

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Originally posted by rizzo

My 2 friends went there for an hour and said it was awful. They said it was as if Vinyl took an enema and emptied its colostomy bag inside Groovejet. They said the ratio was about 349150:1 guy/girl and the 3 girls there were pretty sloppy. Oh yeah, 10 bucks to get in! :laugh:

Oh yeah, they got a good laugh out of Djjonasschin and his friend in the JNCO jeans.

Monday's is the best day to go there.

I'm soooooooo sorry you didn't enjoy yourself - don't worry, your sympathy card is on the way ;)

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Dont send me one sweet cheeks I went someplace else after finding out CP is there. Send my friends a dozen, just funny how shitty a party at a remotely decent venue can turn into once its become christened by Club Planet people :laugh: :laugh:

Next time bring some girls so me and my boys can entertain ourselfs with.

I think they saw Bigpoppanils complaining to the shishkabab guy across the street on his rejection from groovejet.

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Who here believes that Rizzo is actually some other board person that found some guys pics on AOL and started calling himself a model.

There is now way this dude is real. He had to have been there because none of his "friends" would ever be looking out for me. Not to mention I was only inside for a total of 15-20 minutes. And also how the hell would he know siceone was with me with the baggy pants thats his trademark?



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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Who here believes that Rizzo is actually some other board person that found some guys pics on AOL and started calling himself a model.

There is now way this dude is real. He had to have been there because none of his "friends" would ever be looking out for me. Not to mention I was only inside for a total of 15-20 minutes. And also how the hell would he know siceone was with me with the baggy pants thats his trademark?



I agree. I've never heard of anyone so obnoxious about people he hasn't met before in his life like this guy (or girl) But whatever, i just laugh it off... he's too silly to be taken seriously.

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by george i think hes got it!!...i said this to a bunch of u guys at pseudo last week..and i said this to a certain sexxy on the board about a month ago. rizzo isnt real..no way in hell.

exhibit A ) The kid says hes from South Africa..my ass..kids from South Africa dont use the word HERB in their vocab to describe a geek or someone. thats typically NJ and Queens/BK speak .

exhibit B) how in the hell would he spot Jon and Sice..and be so petty to examine what Sice was wearing..and im not sure if sice even wore jeans since aly said not to wear anything u want

exhibit C) how hard is it to jack some models pics off the internet?

exhibit D) he knows tooo much about everyone on the board

exhibit E) he never went after Shook..even though Shook looks like the epitome of what he hates ("juicehead SF-er"..no offense G)

it was cute for a while when we thought he was real..but now its just tired

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Originally posted by rizzo

Dont send me one sweet cheeks I went someplace else after finding out CP is there. Send my friends a dozen, just funny how shitty a party at a remotely decent venue can turn into once its become christened by Club Planet people :laugh: :laugh:

Next time bring some girls so me and my boys can entertain ourselfs with.

I think they saw Bigpoppanils complaining to the shishkabab guy across the street on his rejection from groovejet.


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:laugh: :laugh:

You people are sad. I never was at groovejet you dults.

A) After living in NYC for 10+ years you get accustom to the slang. Check.

B) I often mention and email my friends pictures of the Photoshop jobs I did of the CP people, therefore they can recognize faces. Not to mention I told them CP will be at groovejet. Check.

C) Pretty hard actually, "jack" 50 + pictures of Eric Van Norstrand (who??) and talk to me. Check.

D) I dont, but reading threads will enlighten any stupid one. Check.

E) Shook is in this for the same cause as I am, so no problems there. Check.

I find it funny now how this is gonna be the new trend after you ran out of material for me. I'm here now 2-3 days a week so get all the low blows in rejects. By the way AssChin, it wasnt AOL, KaZzA has alot of cool male model pics!

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Originally posted by rizzo

Dont send me one sweet cheeks I went someplace else after finding out CP is there. Send my friends a dozen, just funny how shitty a party at a remotely decent venue can turn into once its become christened by Club Planet people :laugh: :laugh:

Next time bring some girls so me and my boys can entertain ourselfs with.

I think they saw Bigpoppanils complaining to the shishkabab guy across the street on his rejection from groovejet.

:laugh: :laugh:

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. . .lemmie ask you a question Rizzo. . . why would your friends care what you're doing to a bunch of people on the internet? . . . Wouldn't that be considered lame by your standards? . . I mean, someone as pretty and perfect as you, with all of your social graces and whatnot should be able to find something else to better occupy their time . . .

. . . Showing your friends photoshop mods of people who, by their standards, are insignificant would seem kind of . . . uncultured, no? . . .

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Originally posted by rizzo

Simple: a good laugh.

. . I can understand that . . . but why? . . there's got to be a reason for you wanting to continue getting us all heated and angry . . Did one of us wrong you in some way ? . . . I'm really trying to understand here, cause I think it goes a bit deeper than just a good laugh . . .

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Not quite.

To kill time between work (Garbage man not Model) since my sched. is spread out, I preach my views and opinions on the decline of NYC nightlife. Positive or negative its my view. The people who interpret them as negative are the ones who feel insecure and think they are in the crosshair's. I simply type out a logical opinion on topics and out come the cocaroaches thinking they are the ones being hit at.

If something needs to be exposed, I'll be the one doing it.

Now since the elite CP Detective Squadron blew my cover heres my real ident:

Name: Ira Steinberg

Age: 19

Location: Bronx

Occupation: Computer Server Administrator

IP Address: 66-108-127-58.nyc.rr.com.

School: Part time student @ Colombia.


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Originally posted by rizzo

:B) I often mention and email my friends pictures of the Photoshop jobs I did of the CP people, therefore they can recognize faces. Not to mention I told them CP will be at groovejet. Check.

:laugh: :laugh: ....that is one of the funniest things I've read for a while now... who with some brain under his hair would do such a thing....don't you have anything better to do ....please, don't come back "for a good laugh"... who's friends are interested in any of these collages... looking at people you don't know is as "exciting" as looking at someones vacation pictures :bored:

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Not regarding the bashing of CP people, Groovejet wasnt as bad as he says it was. There was a nice crowd there, a good amount of good looking women, and the music was hot. There are pics on allnightclubs.com if anyone is interested.

As for Rizzo, you got issues kid... issues.


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Originally posted by rizzo

Not quite.

To kill time between work (Garbage man not Model) since my sched. is spread out, I preach my views and opinions on the decline of NYC nightlife. Positive or negative its my view. The people who interpret them as negative are the ones who feel insecure and think they are in the crosshair's. I simply type out a logical opinion on topics and out come the cocaroaches thinking they are the ones being hit at.

If something needs to be exposed, I'll be the one doing it.

Now since the elite CP Detective Squadron blew my cover heres my real ident:

Name: Ira Steinberg

Age: 19

Location: Bronx

Occupation: Computer Server Administrator

IP Address: 66-108-127-58.nyc.rr.com.

School: Part time student @ Colombia.


How many more times is your story gonna change?

You said you were 23

You said you were from Manhattan and hated the B&T crowd

I'll think of more, but now I gotta leave to do some cardio

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Originally posted by rizzo



Actually i don't think anyone has enjoyed you one bit.

It's ok to voice your opinion.

It's ok to remark on the ups and downs of NYC clublife.

But when you start getting personal, expect us to think you are either a fake, either u have beef with someone, or you're just a sorry kid who's gotta make fun of people and denigrade nyc to get your hops.

If you met me, i will give u a chance. I've met shook and he's not such a bad guy. But the way you talk about people on here is just plain wrong. So until you change, expect to be the dark horse.

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:laugh: :laugh:

wow jon stephen, that gel musta killed a few marbles. Im putting this to rest, quite sad.

gmccookny: I could care less if all of CP thinks Im a toothless asian clown riding a uni-cycle with a peg leg. Just found it amusing how the next line of defense for CP tools was the "Fake" one.

If you ever meet me ( :rolleyes: ) I'll give you a chance too.

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Originally posted by rizzo

Not quite.

To kill time between work (Garbage man not Model) since my sched. is spread out, I preach my views and opinions on the decline of NYC nightlife. Positive or negative its my view. The people who interpret them as negative are the ones who feel insecure and think they are in the crosshair's. I simply type out a logical opinion on topics and out come the cocaroaches thinking they are the ones being hit at.

If something needs to be exposed, I'll be the one doing it.

Now since the elite CP Detective Squadron blew my cover heres my real ident:

Name: Ira Steinberg

Age: 19

Location: Bronx

Occupation: Computer Server Administrator

IP Address: 66-108-127-58.nyc.rr.com.

School: Part time student @ Colombia.


. . . fair enough . . but tell me something . . you've done quite a job at knocking all the "cockroaches" on this board ( I'll send you a bill for copyright infringement later . . ) . .but you've never explained to us what doesn't constitute a cockroach . . yeah, we can all assume from your views what it might be, but it'd be better if you told us . .

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