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The Official "That kid Chris" Review@Vinyl

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and all you fucks missed it...

first off vinyl was basically empty, which was a damn shame cause this kid ripped it I mean from start to finish ripped it up like .. well he just ripped it.. banging tracks I was jumping up and down and what little crowd that was there had to move they had no choice.... monster set.. I just wish there was more fucking bass if there was more bass I would have been in heaven..

Mark my words Chris will be a legend..

laid it down.. and laid me out..

holla at a playa ~~~~~> Chris

pete lopez was pretty sick too

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My man absolutely ripped it......

It was a shame no one was there to hear it, but it was a treat nonetheless. He went from deeper tribal house to hard and groovy house, worked in some sweet grooves and had everyone in there bouncing around.

I really am surprised I don't hear this guy's name out there more often, but I doubt he will be considered a relative unknown behind the decks for long.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

My man absolutely ripped it......

It was a shame no one was there to hear it, but it was a treat nonetheless. He went from deeper tribal house to hard and groovy house, worked in some sweet grooves and had everyone in there bouncing around.

I really am surprised I don't hear this guy's name out there more often, but I doubt he will be considered a relative unknown behind the decks for long.

What he said. Absolutely impossible to sit still for too long.

How can this guy be so unknown? :confused:

Oh and it was cool seeing DT walking around. But is it just me or did he not seem to be enjoying himself at all? Not even bobbing his head or anything, from what I saw...

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yeah...this dude def tore shit up last night...

there was so much room it was unbelieveable...But I think we all needed it...btwn Cintron bouncing all over the place, and Carl about to bust through the DJ booth screaming for more bass...us CPers owned that joint...

I really didn't want to leave early, but my energy level was just about hitting zero ((i was a beach bum all day yesturday...))....but...that Kid Chris is def on my "favorites" list...

. . . maybe we can keep him "our lil' secret"....just for a short while at least . . . ;)

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He brought a bunch of rekkids he didn't get to play. Shame he didn't hold down the joint all night. He told me he'd spin for 24 hours if someone gave him the deck-time. I believe him, yo :)

Seriously i must confess i've found a new favorite. I'd always wanted to hear him play live after hearing some of the tracks that him AND his girl Melanie have produced. (Yes girl you have my respect.) Chris didn't let me down at all. It was never boring, never a dull moment. He switched things up and always kept it interesting. He'd give us smooth deep progressive, switch it up to banging tech-house, slip in some vocals, get funkier with it and right about when we were smiling like kids in a candy store, he'd drop the bomb. Over and Over and Over again. Honestly Danny is a great DJ, but i have never had a better time at Vinyl. Ever.

That goes for DT, DeepDish and Lawler. EVER.

Melanie, thank you so much for the great convos - i understand where you're coming from on a lot of what you said and believe me, I don't see Chris being hidden away as a "Secret" of the city for much longer. not with the vibe he helped create last night.

Oh and Chris, if you read this, I DEFINITELY want to know where you're playing in the future. Props to you, "Kid" :)

(btw, the demo cd was rather nice. :) put a big smile on my face on the drive home.)

One more thing: I never thought i'd find myself dancing to a remix of Sandstorm... or Madonna for that matter. :)

You and Melanie are welcome at my house for beans and rice ANYTIME :)

Later everyone!!

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definitely one of my best nights ever I was so happy to see (mostly) everyone sober and dancing their booties off it's a shame everyone from shagfest didn't come we would have really owned the place The music was insane sick beats nice tribal :)

wow nice couch in the back room, even though the floors had no carpet! I don't like seeing Vinyl under construction :(

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Originally posted by £ddie

I closed out SF with girly after Vinyl (I saw Danny T walking around Factory :eek: ), and I can say without reservation that That Kid Chris's set put JP's set to shame. :slash:

hahaha and you called me the animal last week (but i didn't go)

sounds like i missed a great night -- but many of you did make a solid effort to get me to continue the party... i just didnt have it in me (energy) :(

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Okay I SPECIFICALLY wore non-Vinyl shoes to Shagfest so I wouldn't end up there, and where do I end up? Vinyl...:tongue: That Kid Chris was definitely a treat--Cintron you were right as *usual*! :D I treasure the look on your face when I walked in---I love you too! :) Unfortunately, my sandals got the best of me and I had to leave around 5...but the music was amazing. I would definitely come out for That Kid again :D

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Originally posted by j303j

he really isn't new on the scene. been around many years. i rememebr hearing about him around 95 but never got a chance to hear him. i will def have to check him out next time he is around.

Yo man...you're right. I don't know what these kids are talkin' about. He's been around since around 94-95 and had some records released on Strictly Rhythm.

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Yo man...you're right. I don't know what these kids are talkin' about. He's been around since around 94-95 and had some records released on Strictly Rhythm.

I know he's been producing for quite some time.......thats no secret.

But where does he play in the city on a regular basis? For someone thats been around forever and has proven to me he can lay an awesome set...........I'm surprised he's doesn't have a weekly somewhere.

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Gracias, Regina :) love you too dear. [haha TOLD YOU].

As for TKC... yes he has been around for a while. Victor Calderone and him grew up together, as i found out. I've got a few releases of his and i've always wanted to see him play, but it's difficult to find out stuff sometimes in NYC. Seems that unless you're a big name DJ, getting promoted is a bitch. I'm definitely going to make more of an effort to turn over every rock, tree and pimped out 83 corolla to find where he's playing at in the future though.

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Originally posted by hoke

Surely somebody knows this guy and can get us on mailing lists?

If he's consistently this good, I'd be the first to be his groupie! :D

I'll work on it :)

also you can email Melanie. She's his girlfriend and his Promoter (wow what a combo, eh?) Very professional girl. She posted on here for the guestlist info, so i hope she doesn't object to me re-posting her email addy:


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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Yo man...you're right. I don't know what these kids are talkin' about. He's been around since around 94-95 and had some records released on Strictly Rhythm.

True. But he gets nowhere near the publicity that these big name DJs do. Only people who are realy into music would know how long he was around. Goes to show you how many more talented DJs there are out there than many even realize. I honestly enjoyed his set more than Howells set last week. He really did mix it up. It wasn't just bang bang bang hard beats all night long--he played quite a variety of music. But ya gotta love the tribal!!!!!!!! :cool:

Hopefully he'll become a regular in the NY scene. It would be awesome to have a DJ of that caliber to have as an option on a Friday or Saturday night as opposed to the usual DJs we're familiar with. It really was a shame more people didn't show up, but that didn't stop him from throwing down a wicked set. This man needs more publicity. Next time he's here, I'll be sure to spread the word. ;)

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Originally posted by nycchic24

hahaha and you called me the animal last week (but i didn't go)

sounds like i missed a great night -- but many of you did make a solid effort to get me to continue the party... i just didnt have it in me (energy) :(

Yeah Sue, I went all out last night. JP was good but he played some of his basslines for too long and it got repetitive. Best I've heard him in a while, but he couldn't touch That Kid Chris. Nevertheless I had an awesome time at both places for different reasons. And my eardrums are paying the price right now. :shake:

BTW nice meeting those I hadn't met before. Hoke, Cintron, MarciD. :)

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Originally posted by £ddie

BTW nice meeting those I hadn't met before. Hoke, Cintron, MarciD. :)

Yeah man, it was great to meet you too... I'd say our little crew was the life of the party! :)

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Hoke, man we WERE the party! :)

lol it's so crazy. I couldn't help feeling all night that we OWNED that place. It belonged to US. It was one of those parties where you could stop and talk to every person and at the end of the night, remember everyone's name. insane. I haven't felt a vibe like that in Vinyl in a long time.

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Originally posted by cintron

Hoke, man we WERE the party! :)

lol it's so crazy. I couldn't help feeling all night that we OWNED that place. It belonged to US. It was one of those parties where you could stop and talk to every person and at the end of the night, remember everyone's name. insane. I haven't felt a vibe like that in Vinyl in a long time.

It felt like that at Casselle & Omid a while back... I think... I don't really remember, LOL.

Seriously, though some will complain about the lack of people... I think you get the best atmosphere that way. You can't have scene-heads when there's NO SCENE. All about the music: YES. Everybody there was in the frame of mind that says, "Fuck it, I paid my $20, I'm here to dance, I'm GOING to dance, and... wow... what a great set!" You couldn't help but feel a part of something special. :)

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