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Please Help//need Prom Nite Ideas

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Hey. I have my prom next Saturday nite and i wanna go somewhere afterprom that isnt Exit... i have a 21 NY id and so does my date, but none of the other ppl in my limo do, and some of them arent even 18!.. where would u suggest going? Ive been to sound factory, vinyl and exit and i wanna go maybe webster hall... what would u guys suggest? where is not so strict at the door but is a great club? myabe 18+?



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Originally posted by hckychik23

Hey. I have my prom next Saturday nite and i wanna go somewhere afterprom that isnt Exit... i have a 21 NY id and so does my date, but none of the other ppl in my limo do, and some of them arent even 18!.. where would u suggest going? Ive been to sound factory, vinyl and exit and i wanna go maybe webster hall... what would u guys suggest? where is not so strict at the door but is a great club? myabe 18+?



i suggest that all of you commit ritual suicide in the limo

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Originally posted by £ddie

The kill yourself line is kind of beat; if you can't answer the girl's question, just shut up. :idea:

He gets some kind of satisfaction with those kind of replies to a random person that asks some kind of question as this..uh MORON:idea:

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Originally posted by hckychik23

Hey. I have my prom next Saturday nite and i wanna go somewhere afterprom that isnt Exit... i have a 21 NY id and so does my date, but none of the other ppl in my limo do, and some of them arent even 18!.. where would u suggest going? Ive been to sound factory, vinyl and exit and i wanna go maybe webster hall... what would u guys suggest? where is not so strict at the door but is a great club? myabe 18+?



Sorry to cause drama on your thread, but to answer your question, stay away from Webster Hall. Don't go to Exit either on a Saturday. Sf and/or Vinyl are okay but why you would want to go to one of those places after your prom is beyond me. Think about trying a lounge or something as well.

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Originally posted by £ddie

Sorry to cause drama on your thread, but to answer your question, stay away from Webster Hall. Don't go to Exit either on a Saturday. Sf and/or Vinyl are okay but why you would want to go to one of those places after your prom is beyond me. Think about trying a lounge or something as well.

I agree. The clubs you mentioned will always be there, I also suggest something a bit more intimate and special. What that intimate and special thing is, I don't know, but it's out there. Like Eddie said, maybe a lounge, or even a good BASE jump from the statue of liberty naked. That would do the trick.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

I agree. The clubs you mentioned will always be there, I also suggest something a bit more intimate and special. What that intimate and special thing is, I don't know, but it's out there.

Not only that but. . .girl, why would u spend so much time money and effort on a prom dress, shoes, hair, nails, makeup or whatnot to get it all tattered and torn, sweaty and smelly in a superclub thats hot and packed (because yes prom kids are the worst, i was one of them, i should know) and get stuck with a super high dry cleaning bill?

get a hotel room with your fake id and party like a rockstar.

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Each member of your party can pay me 100 bucks and you can have full run of my place. I'll get about 10 cases of Peils premium lager,couple bags of pot and anything else you think you might need. We can set up a room with a blacklight and lava lamps for like making out and stuff or if you just need a break from the festivities. Cool...:)

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